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Drama Games
Participants engaged in a series of drama games designed to enhance their quick reaction skills, imagination, and teamwork. In the first game, they visualized an imaginary ball rolling in a circle and jumped over it, adjusting their jumps based on the ball’
In this game there is a car, and there are different people that try to hitch a ride, characters keep going in and out of the car, while the conversation and plots continue going on, this is extremely creative as we need to have the same setting and plot but the characters keep changing which is what makes it entertaining for everyone.
Skill/Team Building
Blue Ball
In this game you have a blue ball, and you have to call out the name of the person you are throwing it to. I classified this as a skill/team building game, as you are throwing the ball, while also trying to learn the other individuals name, which helps you get to know other members of the classroom while also implying the skill of throwing the ball
Act as if you have the object
The teacher calls out an object, and you have to act as if you have that object in your lap, it was funny how, everyone reacted differently to the object, as for when a cat was landed in our laps, certain individuals petted it, while others freaked out, which made it a very fun class activity.
Pluck the Flower
In this game, everyone acts out the same thing, picking a flower from a garden, but everyone uses their own strategies to make it creative and stand out, for me personally, I acted as if the flower was very well rooted and it was really hard to get it out. Which made it stand out, in this since everyone is enacting the same thing, everyone attempted to make theirs different, and it was very funny, how one thing could be depicted in so many different ways.
question and Answer
Every single day, the class goes through a prompt, in which, each person has to come up with their own unique personal response, this. is a great communication game, as it encourages everyone to be more open with each other building a community, as everyday, we learn one new thing about each other, which really builds a bond within the class.
Please be my neighbour
In this game, one chair is empty, if the chair beside you is empty, then you invite someone else to sit there by saying the words "please be my neighbour" this is a great communication game, as it helps us converse with the rest of the class, and this game continues on, therefore it gives you the opportunity to talk to several different people.
Bippity, Boppity, Boo
In this game, one person is in the center and says the words bippity boppity boo, n order to avoid being in the middle, you have to say boo before the other person gets to it. But if the person in the center just says boo, you have to avoid saying anything at all, this is a great communication game, as the person in the center has to be quick, while the person on the outside has to be attentive.
Wink Murder
The wink murder game is about communication but with the eyes. Ideally, there is one murderer who murders people by winking, everyone has to look out for the wink, and when they see it, they are automatically eliminated. On the contrary, there is a detective who is also looking for the wink, to eliminate the murderer. The detective is supposed to guess the murderer before the murderer kills the others. This is a great game, as it teaches you how to communicate through eyes.
Partner voice game
In our new unit of choral speaking we are experimenting with tone of voice, in this game, we are meant to say different dialogues, with partners, we experimented with speaking different dialogues while utilizing different tone of voices, we changed the meaning of different sentences all by changing our tone of voice, we showed different characters and personalities all with our voice, which was really interesting. I personally found it really amazing, how many different ways there are of depicting a simple sentence like "Hey how are you doing." You can showcase different emotions and personalities for just those few words.
Quick Reaction
jump over game
In this game, we visualized an imaginary ball, which was being rolled in a perfect circle, while we had to jump over it. This created a cool domino sequence of jumps while everyone kept jumping. The ball object enlarges or decreases in size, which makes the game even more interesting as we have to plan out our jumps, if the object is larger, than obviously our jump would have to also be bigger, this adds thrill to the game, as we have to use our imagination to really imagine the object going around, while also planning our jump perfectly.
Stage Ball Game
For this specific game, the class was taken to the stage, where the ball was to be brought around the class using your hands, but for any touch beyond the denomination of 5 you could not use your hands, this game required a lot of awareness, attention and quick reaction, as the ball was bouncing around the class, and could make it's way to you at any time, additionally you needed to be aware when any of the denomination of five arose, as you would need to be prepared not to use your hands to hit the ball away, this directly correlates to quick reaction, as you need to make sure you do not get too carried away and make sure you know whether to use your hands or other parts of the body, while also knowing the location of the ball.
This game is all about reaction, when your name is called you need to duck down, while the two people beside you need to call out, bang or squirt therefore you need to be attentive and need to be ready to duck down when your name is being called, secondly you need to be aware, that if the name of the person beside you is called, you need to be ready to pounce in the other direction and scream bang or squirt in order to save you from elimination, therefore showcasing quick reaction skills, as you need to be aware, attentive and ready no matter whee and who you are.
Red Curtain Name Game
At this point, we were at the end of our second week and through our Get to know you games, we learned a lot about each other as a class, therefore this game put our knowledge and reaction skills to the test, where a separate person is on each side of the red curtain, and when the curtain is dropped. you have to guess your peers name quicker than they can guess yours, this game is all about reaction for me, as you need to bring the other persons name to your head and say it before they can say yours.
Get to know you (first week/interesting subtopics)
Ways to take care of your mental health
This topic was very interesting, as we discussed something which doesn't necessarily relate to choice, but something that helps us get through tough times. This was a great way of getting to know ways which help people get through tough times and take care of their mental health.
During the first weeks of semester 2, we spent a great amount of time talking about our favourite things, which was a great way to get to know each other, but this week, we tried something really interesting in class by talking about many dislikes which students may have, this incorporated humour into the prompts, as there were many funny responses about how annoying pigeon noises are, therefore this was an interesting addition to our daily prompts.
Future Based Question
In this question, rather than asking what someone likes, or how they feel, it is based towards the future, for example, what career path do you want to pursue. This is very interesting, as now with the class being familiar with each other, we learn more about things such as aspirations and goals, which was an interesting addition to our class.
Favourite childhood game
This topic was very nostalgic, as it helped me remember many of the games, which I myself used to play in my childhood, and learn about many great experiences that my peers went through which was a great learning experience, as everyone seemed to have one game which they had a special connection to, which was great to hear.
Favourite Number
Numbers is a concept which I have not given much thought into, I have not really considered the thought of a favourite number, and it was very interesting learning about how numbers can co-relate to many things, and how many numbers can have special meanings to certain people, which was a very new thing which I learned about my peers.
Favourite Artwork
Art is not particularly of my interest, but it was a great way for me to get introduced to the topic, and learn a bit more about my peers who were interested in particular artworks, this led me to ask questions to many of my peers, as I inquired about my peer Ibaadat's favourite piece of artwork which helped me get to know him better.
Favourite Writer
Reading is a very enjoyable hobby of mine, learning about my peers favourite writers provided me with an opportunity to add to my book wishlist and learn about new genres and types of literatures my peers were interested which was a great conversation starter for me to talk about books and get to know my peers interests.
Winter Olympic Sport
You get to learn a lot about someones sport interests, or something they would enjoy doing, this is great in getting to know your classmates as you meet other likeminded individuals who have similar sport interests as you, which is a great way of starting a conversation and making friends with classmates! With the winter olympics going on, I got to learn about some of the particular sport interests of my classmates and had some great conversations after class about the several sports which I was not aware about! Which helped me get to know my classsmates
What is a song you are feeling/what is your name
Each person goes in the order of a circle explaining a song which they currently like a lot and what their name is. As this was my first day in class this was a great get to know you activity, as I was able to learn the names of numerous students, as well as learning about some new, unique and interesting styles of music and songs!
Guess the Excuse
In this game there is one person who is in the middle of the circle, and there is a particular excuse written on the board, the rest of the class have to mime the excuse until the person in the middle says it out loud. This is a great test to mime skills, just to see how well others can understand your mime abilities and how clear they are articulated, this game was very funny as oftentimes the guesses by the person in the middle would be very extreme. This uses many skills such as collaboration as everyone needs to come together and help the person in the middle guess the excuse, also team building, as it is bringing the class together in a creative way.
What are you doing
In this game, each person has to do a certain action in the middle of the circle, and then a second person has to ask them what they are doing, in response the person has to say anything other than the thing they are actually doing, which makes this game very interesting, as each time you have to lie, and the person which you lie to has to start miming that action you just said, which is hilarious and bizarre to see at the same time.
Scenes from Hat
In this game you are split into teams of three and have to collect a particular scene from the hat, there is one person who decides when to end the scene and two people have to efficiently carry out the scene which is given to them until the end, without going out of character and staying to the restrictions of the scene given to them, this game teaches us how to be in character and aware of things such as locations and relationships that we are in, as the scene from the hat highlights them all, if we do not follow them however, the person in charge of ending the scene can call it out and correct the individuals acting.
In the game hitchhiker there is a person in the car that lets people hitch a ride as the hitchhiker, throughout the ride new people come into the car and hitch the ride with their own conflict intertwining, this is really interesting as different people continue to randomly get in the car and they bring in a new problem, with so much going on at once, it often results in chaos, which is often really funny to see. This game requires a lot of skills such as creative ways to think up of a response remembering that you are in the car after all, and collaboration amongst each other to make the scene interesting.
4 Squared
In this game there are four actors that stand in the shape of the square, the two actors at the front of the square are the ones acting, and the square continues to move so that every few seconds there are new characters at the front, as the new characters come to the front there is a completely new scene being enacted than what the previous two was doing, therefore there are 4 different acts going on with each person in two different ones, this is really interesting as it is hard not to get confused and get mixed up between which act is supposed to be happening when, because you are a part of so many acts, for me personally I often got confused with the two acts I was supposed to be a part of.
This game is slightly similar to change where two actors can casually carry out a scene, and any members from the audience can freeze the scene at a certain time. When the scene is frozen, that certain member can go in and replace one of the existing characters, this can change the relationships and the location itself; adding a completely new twist to the scene, which is funny at how quickly this act can go from one topic to another.
In this game a particular scene normally carries out with the audience watching, but whenever the audience says change, then the previous line which was spoken has to be slightly altered, for example if the line was, "I love eating hotdogs" the line would have to be slightly changed to something like "hotdogs are fine but apples are better" in this way sticking to the topic but changing your opinion, therefore this game is a bit about timing of when the word change is said but also about creativity and how the actors respond to the change.
First Line/ Last line
In this game, the first and last lines are given and you have to make a particular scenario with those given lines, basically filling in whatever goes in the middle of the starting and finishing lines, making a scene with characters, relationships and a evident location before ending it off.
Film Dub (Fill in the words)
In This game you see the scenes from a particular movie and then attempt to add your own lines to what the characters are saying, in this way, you can see the action s and the settings and you have to fill in the words spoken, this reminded me of mad libs but in real life. At the end you add your words to make your very own unique seen, when comparing against the class it was surprising to see that just by having different words, how different the interpretation of the scene could be.
Emotion Game
In this game you make a conversation by only talking in emotions, meaning, that you cannot use any lines or words but just talk in emotions by saying things such as "happy, sad, angry" and try to make a conversation out of that my changing the way you talk. You have to do all this by staying in character, at the given location and a part of the given relationship which is what makes it challenging.
In this game, the characters and locations are given, but every line spoken has to be spoken in the form of a question, this is interesting, as you have to take what was said in the previous sentence by your partner and make a question out of it while continuing the conversation and also sticking to the characters or location you are given.
Excuses Game
In this game, you are supposed to come up with the most absurd excuses to something which is said, which is very funny and creative at the same time, as you have to come up with the worst excuses. You have to do this while staying on the main topic of the conversation for example, it could be for why the vase broke, you could come up with the excuse that there was too much wind.
Worlds Worst
In this game people have to act as if they are the world's worst character, for example the world's worst roommate, the world's worst cashier, the world's worst teacher and so on. In this way, you have to improvise to be the worst of the certain character that you are giving which is very funny in the end.
Sticky Note Game
In this game, there are sticky notes of the colours blue and yellow, there are two characters who are given a particular location or particular characters, and the lines that they speak with, originate from the sticky notes, meaning one person says the blue sticky notes, and another says the yellow ones, and a scenario has to be built while characters are still in place and/or locations are still evident.
I love you Darling
In this game, the class forms a circle and one certain individual is in the center of it all, the person in the center has to say the sentence "I love you darling." The objective of this game is to make one of the individuals in the circle smile, this seems really challenging as it is just the same sentence each time, but by using improvisation methods of changing tone of voice, and using actions this can actually be possible.
Try to get up from chair game
In this game there are certain individuals sitting on a chair, whereas there certain others have to use improv to improvise certain phrases that would convince the person to get up from the chair, they have to be creative and use strategies to convince the person to get up from the chair, improvisation is really important as some actions such as on the spot humour also may convince the person to stand up.
Relationship Game
In this game, a certain relationship is given to you and/or your partner and you have to make a scenario out of it, for example an example could be parent and child, with one person enacting a parent and one enacting a child, after the relationship is given a scenario in relation to the relationship has to be made, for example why the child has been grounded.
Starting line game
In this game, the first line of a certain situation is given to you while you and your partner have to make up a story out of it, this activity is fairly difficult at first but once you use the "yes" and "and" rules it gets very simple. Simply, you need to take a sentence like "why did you do that" and make a situation out of it.
Picture game
In this game two individuals take center stage and stick to a certain location, relationship or character given to them while different images show up on the screen and they have to link it to the certain scenario given, in some cases this gets really challenging as it is fairly difficult to think of how a giraffe can link to the location of a restaurant.
Party Game
In this game there is one certain individual who is the party host, and there are other people who have to attend the party as guests, but the twist is that the guests have to enact a certain character that has to be guessed by the party host. The guests have to be many odd characters such as a person with a bullet wound. Using these roles they need to enact the certain individual while they are at the party while continuing to stick the the main idea of the party itself.
Alphabet Game
In this game with a partner you need to have a conversation, but every sentence you say has to start with the next letter of the alphabet, this game gets fairly challenges as you near the end of the alphabet, as near those letters it may be hard to find a certain sentence starting with a letter such as "x" or "z". Nevertheless, we need to imply improvisation skills to make it work!
Snowball Fight
With a partner you have to enact a snowball fight, this is an exceptional collaboration activity, as you need to have co-ordination with your partner, as in, who gets hit, how you at when you get hit, and what is the consequence of it. As if it were just 2 people throwing snowballs with no effect it would not be very fun.
Pass the box and take out the object from it
A box is being passed around the class, and everyone has to take out a certain object out of it, act out using it, while the rest of the class has to guess the object. This is a great collaboration activity, as when you are getting the box passed around to you, you need to take care of the dimensions of the box, and the weight, as you are theoretically getting the same box, thus, it cant change in shape of size from what it started from. When you take out an object from the box, you have to act out using it, so that the rest of the class can guess, which makes a great collaborative game.
In this game we were given two pencils and were to determine whether or not they were crossed or uncrossed, it was confusing at first as we couldn't figure out the riddle of what was crossed and what was uncrossed, but eventually we figured out that it had nothing to do with the pencils, but it was based upon whether your legs were crossed or not, to find this, we needed to imply focus skills.
Object Passing Game
In this game, everyone has to pass around a certain object while utilizing a beat and the dialogue. This game is really complicated, as everyone is both receiving and giving an object at the same time. This can get very frustrating as you are receiving a different object than you are giving, yet, you have to still try to follow the beat, while remembering the object you are receiving and the one you are giving, depicting focus. This directly interlinks to many drama concepts such as transitions, as you need to remember transitions in a drama performance, and you need to know exactly when they happen. Similarly you need to remember what you are receiving and giving.
President Game
In this game it is based on a structure of President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer, the game starts with a beat, and you have to look out for your *number* being called on the beat. The game is always started by the president. If your number is called, you need to listen for it, confirm it's you and call out another number while being in the beat, if you don't listen for your number, forget to call out a number, or forget the beat, you are demoted and everyone else behind you moves us a spot. Therefore you need to focus and listen out for whoever calls your number, while being aware of the beat.
Wax Museum
Throughout this game, a person goes around the classroom while others try not to move when in the sight of the person, remaining as "statues" but when not in sight, the person is expected to move and take risks, but still try not to be seen, this is a game about confidence, as it urges you to take risks and move while not trying to be caught, which delineates confidence as to take risks you need to be confident in your risks! therefore this game builds the confidence to be able to take risks such as moving without being seen.
Class Dynamics
Move your ass
In this game, a certain comment is said, if this comment implies to you, then you have to get up from the chair you are currently sitting in and fine a new one to sit on, this is a great way for the class to get to know you in a fun way, as if a statement which implies to you is true than the classmates learn something new about you as the game goes on, which is why it build class dynamics.
Hello, how are you
In this game you go around the class and ask them How they are, in the process of the conversation, you need to come up with a location, characters, and a relationship. This game was very interesting, as you had to work with your partner to create all these things, without actually talking about them, meaning, that you had to do this on the spot itself, which made it challenging but also interesting for me
Beanbag Game
An order of a throwing pattern was created amongst the class, where we tried to tried to remember the person who we received the beanbag from and the person we had to throw the beanbag to, this helped build class dynamics, as it was a unique change to how the class interacts with each other, which is what made it undoubtedly interesting. A new beanbag was added every often making the game more challenging, and therefore the class had to rely on things such as eye contact to know if the person was ready to recieve the class, which is again an excellent example of class dynamics.