по María Isabel Yamberla Cachimuel 4 лет назад
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Learn more about hurricanes and tornadoes, the areas of the world they affect, how they are formed and when, and what you can do to survive such an extreme storm.
Hurricanes that have been known throughout history
Dificultad de escribir oraciones utilizando conectores.
Dificultad en la radacción
Faltas ortográficas
• Falta de comprensión lectora.
• Rendimiento inferior al esperado en relación a sus características personales y escolares.
Alteraciones en lenguaje
Where did it hit?
Type in the name of the area that was affected.
Inmadurez o alteraciones cognitivas
When did it take place?
Type in the answer.
How do hurricanes form?
Watch the video then type in a short explanation of how the hurricanes are formed.
The classification system for hurricanes is called The Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Wind Scale, and it's a 1 to 5 categorization of the hurricane's intensity at the indicated time.
Each category expresses the intensity in miles per hour. Example: category 1 (74-95 mph).
Type in the other 4 categories.
Tornadoes that have been known throughout history
Disfunción neuronal que no permite organizar para iniciar la escritura.
Retardo psicomoriz al caminar o hablar
alteración de la memoria a corto o largo plazo que no permite la práctica de la escritura
When did it took place?
Type in the answer.
• Lectura lenta, con silabeos, pérdida de línea… tiene dificultad para leer palabras y frases.
What were the damages caused by it?
Type in the answer.
• Presentar dificultad para distinguir algunas letras o para leerlas en el orden adecuado.
Where did it occur?
Type in the name of the area that was affected.
Research on the emergency procedures and safety tips that can keep you safe before, during and after a hurricane. Type in several of them.
Se enfrenta con sus miedos y se relaciona con la sociedad
List several safety tips that will help you cope with the situation after the tornado has left your area.
List several emergency procedures and safety tips that will keep you safe during a tornado.
List several emergency procedures and safety tips that will prepare you for a tornado.
Tornadoes are the most violent storms on Earth
Watch the video then type in a short explanation of how the tornadoes are formed.