Категории: Все - development - interpretation - criteria - context

по Hannah Lissy 6 лет назад


Final Project

The provided text discusses the rationale behind making specific revisions and condensing certain points in an educational context, particularly related to art studies. It emphasizes the importance of clarity in distinguishing between various aspects, such as whether certain points refer to famous artworks or student creations.

Final Project

Explanation for Revisions

Reason for condensing 7, 8, 9

When performing student critics it is important to be apply concepts of art to what we visually see. We should be able to interpret subject matter, and recognize principles and elements (relevant to class) in other art work.

Reason for condensing 10, 11

There doesn't always have to an overall message or theme to an artwork, sometimes art is created for the sake of art, or it has an influence. But not necessarily a story. On one hand though art is often made with a political message that is influenced by problems in society, or with the intent to represent a specific culture. Based on what is being studied in class students should be able to relate events of the time to artwork studied. Students should be able to interpret a context from the artwork if subject matter permits.

Reason for excluding number 4

I don't think it is a necessary point to include. It does not specify if it is referring to famous art works studied, or student work created. If it is both it can be included then it is already covered by a condensed topic.

Reason for condensing 2, 3, 5

All three focus on the development of art skills. Each anchor focuses on a part of the development of art work. It makes more sense to bring them into one and specify in a sub-topic.

Weekly #6

Anchors are labeled by color according to applicability. Green= accept Yellow=modify red= not necessary

Exploration of Art education

Modified Version of Anchors in Understanding of Art

Be able to express artistic method and properly present art project

Verbalize intentions
Describe principles and elements used in art, self-made or art studied
Explain creative process used to create art

Ability to recognize art concepts in artwork; analyze and understand artwork

visually interpret a context, if artwork permits
Evaluate use of and understand principles and elements in artwork
Relate cultural and societal events to art

Implement art concepts, personal experiences, and social matters in work

Understand culture and social factors artwork addresses
take personal experiences and apply them to artwork: all artwork has meaning

Development and progression of skills

Recognize problems in artwork and find creative solutions
Perpetual development throughout class
Develop and refine skills through practice

Understand art concepts specific to class

Be able to recognize concepts in art
Study historical context at time of art being studied
Be able to teach fellow students about concepts specific to class materials

Developing a better system to assign art a grade

developing new system

What is my purpose in teaching art? What am I trying to help my students do?
nature of things, grading methods
help concept,
start defining what your purpose is and what the journey is?
what tools you will use in the grading system?
Be very clear on your purpose

8th Grade Requirements Example

11. Distinguish different ways art is used to represent, establish, reinforce, and reflect group identity.
10. Make art collaboratively to reflect on and reinforce positive aspects of group identity.
9. Create a convincing and logical argument to support an evaluation of art.
8.Interpret art by analyzing how the interaction ofsubject matter, characteristics of form and structure, use of media, artmaking approaches, and relevant contextual information contributes to understanding messages or ideas and mood conveyed.
7. Explain how a person’s aesthetic choices are influenced by culture and environment and impact the visual image that one conveys to others.
6. Analyze why and how an exhibition or collection may influence ideas, beliefs, and experiences.
5. Collaboratively prepare and present selected theme based artwork for display, and formulate exhibition narratives for the viewer.
4. Develop and apply criteria for evaluating a collection of artwork for presentation.
3. Apply relevant criteria to examine, reflect on, and plan revisions for a work of art or design in progress.
2. Demonstrate willingness to experiment, innovate, and take risks to pursue ideas, forms, and meanings that emerge in the process of artmaking or designing.
1. document early stages of the creative process visually and / or verbally in traditional or new media.

Main aspects of art that need to be met for K-12

Anchor Understanding of Art
11. Relate artistic ideas and works with societal, cultural, and historical context to deepen understanding
10. Synthesize and relate knowledge and personal experiences to make art
9. Apply criteria to evaluate artistic work
8. Interpret intent and meaning in artistic work
7. Perceive and analyze artistic work
6. Convey meaning through the presentation of artistic work
5. Develop and refine artistic techniques and work for presentation
4. Select, analyze and interpret artistic work for presentation
3. Refine and complete artistic work
2. Organize and develop artistic ideas and work
1. Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work