Категории: Все - acceleration - motion - displacement - velocity

по Jackson Smock 6 лет назад


Ch. 2 Motion Map

Predicting the motion of an object in one dimension involves understanding various physical quantities such as speed, acceleration, velocity, displacement, and direction. Speed measures how fast an object moves, while velocity indicates speed in a specific direction.

Ch. 2 Motion Map

Driving Question: How can we predict the motion of an object in 1 dimension?

Initial Answer: We can predict the movement of an object by looking at what we already know and using it to figure out the answer.

What is the relationship between velocity and acceleration?

Definition of Speed - measure of motion
A car is going to go 750 miles for a road trip. It will go on an average rate of 50 miles per hour. It will take 15 hours to get to your destination.
Definition of Acceleration - Change in speed
If you accelerate 10 m/s in 5 feet, your slope is 2.
Slope is rise over run.
Definition of Velocity - Speed in a given direction
EX: A train travels at 1004 meters in 8 seconds. Your velocity is 125.5 m/s.

FINAL ANSWER: We can figure out what the speed, acceleration, direction, and velocity t to determine the direction, and distance of how far the object is going.

Why do two objects released at the same time and height hit the ground at the same time?

The only way that they won't hit the ground at the same time is if air resistance pushes them down at the same time.
Without air resistance, any 2 objects would fall at the same time.
They will hit at the same time because gravity pushes them down at the same time.
The rate of gravity is -9.8 m/s.
It may look like the objects are not moving and are just sitting there.

What is the relationship between displacement and motion?

Motion Definition - a change in position with speed and direction
Velocity is measured in m/s.
Speed is measured in mph, kph, or m/s.
Acceleration is measured in meters/second squared.
Motion can be measured in speed, velocity, or acceleration
Displacement Definition - how for you move in a straight line from one place to another.
Ex: If you go 52 meters west, then 69 meters east, your displacement would be 17 meters.
Ex: If you move 45 meters north, then go 35 meters south, your displacement would be 10 meters.
There would not be displacement without motion.
In order to have displacement, you must be in motion so that you change direction.