Категории: Все - communications - payments - e-commerce - governance

по Manoj Nair 4 лет назад


CustomerExperience - Business Alignment

The document outlines various tasks and updates across multiple business areas, emphasizing the alignment of business strategies with customer experience. Key activities include managing e-commerce offers, resourcing updates, and governance tasks like weekly meetings and reporting.

CustomerExperience - Business Alignment

PSS & CustomerExperience - Business Alignment

Exclude/Recover Complaining Passengers/ Salesforce Interface
Toe be scheduled in SF pipe line
Mobile Number Capture during Subscription
72820 - Emarsys: Push mobile number captured on pax details page to Customer record on Emarsys

Check Jagan

Follow up on Increments

flydubai New HQ

Execl Sheet update
Contact Centre - Ravi

Call Center IVR

call for steering meeting for status and update on 3DS no vendor available
Inhouse Resourcing
Talk to Ahtehsm Biju about Bhuvan
Date centre access
Raise request for AGC, Genesys
Revert to Waqar on Plan



Rajesh to share details

More details on SSO to be obtained regrading multiple logins during a shift, inactivity time etc


Shams to share details for infra set up

Business class Toll free
WFM Demo
Next Steps



Alok to revert

OutBound Case creation
Demo held

Impact analysis need to be doe on existing functionality

Cal for meeting between Priti, CC & Nitin

Need to shift to Phase2

Stuart will use Salesforce connector
Avaya AGC


Aparna Follow up, to be done by Monday

7) Access to HQ datacentre for AGC person to be provided, AGC to communicate the details – Sreejith,12Sep

6) FZ to provide Pre-requisites/Support to AGC to commence working – Aswin

5) Al-Futtaim to start their work parallely and be ready by Thursday, 20th Sep to perform integration testing

4) AGC to start HQ scope of work by Tuesday, 18th Sep and aim to complete by Thursday 20th Sep – Sreejith

3) FZ-IT to complete the task mentioned in Shams mail by Monday 17th Sep - Aparna

2) Avaya DOZ work cannot commence until the HA network is set up, targeting this to be 3rd week of October. AGC to plan accordingly.

1) Avaya scope and changes to the same was discussed. Sreejith to update.

Salesforce Screen
Design given by Vinayak
Design review on Tuesday
Auto Case creation
Inbound agreed
SPRINT- Salesforce Interface
Approval obtained from Ravi Mezyan
Design Review on Tuesday
Voice Prompts
Read Legal Mail
Follow up Melinda

Dates communicated

4) Payment IVR – Voice files in 3 languages – 17Oct18

3) Main IVR + 5 Hunt groups (Static Text ) Voice files in 3 languages - 08Oct18

2) Payment IVR – Copywrite - 08Oct18

1) Main IVR + 5 Hunt groups (Static Text) - Copywrite – 24Sep18

Call Tree
Yvette to revert

Changes Vinayak to revert

Preference Center

o EK Marketing Mail – 03Oct18
o Go Live – 02Oct18
o UAT Complete – 30Sep18
o QA Complete – 26Sep18
o Development Complete – 24Sep18
The EK side is not ready to be ready by Nov
Follow up on Meeting for the whole change
Holidays Changes
Meeting on Tuesday


Weekly Meeting with Yvette
Architecture diagram update after IVR, SPRINT interfaces


Weekly Report
Recruited new SF resource PadmaShri

How long, chk Nitin

Salesforce Support

Support Issues


Enviornment shutdown, Cost for Jul18 and Aug18
Cost for Jul18
Mail to Dinesh

Channel wise Pax details Report

Back burner - Need to Follow up

NAS Storage


Flown Pax Survey Automation

New Plan - Nitin
on Hold

Senior Mgmt


E-Commerce - Offer Management

Follow up with Laura/Jeswin on Web Page re-design - Engage Hoda

Family Assistance Program

Follow up Amy on Mobile /Laptop

Abandonment Email / Through Emarsys

Meeting to discuss the GTM issues
72823 - Emarsys: Additional Fields in Web Data Layer for Emarsys Web Extend,

Salesforce Skywards Interface

Pending Issues, Follow up for Minutes with Priti Dom


SVP Meeting in Sep 17th
Wait till evening , follow up procurement & Re-schedule if needed
Compete Cost Matrix with Vinayak
Cost Matrix Send, Vendor to revert Sep13th

NCC Phase 2

Post Go live issues
Vinayak to revert with update on defects


OffBlocks AWS
Wait for costs from Bharkavi
Raise PR for Jun and Aug18, get RV Approval
Abdelrahman to revert on July payment
Benerize to revert

Phil reverted

flydubai App

New plan with Sep16th promote
Provide update on promote today
Follow up on prep for associated activities EDM, Web site, Facebook.
App Store Comments Extract - Sreelakshmi
Follow up on CR
to be raised today

Refund Automation

50 PD for Salesforce
Business case for CRM

Corporate Communications

Chk on others Arkadin, another one in Vin's mail
Follow up with Niyas on Du

Budgets 19

sent Mike's budget to Mike copy Ahtesham
IDC usage
Ravi & Pallav interested, talk to Ahtesham
Bonny to revert
Meet Ravi after Sindhu's mail
Sindhu will send list, need to allocate to respective CC's , discuss with Ahtesham
Pallav will send budgets, Biju need to estimate
Follow up
Meet Sudhir this week
Budgets by 24th Sep