Категории: Все - symptoms - stigma - consent

по IGNAT IGNAT 5 лет назад


Case 3

Several methods exist for testing and managing Hepatitis B, including serological and virological screens. Serological screens identify markers like HBsAg and anti-HBc, which indicate different stages and types of Hepatitis B infection.

Case 3

Floating topic

Case 3


Abdominal pain, fever, dark urine, jaundice
Children may not have any
1-6 months post-infection


Have FAQ-type pamphlet
e.g. will vaccine cause MS?

CDC says no!

Who has access to test results?
Patient wishes vs. risk of family/friends
Feelings of guilt
Don't judge
Impairs communication

State of body

Liver transplant?
Need prophylactic treatment To avoid infection of new liver
Only in chronic Hep B

Last stages of liver cirrhosis

Acute liver failure


More accurate for chronic Hep
Tests for viral DNA/RNA
Cheaper b/c can be analyzed outside lab
Screens for virus exposure via plasma

anti-HBs = Hepatitis B Surface Antibody indicates recovery/immunity/vaccination

anti-HBe = Hepatitis B e Antibody indicates Hep B clearance in pts with antiviral therapy

IgM anti-HBc = IgM Antibody to Hepatitis B core antigen indicates acute Hep B or reactivation

anti-HBc = Total Hepatitis B Core Antibody indicates previous/ongoing Hep B infection appear symptom onset --> persist for life

HBeAg = Hepititis B Surface Antigen E indicates active Hep B replication risk of tranmission

HBsAg = Hepititis B Surface Antigen A first marker to appear if persists > 6 months indicates chronic Hep B


Avoid alcohol + liver-intense medication over 1 year
Stops viral replication
Strenghtens body's own immune system against the virus

Risk factors for contracting Hep B

Sexual habits
Difficult to talk about
Daily habits
Dangerous to child
Risk behaviours for Hep B

Vaccination for child

"nothing" life-threatening
Usually mild lasting >24h
Dramatically reduces chances of infection 24-hours post vaccination
Free vaccinations for children in Romania
If child contracts Hep B, increased risk of developing chronic Hep B later
Check antibody level in blood
Mandated by the state?
Mom or grandparents?

Connection b/w drug intake + Hepititis B

Damaging nasal passages + oral cavity
More susceptible to other infections
Concurrent damage of liver
Spread via infected cooker, prep water, drug, needles