по NATASHA WONG 6 лет назад
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Push the weird man out of your house and look somewhere else to find your missing object.
Talk to him and ask him if he knows where your precious missing object is (2 minutes)
The man says that he is a king named King Harry, and he lives in your couch, along with a whole kingdom of people. The kingdom is apparently called Couchville. King Harry refuses to hand over your phone, but tells you to look in the trash for your missing item. Then, he retreats back into your couch.
Should you trust the strange king living in your couch and spare one minute to look in the trash for your missing item?
No, don't trust that weirdo.
Yes, look in the trash. The man in your couch was a king, so assume that he knows what he's talking about.
You find your lost item, in the trash! You don't know how it ended up there, but have no time to think about it, as you run to the airport and jump onto the plane.
Your basement (5 minutes)
In your basement, you search in every nook and cranny, hopeful to find your Gucci shoes, when you come across a mysterious wooden door that you have never seen before.
If you have never seen this door in your life, why would your beautiful Gucci shoes be in this room. GO LOOK SOMEWHERE ELSE WHILE YOU STILL HAVE TIME!
Open the door and look inside (2 minutes)
Beyond the wooden door is a magical library, with shelves upon shelves of old-looking books! You look through them and read about enchantments and miscellaneous information. Suddenly, you hear a noise coming from the back of the library.
Back out of the library screaming and search somewhere else for your priceless shoes.
Where do you look now?
Proceed towards the strange noises (2 minutes)
You find the glob glob ganglia, which is an otherworldly, slightly creepy, green creature. He sings a wonderful song to you. In the lyrics, he mentions something about a garden and your shoes. When he's finally done, you thank him and leave to go search somewhere else for your shoes.
At your suspicious neighbours house (5 minutes)
Calmly ask your neighbours if they know where your expensive shoes are.
Your neighbours claim say they don't know anything about your shoes and you have to go look somewhere else.
Blame your neighbours for stealing your shoes angrily.
Your neighbours deny the theft of your shoes, but you see them holding something sparkly behind their back that looks like your shoe...
Leave and look somewhere else
Where do you look for your shoes next?
Grab it and run (2 minutes)
It turns out that the object that your neighbours had was just an iPhone X! Hardly worth anything compared to your Gucci shoes. Oops, looks like you stole from your neighbours instead of them stealing from you.
Your messy room (5 minutes)
While in your room, you stumble around in your super messy room, and there are too many shoes to look through to find your Gucci shoes. What do you do?
Leave and look somewhere else, not knowing if your shoes were hiding in your room.
Where do you search next?
Spend 2 extra minutes looking for your Gucci shoes.
Your extra 2 minutes only make your room messier, and on top of that, you don't even find your shoes!
Your garden (5 minutes)
In your garden, you don't see your shoes after a five minute search.
Look somewhere else.
Where do you look ?
Keep looking (2 minutes)
You find your shoes behind a garden gnome, and don't know who hid them there, but don't have the time to guess who as you rush to the airport and catch your plane!