по Lady Dallana Gutierrez Lozano 2 лет назад
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The institution have an outdated curriculum that do not cover the social trends and demands
Coaching strategies (LABA, K. 2011)
check if the curriculum is working correctly
verify if the changes are being implemented, adjust
change the traditional teaching methods
Planning the school improvement process
Assesment: SWOT (Streghts, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats.
executive coaching
How they can improve the curriculum to be adapt it for a menaningful learning process in base of new teaching and learning methods.
Directors and coordinators
Expert coach in management
How to use technological sources to improve the students´ learning process
Adapt an attitude of lifelong learning
Implement in the classroom technologcal resourcess
Iniciative to make innovations in their practices
seeks what technological resources Teachers use the most and how they apply it in class
Expert teacher
Students have issues to learn the second conditional in English
Coaching strategies
Questionary about how students learn more effectively
Academic Coaching
Improve student learning skills
A student or Group of Students
Long-term global development
Provides orientation
Focuses on mentor's knowledge
tells you what to do, analyse origin of the problem
Treats depression, anxiety dissorders, addictions, divorce, phobias, low self-esteem.
Discovering individual potential
To improve the general performance of the school: Directors & Coordinator management training
Executive coaching
Expert teacher coach other teachers
Pedagogical coaching
Interviewing to personal help to improve certain learning
Academic coaching
Reflective short in time interviews to improve performance
Parental coaching
Educational quality management
curriculum, teaching & evaluating methodologies, Educational resources, intitutional environment.
Continuous improvement
Orientation towards results
Organizational Learning
Requesting and giving feedback
more effective work
Motivational Interviews
Conversation help other to generate their internal motivations for change
Active Listening
Learning what clients need to be successful
Socratic Questions
Focused and open questioning
encourage refletion
Specific purpose
Interview protocol
Coach guide without interferring
Awareness, Analysis, Action, Achievement (MATTONE, J. 2019)
Number of sessions
with coach´s help adapt the work method
Analysis of Strength and skills to improve
Provides orientation towards the situation
Acts as a questioner
focuses on the client experiences and criteria
Chilean School
the central role of language as a mediator of human action
each person is an observer who interprets his world through language
American School
the coach knows that client has the ability to decide for himself
moving from a current situation to a desired situation
European School
Grow methodology
Help the coachee to realize their potential