Категории: Все - inquiry - documentation - training - physical

по Matthew Smith 15 лет назад


Career Course

The text outlines procedures for conducting a preliminary inquiry based on provided scenarios and supporting documentation. It emphasizes the importance of using references to collect data, make recommendations, write reports, and submit findings to commanding officers.

Career Course

Career Course


Preliminary Inquiry - With the aid of references adn provided a scenario with supporting documentation, conduct a preliminary inquiry in accordance with the references.
With the aid of references and provided a scenario with supporting documentation, submit a preliminaryinquiry in accordance with the references.
With the aid of references and provided a scenario with supporting documentation, arrange thepreliminary inquiry for submission in accordance with the references.
With the aid of references and provided a scenario with supporting documentation, make an appropriaterecommendation to the commanding officer based on findings of a preliminary inquiry in accordancewith the references.
With the aid of references and provided a scenario with supporting documentation, format a preliminaryinquiry in accordance with the references.
With the aid of references and provided a scenario with supporting documentation, write a preliminaryinquiry in accordance with the references.
Without the aid of references, identify the considerations for a preliminary inquiry in accordance withthe references.
Marine Corps Planning Process - With the aid of reference, discuss the methodology of the Marine Corps Planning Process, per MCWP 5-1.
Without the aid of reference, identify the components of the Marine Corps Planning Process per MCWP5-1.
Without the aid of reference, identify the tenants of the Marine Corps Planning Process per MCWP 5-1.
Without the aid of reference, identify the functional benefits of planning per MCWP 5-1.
Without the aid of reference, define planning per MCWP 5-1.
Supervise Combat Conditioning Training - With the aid of references, explain how to supervise physical readiness training (PRT), in order to ensure the unit's training requirements ar met, per MCO P6100.12, FM 21-20 and FMRP 0-1B.
Without the aid of references, state the safety concerns associated with conducting physical training indifferent climates, per FM 21-20.
Without the aid of references and given a description of a unit's physical readiness, select the fitness program that best applies, per FMFRP 0-1B.
Without the aid of references and given the FITT factors, match the FITT factor to its proper applicationto physical readiness training, per FM 21-20.
Without the aid of references and given a description of a component of physical conditioning, select thecomponent which best applies, per FM 21-20.
Without the aid of references, select the principles of exercise required for an effective physical fitnessprogram, per FMFRP 0-1B.
Without the aid of references and given a list of references, select the reference for developing a physicalfitness program, per FMFRP 0-1B.
Without the aid of references, state the regulations for conducting an official physical fitness test (PFT),per MCO P6100.12.
Without the aid of references and given a list of references, select the reference for administering aphysical fitness test (PFT), per MCO P6100.12.
Antiterrorism (Unit) - With the aid of references and given a group of Marines, advise Marines on the importance of unit anti-terrorism awareness, per FMFM 7-14.
Without the aid of references and given a scenario involving a terrorist act, select the phase described,per FMFM 7-14.
Without the aid of references, state the operations used by terrorist groups, per FMFM 7-14.
Without the aid of references, state the goals of terrorist groups, per FMFM 7-14.
Medical Evacuation - Provided a communication device, an information collection and medical evacuation request preparation table and a scenario requiring medical evacuation, conduce a MEDEVAC request per FM 8-10 in a time limit of 30 seconds.
Without the aid of references, select the parts of a landing zone brief, per MCRP 3-11.1A.
Without the aid of references, select the considerations for preparing a helicopter landing zone, perMCWP 3-11.4.
Without the aid of references, select the casualty precedence, per FM 8-10-6.
Military Operations Other Than War (MOOTW) - With the aid of references and given a group of Marines, explain the preparations needed to lead Marines in Military Operations Other Than War (MOOTW), per MCWP 3-33.
Without the aid of references, state the core capabilities associated with nonlethal effects of militaryoperations other than war (MOOTW), per MCWP 3-33.
Without the aid of references, state the concerns when transiting from military operations other than war(MOOTW) to war and vice versa, per MCWP 3-33.
Without the aid of references, state the logistical considerations during military operations other thanwar (MOOTW), per MCWP 3-33.
Without the aid of references, state the training considerations for military operations other than war(MOOTW), per MCWP 3-33.
Without the aid of references, state the importance of public affairs and the media during militaryoperations other than war (MOOTW), per MCWP 3-33.
Military Operations in Urban Terrain (MOUT) - With the aid of references and given a requirement to operate in an urbanized environment, explain the requirements necessary to lead Marines in an urbanized environment, per MCWP 3-35.3.
Without the aid of references, state the proper procedures used to control refugees in MOUT conditions,per MCWP 3-35.3.
Without the aid of references, state the considerations to leading an anti-armor ambush in MOUTconditions, per MCWP 3-35.3.
Without the aid of references, state the requirements used to control key terrain in MOUT conditions, perMCWP 3-35.3.
Without the aid of references, state the proper procedures used to clear a building in MOUT conditions,per MCWP 3-35.3.
Without the aid of references, state how the urban battlespace is divided, per MCWP 3-35.3.
Rear Area Security - With the aid of references, explain the leaders responsibility in supervising rear area security.
Without the aid of references, state the measures taken to enhance the area damage control effort, perFMFM 2-6.
Without the aid of references, identify examples of the two types of security measures used in rear areasecurity, per FMFM 2-6.
Without the aid of references, state the responsibilities included with establishing rear area security, perFMFM 2-6.
Platoon/Company Offensive Tactics - With the aid of references and give an operations order with commander's intent, apply the fundamentals of offensive tactics at the platoon/company level, in order to accomplish the mission in support of the commander's intent, per FMFM 6, FMFM 6-4, and FMFM 6-5
Call For Fire (CFF) - With the aid of a training simulator, map, protractorand enemy vehicle reference sheet, conduct a call for fire indirect fire mission, per MCWP 3-16.
With the aid of a training simulator, provide the battle damage assessment (BDA), with the end ofmission to the fire direction center (FDC), per MCWP 3-16.6 and the checklist.
With the aid of a training simulator, request for fire for effect, once adjusting rounds are on target, perMCWP 3-16.6 and the checklist.
With the aid of a training simulator, adjust rounds on target, per MCWP 3-16.6 and the checklist.
With the aid of a training simulator, map, protractor and enemy vehicle reference sheet, prepare a call forfire request, per MCWP 3-16.6 and the Checklist.
Without the aid of references, identify the specific elements required for each call for fire transmission,per MCWP 3-16.6.
Without the aid of references, identify examples of each of the six elements in a call for fire, per MCWP3-16.6.
Platoon/Company Defensive Tactics - With the aid of referencesand given an operations order with commander's intent, apply the fundamentals of defensive tactics at the platoon/company level, in orderto accomplish the mission in support of the commander's intent, per FMFM 6, FMFM 6-4, and FMFM 6-5.
With the aid of references, given a checklist, an offensive tactical situation, military map, and blankoverlay paper, prepare an overlay that supports the written operation's order, per FMFM 6, FMFM 6-4,and FMFM 6-5.
With the aid of references and given a checklist, an offensive tactical situation, verbal offensive battalionoperation order, write a company offensive order, per FMFM 6, FMFM 6-4, and FMFM 6-5.
Without the aid of references and given an offensive tactical situation, select the form of maneuver usedby the attacking unit, per FMFM 6 and FMFM 6-4.
Without the aid of references and given an offensive tactical situation, determine which of the threephases of offensive combat was used in the scenario, per FMFM 6-5.
Without the aid of references and given an offensive tactical situation, select the type of offensiveoperation used in the scenario, per FMFM 6.
Without the aid of references and given an offensive tactical situation, select which fundamental ofoffensive combat was used in the scenario, per FMFM 6-4.
Tactics - With the aid of references, discuss the Marine Corps' doctrine of tactics, per MCDP 1-3
Without the aid of references, state the primary way a Marine leader becomes an able tactician, perMCDP 1-3.
Without the aid of references, state what the two different ways are to adapt, per MCDP 1-3.
Without the aid of references, state which weapon is most often overlook by Marines, per MCDP 1-3.
Without the aid of references, state how to gain the advantage over an adversary, per MCDP 1-3.
Without the aid of references, state the what the objective of tactics is per MCDP 1-3.
Without the aid of references, state the definition of tactics, per MCDP 1-3.


Preventive Measures for Combat Stress - With the aid of references apply preventive actions to reduce combat stress in a unit in accordance with MCRP 6-11C.
Without the aid of references, identify the elements of a Critical Event Debrief used to reduce combatstress in a unit in accordance with MCRP 6-11C.
Without the aid of references, identify effective leadership skills utilized to reduce combat stress in aunit in accordance with MCRP 6-11C.
Without the aid of references, identify the building blocks used to prevent combat stress in a unit inaccordance with MCRP 6-11C.
Without the aid of references, identify the performance degradation preventive measures for combatstress in accordance with MCRP 6-11C.
Without the aid of references, identify the stress reduction techniques for leaders in accordance withMCRP 6-11C.
Without the aid of references, define combat stress in accordance with MCRP 6-11C.
Awards Recommendation - With the aid of references and given a scenario to recognize a Marine, write a personal award recommendation for a Navy and Marine corps Achievement Medal, per SECNAVINST 1650.1G, MCO 1650.19J and the Guide to Naval Writing.
With the aid of references and using your developed summary of action, write a proposed citation, for aNavy/Marine Corps Achievement Medal, per SECNAVINST 1650.1G, MCO 1650.19J, and thechecklist.
With the aid of references and given a scenario recognizing a Marine, write a summary of action, for aNavy/Marine Corps Achievement Medal, per SECNAVINST 1650.1G, MCO 1650.19J, and thechecklist.
With the aid of references and given a scenario recognizing a Marine, complete a personal awardrecommendation form (OPNAV INST 1650/30), for a Navy/Marine Corps Achievement Medal perSECNAVINST 1650.1G, MCO 1650.19J, and the checklist.
Performance Records - With the aid of references, explain how to ensure accuracy of performance records, per MCO P1610.7.
Without the aid of references and given a scenario depicting a discrepancy on performance records,determine the corrective action necessary, per MCO P1610.7_.
Without the aid of references, state the information contained in each section of the official militarypersonnel file, per MCO P1610.7_.
Without the aid of references, state where the information on the master brief sheet is derived from, perMCO P1610.7_.
Proficiency and Conduct Marks - With the aid of reference, explain the considerations for recommending proficiency and conduct marks, per MCO P1070.12K with Change 1.
With the aid of reference, and given a scenario of a Marines' conduct, state the marks that would begiven to this Marine, per MCO P1070.12K with change 1.
With the aid of reference, and given a scenario of a Marines' proficiency, state the marks that would begiven to this Marine, per MCO P1070.12K with change 1.
Without the aid of reference, given a list of occasions that require proficiency and conduct marks, perMCO P1070.12K with change 1.
Counseling - With the aid of references, explain the Marine Corps counseling program within the unit, per NAVMC 2795.
Without the aid of references, state the minimum information that should be included in counselingnotes, per NAVMC 2795.
Without the aid of references, state the small unit leader's responsibilities on counseling, per MCO1610.12.
Without the aid of references, state the objectives of the Marine Corps' policy on counseling, per MCO1610.12.
Public Speaking - With the aid of references and given an audience and a list of non-military topics, deliver a speech, per the checklist.
With the aid of references and given an audience, demonstrate effective delivery of a 10 minute speech,per the checklist.
Without the aid of references and given the requirement to deliver a speech, prepare a written outline,per the checklist.
Personnel Administration - With the aid of references and given a Marine with an administrative problem, advise Marines in matters of personnel administration, per MCO P5000.14C and MCO P1080.40A.
Without the aid of references, state the eligibility criteria for the Career Status Bonus/REDUX, perMARADMIN 244/00.
Without the aid of references, state the coverage amounts for Dependent's Servicemembers' Group LifeInsurance, per MCO P1741.8.
Without the aid of references, state the time frame for Unit Diary entries to post in the Marine CorpsTotal Force System, per MCO P1080.40A.
Without the aid of references and given an administrative problem, select the personnel admin sectionused to resolve that administrative problem, per MCO P5000.14C.
Without the aid of references, state the responsibilities of the Adjutant's section within consolidatedadmin office, per MCO P5000.14C.
Without the aid of references, state the primary goals of consolidated administration, per MCOP5000.14C.
Unit Training Management (UTM) - Without the aid of references and provided a Mission Essential Task List (METL), explain the methods for evaluating a unit's proficiency in accomplishing mission essential tasks, per MCRP 3-0A and MCRP 3-0B
Without the aid of references, state the steps to conduct an after action review, per MCRP 3-0B.
Without the aid of references, state the possible causes of training problems, per MCRP 3-0B.
Without the aid of references, state the methods for evaluating unit performance, per MCRP 3-0B.
Without the aid of references, state the references which govern a unit's performance standard, perMCRP 3-0A and MCRP 3-0B.

Military Studies

Military Staff Writing - With the aid of references, and using predetermined topics, apply writing skills to standard naval documents per SECNAVINST 5216.5D, FMFM 3-1, and the Guide to naval writing.
With the aid of references and using your draft document, edit the document per SECNAVINST5616.5D, the Guide to Naval Writing, and the checklist.
With the aid of references, apply the standards of naval writing when writing a naval document perSECNAVINST 5616.5D and the checklist.
With the aid of references, format the documents per SECNAVINST 5616.5D and the checklist.
With the aid of references and using a topic of choice, write a point paper per SECNAVINST 5616.5D.
With the aid of references and provided a scenario, write a standard naval document per SECNAVINST5616.5D.
With the aid of references and provided a scenario, write a business letter per SECNAVINST 5616.5D.
Company Sized Formations - With the aid of references and given a formation area, company-sized unit, organize company-sized formations, per MCO P5060.20.
Without the aid of references, state the sequence of events for forming a company, per MCO P5060.20.
Without the aid of references and given a description of a company-sized formation, select the locationof key personnel within a company-sized formation, per MCO P5060.20.
Without the aid of references, state the definition of an element when pertaining to company drill, perMCO P5060.20.
Law of Land Warfare - Given Marines, commander's guidance, and situations covered by the Law of Land Warfare, Enforce the Law of Land Warfare to ensure Marines engage in lawful warfare.
Without the aid of references, state the consequences when violating the law of land warfare, per ArmyPamphlet 27-200.
Without the aid of references, state who establishes the rules of engagement of the law of land warfare,per Army Pamphlet 27-200.
Without the aid of references, state the leader's responsibility in the law of land warfare, per theHandbook on the Law of Land Warfare by Frederic De Mulinen.
Without the aid of references, state the two principles that apply to the law of land warfare, per MCRP5-12.1A.
Without the aid of references, state three means by which the law of land warfare is accomplished, perMCRP 5-12.1A.
Without the aid of references, select the references that apply to the law of land warfare, per MCRP5-12.1A, the Handbook on the Law of War for Armed Forces by Frederic De Mulinen, and ArmyPamphlet 27-200.
Lawful Search - Given a situation covered by Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) and competent authority, conduct a lawful search and seizure without error and in accordance with commander's guidance.
Without the Aid of References, Given a List of Lawful Searches and a Scenario, State Which SearchApplies to the Scenario, per the Manual for Court-Martial.
Without the Aid of References and Given a Scenario of a Report from the Duty NCO about a DrugRelated Incident, State the Basis for Search Authorization to Conduct a Lawful Search, per the Manualfor Court-Martial.