Категории: Все - relaciones - estrés - adaptación - emociones

по Mirian Rojas Vilca 3 лет назад



El bienestar emocional implica una adaptación positiva y la habilidad de afrontar adversidades. Se trata de encontrar un equilibrio en los aspectos espiritual, emocional, mental y físico de la vida.



Type in the name of the company you are going to have an interview with.

¿Qué factores intervienen en la salud emocional?

Cuidar las relaciones con los demás.

What experience have you got from your previous jobs? Make sure you specify all your previous work experience, part-time jobs, vacation jobs, voluntary work, and unpaid work experience that are relevant for the position you are applying for.

se tiene que tener calidad en:


Actividad física



Describe a typical work day in your previous/current position.

Sus causas no solo son derivadas de situaciones de peligro o dolorosas, sino también de situaciones más rutinarias.
Da lugar a cambios en nuestro organismo a nivel biológico y psicológico que a su vez podrían causar ciertas enfermedades.
Es un proceso que se origina cuando las demandas de nuestro entorno superan nuestra capacidad para hacerles frente.

Why will/did you leave your existing/last job?

Nos informan sobre el estado emocional de otro ayudándonos a relacionarnos con los demás
Nos invitan a evitar el dolor y a acercarnos a lo positivo
Nos informan sobre lo que necesitamos preparándonos e impulsándonos para actuar.


How ambitious are you?

Si la situación te supera y te desborda: ¡Pide ayuda!
Acepta los reveses de la vida
Ten un estilo de vida saludable
Relaciónate. Conéctate
Fíjate propósitos en la vida
Busca actividades con las que disfrutes
Regula tus emociones

Where and how do you see yourself in 5 years time?

Type in the answers.


What are your long-term goals ?

Type them in.

Aprende a hablar de ti a las demás personas.

What are your short-term goals ?

Type them in.

Emociones relacionadas con la buena salud mental y física.

Do you fully understand what this position implies?

After you've made some research on the company, read the job description thoroughly, and try to fully understand what your responsibilities will be.

My first steps

What would you do on the first day?
What about the first week(s)? Fill in some of the actions that you are planning to take.


What do you think the main challenges will be?

Type them in.


What will be your main tasks?

Type them in.

¿Por qué es importante?

Te permite disfrutar de la vida
Te permite tener más salud
Te permite tener confianza para enfrentar los desafíos diarios

How would you describe yourself?

Type in a short description.

Te capacita para saber manejarte en tu vida cotidiana y ver el mundo de forma positiva

What are your hobbies?

What do you like to do in your free time? What was the last film you saw or the last book you read? Think of the activities that relax you the most. Fill in several hobbies.

se relaciona

Are you qualified for this position?

Interviewers will want to know whether or not you are able to do the job.

Answer the questions from this section and see if you are the right person for this position.

con la adaptación positiva y el afrontamiento de adversidades.

What strengths qualify you for this job?


ambitiousgood communicatorfocuseddeterminedadaptablecuriousoptimisthard workerhonestpoliteco-operativeself motivatedenthusiasticgood leaderstrategic thinkerquick learnerflexiblegood problem solver

¿Qué es?

Research the company

You should find and learn as much as you can about the company where you are having an interview.

The interviewer will want to see what you know about them and why you chose the company.

Doing your homework will show that you are really interested.

Es encontrar un balance en todos los aspectos de nuestra vida:

What can you do for this company that someone else can't?

Type in several unique traits that will turn you into the perfect candidate for the position.

Se entiende como un estado de salud mental que contribuye a que los seres humanos presenten sentimientos de :

Why do you want to work for this company?

Think of what you can do for them, not of what they can do for you.

de satisfacción con uno mismo