по Andre Sancken 9 месяца назад
Больше похоже на это
Type in the name of your web site and press Enter.
Your web site will need to be regularly monitored to ensure that problems are detected early.
Think about:
Add actions to establish monitoring and response for your site.
If your site contains dynamic information such as a blog, a news feed, user forums or regular campaigns, how will these be updated and published?
Think about:
What will be your process for managing change on your website?
Think about:
Add an action needed to establish change control.
Identify the sources of change on your website.
Think about:
Add a source of change for your website.
8X 2010 2014 1.4 TFSI
8X 2010 2014 1.2 TFSI
Example Data Site
I need all Data form the last Site of the cars. Stage1, STage2 etc..