Категории: Все - leadership - risk - stakeholders - ethics

по will nyam 24 часов назад


Corporate Governace

Corporate governance encompasses a range of practices aimed at ensuring ethical behavior, transparency, and accountability within organizations. Effective governance involves addressing issues such as remuneration, stakeholder inclusivity, and diversification.

Corporate Governace

Corporate Governace

Main topic

Organizational Ethics

Code Of Conduct and Ethics
Advice to employees on ethics, norms and moral

Risk Governance

Directors and Officers are well remunerated.
Audit,risk and compliance independence
External Audit unrestricted access to CEO and Shareholders


Remuneration Commitee to decide on fair remuneration for executives and directors
Appropriate Company Structure.PRASA CEO raised his own salary by over 350%. https://www.ru.ac.za/perspective/2017archives/howgovernancefailuresmessedupprasa.html

King IV, ethics and corporate governance relationship

responsible and sustainable conduct by all stake holders involved

Guidelines for companies to implement good governance through soft law(ethics)

Corporate governance encourages stakeholders to exercise good morals for sustainability and benefit to everyone through a set of guidelines in the King 1V

Changes and new issues adressed

Remuneration Governance
Business rescue
Stakeholder inclusivity
Information Governance
State owned enterprises should be independent


Co conflict of interest.Old mutual CEO Dividend paid by an investment company he partially owned .https://theconversation.com/when-a-company-falls-out-with-its-ceo-lessons-from-south-africas-old-mutual-130135

Corporate Citizen

health and safety
Equal Opportunity
Social Responsibility. South African Airways failed to observe the B-BBEE on its procurement process.https://www.saflii.org/za/cases/ZASCA/recent.html


Social Responsibility
Client referral system
Transparency. The Steinhoff case in which they were accounting irregularities.https://www.studocu.com/en-za/document/middelburg-combined-school/business-studies/steinhoff-corporate-governance-failure/103811980

Tech and Information Governance

Code of Conduct
POPI.Applicants mobile number was made public and they were sued https://www.cliffedekkerhofmeyr.com/news/publications/2024/Sector/Technology/technology-and-communications-alert-18-september-summary-of-the-popia-case-of-munetsi-v-madhuyu-and-another#:~:text=The%20court%20found%20that%20by,are%20damages%20or%20an%20interdict.


Fighting unethical practices
Effective communication and transparency
Protect the environment
Good relationship with clients

Comparison and contrast of King III and King IV

King 1V
Sustainable practise
Apply and explain the process to achieve the goals
Acknowledges a global community approach of inclusivity
King 111
Apply and Explain
transparency, accountabilty and fairness
Sustainable practices