Impact Карты ума - Публичная галерея

Ознакомьтесь с нашей обширной публичной коллекцией карт ума impact, созданных пользователями Mindomo со всего мира. Здесь вы можете найти все публичные диаграммы, связанные с impact. Вы можете просмотреть эти примеры, чтобы получить вдохновение. Некоторые диаграммы также дают вам право копировать и редактировать их. Такая гибкость позволяет использовать эти mind maps в качестве шаблонов, экономя время и давая вам сильную отправную точку для вашей работы. Вы можете пополнить эту галерею своими диаграммами, как только сделаете их общедоступными, а также стать источником вдохновения для других пользователей и быть представленным здесь.

Requirement Gathering Checklist
दिपक पट्टनशेट्टी

Requirement Gathering Checklist

от दिपक पट्टनशेट्टी

9th Grade Biology HSCEs
Janee Gerding

9th Grade Biology HSCEs

от Janee Gerding

dekAbr nooN


от dekAbr nooN

Sewage/ Wastewater Treatment
By: Akshaya Madduru
Madduru Akshaya

Sewage/ Wastewater Treatment By: Akshaya Madduru

от Madduru Akshaya

Minimum wage
Mandrag Demodregon

Minimum wage

от Mandrag Demodregon

Impact Analysis Diagram
Bruce Lyne

Impact Analysis Diagram

от Bruce Lyne

Carbon + nickel (II) oxide = Nickel + Carbon monoxide
Khawaja Natasha

Carbon + nickel (II) oxide = Nickel + Carbon monoxide

от Khawaja Natasha

الحاسب في حياتنا
moh yah

الحاسب في حياتنا

от moh yah

Revolutions Unit Plan
Amie Brewster

Revolutions Unit Plan

от Amie Brewster

Quantifying the Dynamic Effects of Service Recovery on Customer Satisfaction
Laura Quiroga

Quantifying the Dynamic Effects of Service Recovery on Customer Satisfaction

от Laura Quiroga

Should College Athletes be paid?
jonathan greve

Should College Athletes be paid?

от jonathan greve

Lukas Bley


от Lukas Bley

self reflection mgmt5050
asti anastia

self reflection mgmt5050

от asti anastia

Killer whales
PriyaK 67

Killer whales

от PriyaK 67

Section B, Question 4: Power, Punishment and Control
G Dickinson

Section B, Question 4: Power, Punishment and Control

от G Dickinson

Power Messaging
Les Flammer

Power Messaging

от Les Flammer

Zoo Technology
Alexis Ogborn

Zoo Technology

от Alexis Ogborn

Standards-Based Education & NCLB
Barbara Derer

Standards-Based Education & NCLB

от Barbara Derer

Proportionality Test
Abouelfetouh ElSammak

Proportionality Test

от Abouelfetouh ElSammak

Affective Stylistics.
Alejandro Quintana Varela

Affective Stylistics.

от Alejandro Quintana Varela

hunny bunny


от hunny bunny

WBS Euro NCAP group

WBS Euro NCAP group

от Ludwig BIADALLA

3D Observation - Impact Art GCSE #01
Alex Elk

3D Observation - Impact Art GCSE #01

от Alex Elk

Mental Illness Awareness
Ashleigh Watson

Mental Illness Awareness

от Ashleigh Watson

6) 650 - Rock, Paper, Scissors (v3)
Gary Sibbitts

6) 650 - Rock, Paper, Scissors (v3)

от Gary Sibbitts

Health & Diet

Health & Diet

от Mai ALF

Findinding & Discussion
warin kaeokhunok

Findinding & Discussion

от warin kaeokhunok

650 2) Target Heart Rate - with validation
Gary Sibbitts

650 2) Target Heart Rate - with validation

от Gary Sibbitts

3D Observation - Impact Art GCSE
Alex Elk

3D Observation - Impact Art GCSE

от Alex Elk

Personal Goals
Hunjan Ojas

Personal Goals

от Hunjan Ojas

Environment and Warfare
Anna Crowe

Environment and Warfare

от Anna Crowe

Drive Daniel H. Pink
Oscar liang

Drive Daniel H. Pink

от Oscar liang

Δέσποινα Κατσάρη


от Δέσποινα Κατσάρη

NK - Competitive response
Nitin Kashyap

NK - Competitive response

от Nitin Kashyap

What is History?
Aini Parlan

What is History?

от Aini Parlan

Standards perspective on the formative and summative language assessment

Standards perspective on the formative and summative language assessment


Wong Zihao


от Wong Zihao

B2. use the social
studies inquiry
process to
investigate some of
the environmental
effects of different
types of land and/
or resource use in
Ontario municipal
regions, as well
as some of the
measures taken
to reduce the
negative impact
of that use
Rachael Stemmler

B2. use the social studies inquiry process to investigate some of the environmental effects of different types of land and/ or resource use in Ontario municipal regions, as well as some of the measures taken to reduce the negative impact of that use

от Rachael Stemmler

Anatoly Porsev


от Anatoly Porsev

Concussions in the NFL
Mike Wade

Concussions in the NFL

от Mike Wade

Communication Process
Mariana Calderón

Communication Process

от Mariana Calderón

M3 u13 public services
mark jenkins

M3 u13 public services

от mark jenkins

What is history about?
Noreen Tan

What is history about?

от Noreen Tan

Daren Wang


от Daren Wang

رد پای آب در زندگی
الناز اردونی جوان

رد پای آب در زندگی

от الناز اردونی جوان

High Impact Principal
Andrew Pearson

High Impact Principal

от Andrew Pearson

What does
it mean that
Ecosystem is

What does it mean that an Ecosystem is Sustainable?


2.B.2.1 Understanding User's Emotional Journey
Glenn Katz

2.B.2.1 Understanding User's Emotional Journey

от Glenn Katz

2) 650 Target Heart Rate with Validation
Gary Sibbitts

2) 650 Target Heart Rate with Validation

от Gary Sibbitts

What History is about?
Wan nurfazlyn nisha

What History is about?

от Wan nurfazlyn nisha

Manage a risk
Rodrigoh Henriques

Manage a risk

от Rodrigoh Henriques

עידו כהן


от עידו כהן

Gender inequality is one of the most    persistent evils of our time
jake brown

Gender inequality is one of the most persistent evils of our time

от jake brown

Sample Mind Map
Vogtel Vogtel

Sample Mind Map

от Vogtel Vogtel

sarapheena Presson


от sarapheena Presson

Why can teachers use nature to inspire students to connect to the arts during a school year?
Hannah Wessell

Why can teachers use nature to inspire students to connect to the arts during a school year?

от Hannah Wessell

Social media effect on culture
Jan Waginski

Social media effect on culture

от Jan Waginski

the impact of the suns energy
Letourneau Letourneau

the impact of the suns energy

от Letourneau Letourneau

Impact on Lung Disease
Laura Taylor

Impact on Lung Disease

от Laura Taylor

What do you already know about electricity?
 Whole class collaboration
Tram Nguyen Pham

What do you already know about electricity? Whole class collaboration

от Tram Nguyen Pham

Diego Lara


от Diego Lara

Tree organigram
Aaron Mohamed - Sir Winston Churchill PS (1555)

Tree organigram

от Aaron Mohamed - Sir Winston Churchill PS (1555)

Lily Wang


от Lily Wang

4 hour storyboard
Chris Ortolano

4 hour storyboard

от Chris Ortolano

Beth Shaw


от Beth Shaw

Literacy and illiteracy
Erick Arroyo

Literacy and illiteracy

от Erick Arroyo

Zachary Wee


от Zachary Wee

Jaskaran Aujla


от Jaskaran Aujla

A. Analyse
Deljin Mulla Ahmad Omar

A. Analyse

от Deljin Mulla Ahmad Omar

Science - Technology & Optics Assignment
Brar Navreet

Science - Technology & Optics Assignment

от Brar Navreet

The girl who silenced theworld for 5 minutes
Rosa Ochoa

The girl who silenced theworld for 5 minutes

от Rosa Ochoa

Hannah Craft


от Hannah Craft

Infertility and Fertility Treatment
Lianne Deano

Infertility and Fertility Treatment

от Lianne Deano

HLSR Recruitment
Dane Rivas

HLSR Recruitment

от Dane Rivas

Effectiveness of After-School Tutoring Programs
Ian Speece

Effectiveness of After-School Tutoring Programs

от Ian Speece

Strages of the project approach
Wenhao Yang

Strages of the project approach

от Wenhao Yang

Menstrual Monday:Activism
Arman Thind

Menstrual Monday:Activism

от Arman Thind

How people's mind is impacted from lack of socialization like during isolation
Tandon Rudransh

How people's mind is impacted from lack of socialization like during isolation

от Tandon Rudransh

Solar On Schools
Marcus Giron

Solar On Schools

от Marcus Giron

Problem description toolbox
Michelle Johana Villa Bellido

Problem description toolbox

от Michelle Johana Villa Bellido

Seeing a wildfire in a near 
by field while at recess.
Stacey Packard

Seeing a wildfire in a near by field while at recess.

от Stacey Packard

Discussion 2
Annemarie Neves

Discussion 2

от Annemarie Neves

Events, for context and progression 2
cara-joy harris

Events, for context and progression 2

от cara-joy harris

Water Scarcity
Michael Thomas

Water Scarcity

от Michael Thomas

Speech topic
Jafi Lu

Speech topic

от Jafi Lu

Ramas numeradas (luminosas)
Alba Tatiana Zavala Maldonado

Ramas numeradas (luminosas)

от Alba Tatiana Zavala Maldonado

social studies
bryan caldwell

social studies

от bryan caldwell

Brianna Johnson


от Brianna Johnson

Abdurahman Medhat


от Abdurahman Medhat

football stadiums
Adrián López López

football stadiums

от Adrián López López

Federal laws
Valentina De La Maza

Federal laws

от Valentina De La Maza

Colonization of Nigeria by England
Aziegbe Daniel

Colonization of Nigeria by England

от Aziegbe Daniel

Critical Analysis Essay
Brian Zager

Critical Analysis Essay

от Brian Zager

Rise of the Autonomous Machines
Jerry Zhang

Rise of the Autonomous Machines

от Jerry Zhang

Aitana Álvarez Díaz


от Aitana Álvarez Díaz

Managing Cyberbullying
Sergio Fidalgo Corujo

Managing Cyberbullying

от Sergio Fidalgo Corujo