Категории: Все - protests - freedom - transparency - human rights

по JAMES RIOPELLE 3 лет назад


democratic principles what democracy is all about, james

Democracy is built on the principles of accountability and transparency, ensuring that elected and appointed officials are responsible for their actions and decisions, which must align with the wishes of the people they represent.

democratic principles what democracy is all about, james

democratic principles what democracy is all about, james

political tolerance

Society is comprised of people with different cultural backgrounds, who practice different

religions, form part of different races, who have different gender identities or sexual

orientations. The voices of these different groups are valued. Democratic societies strive to

be politically tolerant and the rights of minorities are protected. Those who are not in power

must be allowed to organize and share their opinions.


The Un is a orgization hosted by international governments with the intent to maintain international peace

freedom of religion

In a country any religion should be allowed .

rwandan genocide and sharpe vill massacre

In 1994 in the middle od the rwandan cicil war members of ethinic groups were targeted by armed militias and slaughtered the total death toll is estimated to be over a million

ban on practicing traditions

In the Indian act in 1927 off reserve in the prairies and british columbia natives could not wear tradional clothings.

citizen particiption

Citizen participation in government is more than just a right – it is a responsibility.

Participation can take the form of running for office, voting in elections, being an informed

citizen, debating issues, attending community meetings, paying taxes, serving on a jury and

protesting. Citizen participation builds a stronger democracy.

nelson mandela

Nelson mandela was an anti apartheid politician who focused on changing racist laws creating peace and giving rights to the people of south africa


protestors set camp on the top[ of a tree to protest so loggers cant cut down the tree. this can get so extreme that protestors spike trees so loggers cant cut them. this is a form of environmental civil disobedience.


a black individual killed in police detention in south africa. he was an anti apartheid activist, and he played a large role on a movement called the Black Consciousness Movement  during the 1960s and 70s

boy cotts

A boy cott is a call to stop buying or consuming from a certain company because theyve done something that was considered unethical or un acceptable.

the sun city boy cott, citizens try to expose sun city for unethical actions

struggles agaisnt apartheid

in the 1960s the Un pushed south african governments and ngo's to assistr the freedom movement and give more rights to the public . in this movement the public bonded together to rally and protest through sports an pop culture.

waste reduction week 2021

people are participating this week to keep the environment clean and sustainable on monday they focused circular economy, tueday its textiles day, wednesday its e waste day, thursday its plastics day, friday is food waste day saturday is sharing economy sunday is

true cost documentary

film makers travel around the globe and research clothing factory's . and show the dark side of the fast fashion industry and show civilians are treated and how it affects the qualities of the workers and their families lifestyles

accountabilty and transparency

Elected and appointed officials are responsible for their actions and are accountable to the

people. Officials must make decisions and perform their duties according to the wishes of

those they represent, not for themselves. For government to be accountable, people must

be aware of the actions their government is taking. A transparent government holds public

meetings and allows citizens to attend. The press and the public are kept informed regarding

decisions being made.

whistle blowers

A whistleblower is anyone who has and reports insider knowledge of illegal activities occurring in an organization.

edward snowden

Edward Joseph Snowden is a former computer intelligence consultant who leaked highly classified information from the National Security Agency in 2013 

reporters without borders

Reporters Without Borders is an international non-profit and non-governmental organization with the stated aim of safeguarding the right to freedom of information.

global watch

Global Witness is an international ngo that works to break the links between natural resource exploitation, conflict, poverty, corruption, and human rights abuses worldwide. 

They work out of london and washington dc .

theyve been trying to find those who are funding large deforastions

human rights watch

Human rights watch is an NGO based out of new york city that researched and shines light on international human rights and freedoms

anniesty international

They focuse on political prisoners and veen a wide spectrum of human right..

democracy watcg

An ottawa based organization focused on making elections more free and fair and transparent.

freedom of speech

freedom of speech is a principle. that a citizen can say anything they'd like without the fear of political imprisonment or censorship.

social media and freedom of the press

news parlors must have freedom of press and the right to share information and combat propaganda

the 2008 apology

In the 2008 in the house of commons Stephen harper apologized for the residential schools. This issue was finally being recognized by the canadian government. this finally demonstatres accountabilty and transparency

free and fair elections

Elected representatives are chosen by the people in a free and fair manner. Elections are

held regularly, usually every few years. Adult citizens have the right to vote and run for office

regardless of gender, background or economic status. There are no obstacles to voting and

no intimidation or threats to citizens before or during an election.

the rule of law

All are equal before the law and are entitled to equal protection of the law without

discrimination. No one is above the law – this includes elected officials, the police and

members of the military. Laws are enforced equally, fairly and consistently.

case study opal inquiry points out discrimination

the opal inquiry was mandated to look intothe reasons why a serial killer was able to get away with killing so many people for so long many democratic principles were violated in this caase for example, the rule of law , equality and human rights and accountabilty and transparency

lady justice and rule of law

Canada is ruled by the Rule of Law.  Our elected representatives make the laws on behalf of the citizens.   MPs (Members of Parliament) make the federal (all of Canada) laws.  MPPs (Members of Provincial Parliament) make provincial laws

constitution of canada

The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms sets out those rights and freedoms that Canadians believe are necessary in a free and democratic society.

equality and human rights

equal oppurtunitys for everyone. everyone is equal before the law we cannot be discrimintaed agasint on the basis of race religion nationality sexual orientation and age

workers righst

minimum wage

if working over 8 hour shifts with minimum wage you must be paid overtime with higher pay.

human rights and documents

charter and rights and freedo,s. pierre trudeau brought home the charter in 1982

mmiw case study

in the case mmiw 25g in canada many human rights were violated. specifically the report states that the rught to culture the right to health the right to security and the right to justice was violated

human rights documents

The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms of 1982 is part of Canada's Constitution. The Charter protects every Canadian's right to be treated equally under the law.

the story of human rights

1915 ghandi leading indian protests

1945 after the war the united nations are formed

1948 the universal declaration of human rights