Youth Карты ума - Публичная галерея

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Constructions of Childhood
Gillian Dickinson

Constructions of Childhood

от Gillian Dickinson

Nik Khatame


от Nik Khatame

Youth Crime Statistics
Gillian Dickinson

Youth Crime Statistics

от Gillian Dickinson

Youth culture
Renata Rubio

Youth culture

от Renata Rubio

Vatican 2
Liz LeRoy

Vatican 2

от Liz LeRoy

Social Constructions of Childhood
Gillian Dickinson

Social Constructions of Childhood

от Gillian Dickinson

Asg2.1_Organisasi Pergerakan_Febryan_Shabrina_XI MIA 1
Febryan P.K

Asg2.1_Organisasi Pergerakan_Febryan_Shabrina_XI MIA 1

от Febryan P.K

Understanding the Aspect of Mentorship
Shamina Gilmore

Understanding the Aspect of Mentorship

от Shamina Gilmore

Youth Crime
Ellie Pitcher

Youth Crime

от Ellie Pitcher

Section B, Question 3: Trends in Youth Justice Policy
Gillian Dickinson

Section B, Question 3: Trends in Youth Justice Policy

от Gillian Dickinson

Sample Mind Map
Loveleen Kaur - Jean Augustine SS (2612)

Sample Mind Map

от Loveleen Kaur - Jean Augustine SS (2612)

ROOM Jack mindmap
sofia brown

ROOM Jack mindmap

от sofia brown

MLS Learning Jacksonville Florida
MLS Learning, Inc.

MLS Learning Jacksonville Florida

от MLS Learning, Inc.

1. What is Critical Thinking?
Javier Sánchez-Collado

1. What is Critical Thinking?

от Javier Sánchez-Collado

Jackson Holubowicz


от Jackson Holubowicz

Shades of Meaning
Michelle Azpeitia

Shades of Meaning

от Michelle Azpeitia

Maida Majeed - Jean Augustine SS (2612)


от Maida Majeed - Jean Augustine SS (2612)

citizens, society, and the state
Jason Apgar

citizens, society, and the state

от Jason Apgar

Physical Activity
Padhiar Himani

Physical Activity

от Padhiar Himani

Ways Culture Influences Social Trends
Emma Quinlan

Ways Culture Influences Social Trends

от Emma Quinlan

Greeklish-to use or not to use

Greeklish-to use or not to use


Online Shopping Fiesta
Khawaja Natasha

Online Shopping Fiesta

от Khawaja Natasha

Jason Plevell


от Jason Plevell

lang. arts
raquel olivo

lang. arts

от raquel olivo

Section B, Question 2: Integrated to Enhanced Pathway Risk Factor Theories
Gillian Dickinson

Section B, Question 2: Integrated to Enhanced Pathway Risk Factor Theories

от Gillian Dickinson

Age of Concepts
tanner greenwalt

Age of Concepts

от tanner greenwalt

First Evangelical
Stanley Draper

First Evangelical

от Stanley Draper

The legal United States smoking age is raised to 21 years old.
Madi Feldman

The legal United States smoking age is raised to 21 years old.

от Madi Feldman

Policy Project
Gloria Gonzalez

Policy Project

от Gloria Gonzalez

Shah Khairul


от Shah Khairul

Cristina Gila


от Cristina Gila

Canadian Government Role in International Business
Mohamed Bahgat

Canadian Government Role in International Business

от Mohamed Bahgat

Youth Culture
Alexi Cude

Youth Culture

от Alexi Cude

Eric Tichenor


от Eric Tichenor

Jana Chilton


от Jana Chilton

3 Fisher Cissell Secret Society
Mary Fisher

3 Fisher Cissell Secret Society

от Mary Fisher

Connecting Social Media to Politics
Jaren Kump

Connecting Social Media to Politics

от Jaren Kump

Evaluate the feasibility and effectiveness of using sport programs at municipal recreation centres to help reduce youth violence
Gacic Milica

Evaluate the feasibility and effectiveness of using sport programs at municipal recreation centres to help reduce youth violence

от Gacic Milica

Cigarette packs are the 'Silence Salesman'
Haritsah Sulistya

Cigarette packs are the 'Silence Salesman'

от Haritsah Sulistya

Young people from 17-25 in the Netherlands
Kleinbussink Kleinbussink

Young people from 17-25 in the Netherlands

от Kleinbussink Kleinbussink

Tobacco Ban
Gene Henderson

Tobacco Ban

от Gene Henderson

social protection & youth exclusion in the EU
angelina toemasian

social protection & youth exclusion in the EU

от angelina toemasian

digIT UP
ana serban serban

digIT UP

от ana serban serban

Agricultural Employment in Africa
Syeda Eruj - Rick Hansen SS (2542)

Agricultural Employment in Africa

от Syeda Eruj - Rick Hansen SS (2542)

Tobacco age raised
Kale Heth

Tobacco age raised

от Kale Heth

Menstrual Monday:Activism
Arman Thind

Menstrual Monday:Activism

от Arman Thind

learning opportunities
Hundal Simran

learning opportunities

от Hundal Simran

Marie Helene Fries


от Marie Helene Fries

Etapas del desarrollo humano
Belén Jijón

Etapas del desarrollo humano

от Belén Jijón

Possession of controlled substances is no longer illegal
Aiden Tyler

Possession of controlled substances is no longer illegal

от Aiden Tyler

Punjabi Community Health Services
Jonelle St. Aubyn

Punjabi Community Health Services

от Jonelle St. Aubyn

Рамакришна Парамахамса
Anna M

Рамакришна Парамахамса (1836-1886)

от Anna M

Youth Development Work
Roy Giliban

Youth Development Work

от Roy Giliban

Argumentation MindMap Template
Francisca Paulina Jara Arenas

Argumentation MindMap Template

от Francisca Paulina Jara Arenas

Youth and Societal Norms
Megan Maguire

Youth and Societal Norms

от Megan Maguire

          Cannabis          Info from Health           Canada
Murali Akshara

Cannabis Info from Health Canada

от Murali Akshara

Guvinderdeep Pathania


от Guvinderdeep Pathania

Claim - Advertisements for online sports betting should be banned
Aryan Shah

Claim - Advertisements for online sports betting should be banned

от Aryan Shah