Категории: Все - trauma - symptoms - treatment - war

по wesley james 13 лет назад



People's recovery times from trauma vary greatly, and the underlying reasons remain somewhat elusive. Factors such as the severity of the traumatic experience, genetic predisposition, sleep quality, and additional injuries may influence this variation.




The recovery time period is different from person to person and profesional's still dont fully know why. Maybe what one person experence was more tramatic, Or maybe it's just a genetic problem. Also it could be related to the amount of sleep a person is getting and other injury.


PTSD in war is noramal because the symtoms of PTSD is what helps to keep you alive during combat. But it becomes a problem when the symtoms stay with you when your back home out of combat and you feel like your still in combat when your safe inside your house with your family.
Also War has showen to cause different mental problems Like PTSD but before PTSD wasn't reconized as an disorder until just a few years ago during are first war in Iraq.
In war thought out history people that have gone to war have offten come back behaving different. more violent, easy to anger, or emotionless.


Now people are doing a lot more to Slow and treat PTSD now before you go into the military they give you more test to see if your fit both mentally and phyically for military work. Also when you come back from combat they put you in a program that helps you make the transition from combat to your normal day to day life.
More resently warriors coming back for war are being tested for ptsd with a question survey on how they feel? etc. followed up with another appointment with a Doctor about every two weeks.
There use to not be treatment for PTSD, and thats because people didn't reconized PTSD as a disorder. For example when warriors would come back from combat and showed symtoms. Doctors would just say that it would get better in time.

Define PTSD

The disorder of PTSD is defined according to a specific set of symptoms that have gone on for at least one month( usually much longer). ( Once a Warrior Always a Warrior By Charles W. Hoge)


There are now Doctors that are trained to treat and care for people that have PTSD.


PTSD isn't just seen in combat. Its also seen in day to day lives. You can see it in rape victims
Post Tramatic Stress Disorder