Perspectives Карты ума - Публичная галерея

Ознакомьтесь с нашей обширной публичной коллекцией карт ума perspectives, созданных пользователями Mindomo со всего мира. Здесь вы можете найти все публичные диаграммы, связанные с perspectives. Вы можете просмотреть эти примеры, чтобы получить вдохновение. Некоторые диаграммы также дают вам право копировать и редактировать их. Такая гибкость позволяет использовать эти mind maps в качестве шаблонов, экономя время и давая вам сильную отправную точку для вашей работы. Вы можете пополнить эту галерею своими диаграммами, как только сделаете их общедоступными, а также стать источником вдохновения для других пользователей и быть представленным здесь.

Language Acquisition
Katelin Eagen

Language Acquisition

от Katelin Eagen

How does Jekyll describe Lanyon? what does this suggest about Jekyll feeling about his own abilities?
Saverman Blazerman

How does Jekyll describe Lanyon? what does this suggest about Jekyll feeling about his own abilities?

от Saverman Blazerman

Caty Primo


от Caty Primo

Web 2.0 tool: Blackboard
claire watson

Web 2.0 tool: Blackboard

от claire watson

Mesoamerica 1
Vanessa Clarke

Mesoamerica 1

от Vanessa Clarke




Civil Rights Milestones
Kevin Tripp

Civil Rights Milestones

от Kevin Tripp

4) 601 - Rock, Paper, Scissors
Gary Sibbitts

4) 601 - Rock, Paper, Scissors

от Gary Sibbitts

Knowledge Construction
Mohd Fuad Mohamed Yusof

Knowledge Construction

от Mohd Fuad Mohamed Yusof

The Fight for Independence
John Tran

The Fight for Independence

от John Tran

Treaty 7 Research Lily
Lily Booth

Treaty 7 Research Lily

от Lily Booth

What is homework for?
Edward Podesta

What is homework for?

от Edward Podesta

Character Web
Julie Balen

Character Web

от Julie Balen

Funds of Knowledge
Colin Pierce

Funds of Knowledge

от Colin Pierce

95 thesis
Valery MacLean

95 thesis

от Valery MacLean

Green New Deal
Kathleen Xu - Rick Hansen SS (2542)

Green New Deal

от Kathleen Xu - Rick Hansen SS (2542)

Where do we see Dialogue
Nicole Roasa

Where do we see Dialogue

от Nicole Roasa

Liliana Gutiérrez


от Liliana Gutiérrez

The BSC is a strategic tool that seeks to align the objectives of the company with its vision and strategy and was popularized by Robert Kaplan and Greg Norton in the 1990s
Martha Liliana Penagos Ospina

BALANCED SCORECARD: The BSC is a strategic tool that seeks to align the objectives of the company with its vision and strategy and was popularized by Robert Kaplan and Greg Norton in the 1990s

от Martha Liliana Penagos Ospina

hat makes a good debate_IGCSE I 2018-2019
Sebastian Engel-Vermette

hat makes a good debate_IGCSE I 2018-2019

от Sebastian Engel-Vermette

Pathway to Confederation
Ryan Gupta

Pathway to Confederation

от Ryan Gupta

History/Social Science Curriculum
Mitchell Dail

History/Social Science Curriculum

от Mitchell Dail

Mika Talor


от Mika Talor

Where Does Creativity Come From?
Alishba red

Where Does Creativity Come From?

от Alishba red

History of qualitative research

History of qualitative research


Literature Circles
Courtney Bull

Literature Circles

от Courtney Bull

New Map
Meaghan Confiant

New Map

от Meaghan Confiant

College Education
Angel Mitchell

College Education

от Angel Mitchell

Final Geography: Master
Christopher Allen

Final Geography: Master

от Christopher Allen

Representació d'objectes
Víctor Manuel Haro

Representació d'objectes

от Víctor Manuel Haro
Andrew Witte

от Andrew Witte

Based on your Learning, follow the pathway for your next assignment(s)
Kevin Shea

Based on your Learning, follow the pathway for your next assignment(s)

от Kevin Shea

Based on your Learning, follow the pathway for your next assignment(s)
Kevin Shea

Based on your Learning, follow the pathway for your next assignment(s)

от Kevin Shea

Pathway to Confederation
Labeeque Hanif

Pathway to Confederation

от Labeeque Hanif

ines candau ybarra


от ines candau ybarra

Individual assignments
Mindomo Team

Individual assignments

от Mindomo Team

Design Problem
Keri Valentine

Design Problem

от Keri Valentine

Teagan Seymour


от Teagan Seymour

Hannah Craft


от Hannah Craft

The Roommate Dynamic
Grace Bryner

The Roommate Dynamic

от Grace Bryner

What makes a memorable life moment and why is it hard to appreciate it once it's happening?
Gabrielle Alder

What makes a memorable life moment and why is it hard to appreciate it once it's happening?

от Gabrielle Alder
Hector Trejo

от Hector Trejo

Sample Mind Map
carolina londoño buitrago

Sample Mind Map

от carolina londoño buitrago

Why Study History?
Luke Zaya

Why Study History?

от Luke Zaya

NBE3U Culminating on 4R's of Learning
Rohan Raina

NBE3U Culminating on 4R's of Learning

от Rohan Raina

Sample Mind Map
Justin Alvarado Hoo - Settlers Green PS (1563)

Sample Mind Map

от Justin Alvarado Hoo - Settlers Green PS (1563)

Promotion of L1 in the Classroom
Graham Page

Promotion of L1 in the Classroom

от Graham Page

Johanna Aviles


от Johanna Aviles

The 7 Social Change Theories Explained
Kristen Rainford

The 7 Social Change Theories Explained

от Kristen Rainford

When and how should we impose our values on people who have a very different way of looking at the world?

When and how should we impose our values on people who have a very different way of looking at the world?


Thinking like a Geographer-Jacob
jacob jennings

Thinking like a Geographer-Jacob

от jacob jennings

Decision making from the perspective of nursing students
leidy Quiñones

Decision making from the perspective of nursing students

от leidy Quiñones

Aztec Account, 1st Meeting
By: Angeleena Prince
Angeleena Prince

Aztec Account, 1st Meeting By: Angeleena Prince

от Angeleena Prince

trc calls to action
Zoe siller

trc calls to action

от Zoe siller

Plan - 2024 March
Korsal Chou

Plan - 2024 March

от Korsal Chou

Autonomy-supportive teaching 
  an instructional effort by teachers to provide students with a classroom environment that supports their need for autonomy. The teacher who applies this style highly respects student perspectives, initiative, and needs. They see the student as an ally and their role as guiding the learning process.
Practices suggested:
bothain dbari

Autonomy-supportive teaching an instructional effort by teachers to provide students with a classroom environment that supports their need for autonomy. The teacher who applies this style highly respects student perspectives, initiative, and needs. They see the student as an ally and their role as guiding the learning process. Practices suggested:

от bothain dbari

Anthropocene: The Age of Humanity
Cecilia Clemens

Anthropocene: The Age of Humanity

от Cecilia Clemens

Autonomy-supportive teaching   an instructional effort by teachers to provide students with a classroom environment that supports their need for autonomy. The teacher who applies this style highly respects student perspectives, initiative, and needs. The
bothain dbari

Autonomy-supportive teaching an instructional effort by teachers to provide students with a classroom environment that supports their need for autonomy. The teacher who applies this style highly respects student perspectives, initiative, and needs. The

от bothain dbari

Differences in Western vs. Amerindian philosophies
Cecilia Clemens Vargas Lugo

Differences in Western vs. Amerindian philosophies

от Cecilia Clemens Vargas Lugo