Категории: Все - characteristics - eukarya - evolution - animals

по David Tran 4 лет назад


Bio 2 Phylogenetic Tree

The content revolves around the evolutionary relationships and characteristics of various life forms, starting from universal ancestors to specific organisms like E. Coli, Methanobrevibacter smithii, and the American Black Bear.

Bio 2 Phylogenetic Tree

Universal Ancestor - Ester Linkages - DNA Presence

Common Ancestor of Eukarya and Archaea - Histones Present - Methionine - Multiple RNA polymerase with 8 or more polypeptides

American Black Bear (Ursus americanus) Eukarya - Organelles - Nucleus
Euglenoids Excavata - Feeding groove - Secondary plastids
Radiolarians SAR Clade

Common ancestor of Stramenopila and Alveolata - Secondary plastids

Dinoflagelletes Alveolata - Membranous vesicles on cell membrane - Tertiary plastids

Diatoms Stramenopila - Tripartite flagellar hair

Foraminiferas Rhizaria - Filose pseudopodia

Slime Mold Unikonta

Amoeba Amoebozoa - Pseudopodia (tubular or flat lobes)

Fly Agaric (Amanita muscaria) Opisthokonta - Single posterior flagellum - Multicellular - Absorptive heterotroph

Black Bread Mold (Rhizopus stolonifer) Fungi - Cell Wall - Zygotic life cycle

Common Ancestor of Choanoflagelletes and Animals

American Black Bear Animals - Mobility - Complex organ system - Gametic life cycle


Monarch Butterfly Bilateria - Bilateral body symmetry

Giant Sea Star Deuterostoma - Triploblasty - Radial and indeterminate embryonic cleavage - Fate of blastopore: anus

Echinoderms - Water vascular system

Common Ancestor - Notochord - Hollow, dorsal nerve cord - Post, anal tail - Pharyngeal slits

Common Ancestor - Cranium - Vertebral column

Common Ancestor - Jaws

Common Ancestor - Bony skeleton - Lungs/ lung derivatives

Common Ancestor -Lobe fins

Common Ancestor - Limbs with digits - Amniotic eggs

American Black Bear Mammalia - Endotherm - Hair - Milk

Green Sea Turtle Reptilia - Ectotherm - Birds : Endotherms

Red Eyed Tree Frog Amphibia - Ectotherm

Coelacanth Lobe-finned fishes

Blue Tang Ray-finned fishes

Great White Shark Chondrichthyes - Cartilaginous skeleton

Pacific Hagfish Agnathans

Urochordata - Sea Peaches

Cephalochordata - Branchiostoma lanceolatum

Holothuroidea - California Sea Cucumber - Lack spines - Reduced endoskeleton

Echinoidea - Purple Sea Urchin - No arms and spikes

Ophiuroidea - Serpent Star - No adhesive chemicals

Asteroidea - Giant Sea Star - Adhesive chemicals for gripping

Humboldt Squid Protostomia - Spiral and determinate embryonic cleavage - Fate of blastopore: mouth - Cephalization

Chesapeake Blue Crab Ecdysozoa - Diploblasty - Ecdysis


Hexapoda (Insects) - Monarch Butterfly - Several complex organ systems - Metamorphosis

Crustacea - Chesapeake Blue Crab - Specialized appendages (claws/pinchers)


Chelicerata - Southern Black Widow - Claw-like feeding appendages

Nematoads - Roundworm

Golden Apple Snail Lophotrochozoa - Triploblasty - Presence of trochophore larvae or lophophore

Platyhelminthes - Pork Tapeworm

Rhabditophorans - Macrostomum lignano - Parasitic

Trematoda - Sheep Liver Fluke - Require intermediate host

Cestoda - Pork Tapeworm - Lacks mouth and gastrovascular cavity

Annelida - Common Earthworm

Mullusca - Humboldt Squid - Golden Apple Snail

Cephalopoda - Humboldt Squid - Tentacles

Bivalvia - Soft Shell Clam - Shells divided in two (two halves, all marine)

Gastropoda - Golden Apple Snail - Shell (Marine and Terrestrial)

Moon Jelly Cnidaria - Radial body symmetry - Diploplasty

Anthozoans - Elkhorn Coral - Polyp form


Scyphozoa - Moon Jelly - Medusa form most of its life

Hydrozoa - Pennaria disticha - Polyp and medusa forms (alternation)

Giant Barrel Sponge Porifera


Chlorophytes Archaeplastida - Primary plastids

Common Ancestor - Sporic Life Cycle - Presence of Embryo - Desiccation-resistant spores - Apical Meristems - Gametangia - Sporangia

Common Ancestor

Common Ancestor - Presence of Lignin - Xylem/Phloem - Sporophyte (dominant generation) - Thick Waxy Cuticle - Stomata

Common Ancestor - Ovules - Pollen - Seeds - Heterospory - Wood

Angiosperms - Fruit - Endosperm - Ovaries - Flowers

White Water Lily (Nymphaea alba)

Southern Magnolia (Magnolia grandiflora)


Bald Cypress (Taxodium distichum)

Scots Pine (Pinus sylvestris)

Eastern Marsh Fern (Thelypteris palustris) Monilophytes - Megaphylls Leaves

Fan Clubmoss (Diphasiastrum digitatum) Lycophytes - Lycophyll Leaves

Field Hornwort (Anthoceros agrestis) Hornworts

Woolly Feather Moss (Tomentypnum nitens) Mosses

Common Liverwort (Marchantia polymorpha) Liverworts

Braun's stonewort (Chara braunii) Charophytes - Zygotic life cycle

Methanobrevibacter smithii Archaea -Ether linkages

E. Coli Bacteria - Peptidoglycan