по Emma Fehr 6 лет назад
Biology Themes Grades 9-12
Biology education for students in grades 9 through 12 covers a range of interconnected themes. Ecology and ecosystems are introduced early, focusing on how human activities impact the environment and the importance of maintaining balanced ecosystems.
Evolution & Relationships of Biology Themes Grades 9 - 12 Scientific Investigation Skills Technology Communication of Ideas Laboratory Skills Career Connections Inquiry & Research Genetics Molecular Genetics Genetic Disorders Molecular Components (i.e. DNA) Hereditary Mitosis Grade 10 Meiosis Genomic Research Grades 11, 12 Biochemistry Cellular Organelles Cellular Membranes Metabolic Processes Technology in medical, food, and pharmaceutical industries Grades 11 12 Cellular Biology & Systems Homeostasis Grade 12 Plant Systems Animal Systems Cell Division Cell Hierarchy Order of Specialization Grades 10 Technological Developments in Medical Field & Societal Connections (i.e. ethics) Grades 10, 11, 12 Biodiversity Anatomical and physiological characteristics Grades 10, 11 Conservation Grades 9 & 11 Phylogeny & Classification Human Activity Impact on Biodiversity Evolution Phylogeny & Classification / Speciation Theories Grades 9-12 Genetic Mutations Population Dynamics Grades 12 Bio Technology (i.e Artificial Selection) Grades 11 Ecology & Ecosystems Human Activity Impact on Environment Ecosystem Relationships & Balances Sustainable Ecosystems Grade 9