по Nick Root 11 лет назад
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In today's market you need ready access to legal advice and services. Considering we tie in with many other cloud apps we have to have some sort of agreement between us and them.
Better to be safe than sorry
A substantial amount of cash will be devoted to this area. Everything from Ad words to Consulting services
Cost is determined by hours and bandwidth used. Currently we have significant discount with Rackspace
We will be deploying a fully dedicated support channel based on the Zen-Desk Platform
Here clients can post tickets, chat with support and take care of billing
From here clients can not only learn about the uRadix platform but also start deployment of their dashboard.
Furthermore, instant chat is available on the site to help engage customers
Our various partners will refer clients based on their needs. Currently Rackspace is the biggest player for uRadix due to the fact that many of their clients are looking for turn key solutions hosted on the rackspace platform
After your dashboard is build you will use all of your cloud apps from only place. No need to log into this then that to get a file. It's all right there. If you have a document saved in let's say Dropbox, when you open the text editor (run by google docs) that file will be automatically available for you.
With the uRadix platform it does all the work of fetching and serving the information spread across your cloud apps.
Implement a 3rd party user directory seamlessly into your dashboard
I.E. Google Apps, Active Directory, or LDAP
Information is shared between all of your cloud applications. The Radix dashboard pushes and pulls information to your various 3rd party cloud apps
Ability to search across all of your cloud applications from a single point
Pulling existing cloud applications all into one seamless enviroment
We use alot of open source software. We as a company not only use it but we also contribute. Open source allows a much larger body of developers to add to / modify existing software.
We feel we have developed a model that is unique to the industry. It is important to be selective on how we go about sharing our information
Employ a group of hard working IT professionals. They need to be apart of the company's vision
Our entire platform is hosted on Rackspace. Furthermore hourly backups are performed.
We will migrate a clients existing cloud platform over to ours for a minimal fee (we want to off this service for free later on
Customers are charged a monthly base fee for the services
Our main focus in targeting this platform to small buisnesses. This allows them to leverage the power of cloud computing without having to sit there and spend all sorts of money developing their own apps. With our solution they can simply choose from thousands of pre-existing cloud apps to deploy as their own
Client can deploy a single user dashboard for personal use. They can tie in all their cloud apps like drop box, google docs, quicken etc
For all clients we are standing by to answer their deplyment questions
Full self help documentation that includes all information in order for clients to launch their dashboard
Clients can enroll and setup their own federated cloud platform and tie in most existing cloud applications
Cloud Software that we work with. this is the backbone of our platform. Thus we intend to stay highly involved in is support
We will need to constantly update / develop our software in order to keep our product correctly positioned
New company I am a part of, specializing in bringing various consulting groups together in one place.
Oracle Exalogic Elastic Cloud support
We tie in with many of Google's existing applications and services; such as the user directory, SAML (single sign on)
Cloud integrations company
Use for hosting and joint development of open stack. uRadix will be listed on their site as a partner.