по Potato Sandwich1 1 года назад
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Balance is extremely important to everyone who uses the internet. Those who spend all day, every day on their devices loose their ability to socialize effectively with others, as well as having trouble sleeping and many more adverse effects. Those that never learn how to utalize technology risk falling behind others and feeling less successful. As such, students should utalize the sub topics here in order to mantain a balanced life style betwen their online and offline life.
Students need to learn how to stay informed in their online life. In doing so, they should: be able to identify a good source, find any potential biases, utalize variuos different programs that may be useful for class projects, be aware of how to download things safely and effectively to their computer, and stay curious. A piece of learning is finding out that there is always more you could know about something, and as such, to continue to be informed, students need to continue to be curious.
Being inclusive in online chats is important. An ecco chamber does nobody any good, and only furthers the development of bad ideas. As such, students should be willing to hear different perspectives on subjects that may be controvertial so that they come to the best conclusion. These discussions can get heated, but it is important to keep it respectful, as the moment it turns hostile, the market place of ideas falls apart.
Being alert is essential for internet use. On nearly every download page, there is a fake download button that will infect your device with a virus. There are emails sent to students that seem too good to be true, but in reality they just contain a method to steal personal information. There are creeps online that will stalk your social medias to find out more about you. Keeping all this in mind is imparitave to safe internet activity.
Engagement is very similar to alertness, as it also nessecitates an awaerness in one's onlne browsing. By being engaged in their online life, students can more easily catch adn report suspicous activity. On top of that, engagement is important for building a community (similarly to inclusiveness and balance). By engaging in online conversation in a respectful way, students can broaden their perspectives and possibly discover newer and better sources for future projects.