Mitochondria Карты ума - Публичная галерея

Ознакомьтесь с нашей обширной публичной коллекцией карт ума mitochondria, созданных пользователями Mindomo со всего мира. Здесь вы можете найти все публичные диаграммы, связанные с mitochondria. Вы можете просмотреть эти примеры, чтобы получить вдохновение. Некоторые диаграммы также дают вам право копировать и редактировать их. Такая гибкость позволяет использовать эти mind maps в качестве шаблонов, экономя время и давая вам сильную отправную точку для вашей работы. Вы можете пополнить эту галерею своими диаграммами, как только сделаете их общедоступными, а также стать источником вдохновения для других пользователей и быть представленным здесь.

Cells brace map
Mindomo Team

Cells brace map

от Mindomo Team

Types of Cellular Injury
Chan Samuel

Types of Cellular Injury

от Chan Samuel

Cell Communication
Susann Escobar

Cell Communication

от Susann Escobar

Metabolic Process
Natalie Mammone

UNIT 2: Metabolic Process

от Natalie Mammone

Cellular Respiration Concept  Map
cart5670 cart5670

Cellular Respiration Concept Map

от cart5670 cart5670

Bio 311C Concept Map
Jeremy Wright

Bio 311C Concept Map

от Jeremy Wright

Emma Spence


от Emma Spence

Cell process
Claudia Briggs

Cell process

от Claudia Briggs

Sample Mind Map
Wan Muliati Bt Wan Zainal Abidin

Sample Mind Map

от Wan Muliati Bt Wan Zainal Abidin

cell organelles
arianna luhman

cell organelles

от arianna luhman

Brenda Mitchell


от Brenda Mitchell

New Map
Tessa Kindschy

New Map

от Tessa Kindschy

Cellular Respiration Mind Map
Camryn MacIntyre

Cellular Respiration Mind Map

от Camryn MacIntyre

Inner Workings of the Human Body Systems When Exercising
Majd Al-Aarg

Inner Workings of the Human Body Systems When Exercising

от Majd Al-Aarg

Organelles job
Emma Sawallisch

Organelles job

от Emma Sawallisch

Nikina Bear-Lowen


от Nikina Bear-Lowen

In glycolysis and enzyme one molecule of glucose is broken into two molecules of pyruvate.
Moses Aidoo

In glycolysis and enzyme one molecule of glucose is broken into two molecules of pyruvate.

от Moses Aidoo

Parts of the Plant Cell
Alex Sian

Parts of the Plant Cell

от Alex Sian

Differences between Aerobic and Anaerobic System
nurul maizurah

Differences between Aerobic and Anaerobic System

от nurul maizurah

Chapter 9
Logan Gray

Chapter 9

от Logan Gray

Cell Proesses
Lydia Potvin

Cell Proesses

от Lydia Potvin

Nataly Morocho


от Nataly Morocho

Arif Fakhry bin Zamron


от Arif Fakhry bin Zamron

bio outside reading map
Dalton Greenough

bio outside reading map

от Dalton Greenough

Sathvik Srikalyani


от Sathvik Srikalyani

Tech Essay #1
Jane Matsell

Tech Essay #1

от Jane Matsell

Biological Molecules: Key Terms
Drew Karaim

Biological Molecules: Key Terms

от Drew Karaim

Proteins are a macromolecule that consists of monomers called amino acids, and polymers that are a called polypeptides. These proteins are made up of carbons, hydrogens, oxygens, nitrogen's, and sulphur's. Proteins functions can be divided in to two areas, regulatory proteins and structural proteins. Regulatory proteins are enzymes, messenger hormones, and defence antibodies that help regulate cells. Structural proteins help with movement and build structure, as hair, cell membranes, and muscle fibers all consists of these structural proteins.
Brian Park

Proteins are a macromolecule that consists of monomers called amino acids, and polymers that are a called polypeptides. These proteins are made up of carbons, hydrogens, oxygens, nitrogen's, and sulphur's. Proteins functions can be divided in to two areas, regulatory proteins and structural proteins. Regulatory proteins are enzymes, messenger hormones, and defence antibodies that help regulate cells. Structural proteins help with movement and build structure, as hair, cell membranes, and muscle fibers all consists of these structural proteins.

от Brian Park

BIO 311C Concept Map
Long H Nguyen

BIO 311C Concept Map

от Long H Nguyen

Nikina Bear-Lowen


от Nikina Bear-Lowen

Cell Processes - Spencer Place
Spencer Place

Cell Processes - Spencer Place

от Spencer Place

cellular resperation
Macy Clements

cellular resperation

от Macy Clements

Biology Photosynthesis Boricua
Diego Pimentel

Biology Photosynthesis Boricua

от Diego Pimentel

Cellular Respiration Mind Map
Brady Rangel

Cellular Respiration Mind Map

от Brady Rangel

Alexandra Smith


от Alexandra Smith

Comparing Chloroplasts and the Mitochondria
Hailey Satar - Aylesbury PS (1425)

Comparing Chloroplasts and the Mitochondria

от Hailey Satar - Aylesbury PS (1425)

Chinwendu Ikenyei


от Chinwendu Ikenyei

Chapter 7: Energy Systems and Muscle Fibers
Liam Duclos

Chapter 7: Energy Systems and Muscle Fibers

от Liam Duclos