по Stormy Hutchison 13 лет назад
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By : Tammi Watts
Stormy Hutchinson
G bonds with C
A bonds with T
Hydrogen bonds held certain nitrogenous base pairs together
Phosphate portions
One of Four Nitrogen bases
Biochemist E. Chargaff determined DNA structure
"Chargaffs Rule" 1940
Deoxyribose Sugar
Phosphate Group
Chromosomes are made of DNA and Proteins.
Transformed Bacteria revealed the link between Genes and DNA.
F. Griffith worked with 2 strains of Streptococcus Pneumoniae Bacteria.
Living R stain bacteria were transformed by genetic material released by the S strain
Avery,Mcleod, and MCarty (1940's)
The transforming molecule from the S strain was DNA
Strain R did not cause pneumonia.
Strain S caused pneumonia when injected into mice, killing them. He then made a sample of heat-killed S Strain and mixed it with R Strain....this combination caused death as well through pneumonia.
a chunck of DNA (often very large) is removed from one chromosome and attached to another
A piece of DNA is cut out of chromosome, turned around,and reinserted into gap
one or more nucleotide pairs are removed from the DNA double helix
one or more nucleotide pairs are inserted into DNA double helix
individual nucleotide pairs are removed from the double helix
UV light from sun causes DNA damage
DNA damage leads to uncontrollable cell division and skin cancer.
Certain chemicals (componets of cigarette smoke)
Spontaneous chemical breakdown at body temperature
replacing mismatched nucleotides
DNA Polymerases position Free Nucleotides across complementary nucleotides
If one strand reads ATG, the other reads TAC
The two resulting DNA molecules have one old parental strand and a new strand (semiconservative replication)
Cytosine pairs with Guanine
An Adenine on one strand pairs with thymine on another strand
Base paring is the Foundation for DNA replication
A second strand of new DNA is synthesized along each seperated strand .
A 10 nucleotide sequence can code for greater than 1 million different combinations
The sequence of only four nucleotides can produce mant different combinations
The binary language of computers uses only two "letters"
"on and Off"
0 and 1
Hawaiian has 2 letters
English has 26 letters
small sets of letters combine in various ways to make up different words