Категории: Все - angles - polygons

по Hannah Schweiter 12 лет назад


Fundamentals of Geometry for Elementary School Teachers

Geometry for elementary school teachers covers essential topics related to polygons, which are enclosed shapes with three or more straight sides. Polygons can be classified as either concave or convex, and their sides can intersect, leading to self-intersecting polygons.

Fundamentals of Geometry for Elementary School Teachers

Fundamentals of Geometry for Elementary School Teachers



A three - dimensional figure made up of sides called faces, each face being a polygon (polygonal regions).

Other Parts of a Polyhedra:

Vertices then corners, or where the lines/rays/edges meet

Edges the sides of each polygon


"The commen point of two or more rays or line segments."

"The ultimate high or low point of two intersecting lines."

Real Life Examples:

The bottom of the letter U

The bottom of the letter V in Vertex

The base of a hand-held fan

*Plural Word: "Vertices"


"A line that starts at a point with given coordinates, and goes off in a particular direction to infinity, possiably through a second point." ("Ray Definition (Coordinate Geometry) - Math Open Reference." Ray Definition (Coordinate Geometry) - Math Open Reference. N.p., n.d. Web)

"A straight line that begins, but never ends."

Real Life Example:

Sun rays

Line Segment

"A straight line which links two points without extending beyond them." ("Line Segment Definition - Math Open Reference." Line Segment Definition - Math Open Reference.)

"A straight line that begins and ends."

Real Life Examples:

One side of a door frame

One side of a ruler

One side of your TV

Names of Different Polyhedras


At what angle does the line segment between the center of the top base and the center of the bottoem base meet?

Two closed, parallel, curved bases

(often circular, always congruent)


At what angle does the line segment between the apex and the center of the base meet?

Closed, "Curved" base

(often circular)


Two congruent polygons, which are parallel planes (called bases), and the lateral faces joining the bases, which are parallelograms.

Ask yourself these three questions:

1.) Is is convex or concave (nonconvex)?

2.) Is it "right" or "oblique"? At what angles do the faces meet the base?

-If the faces are rectangles and they meet at a 90 degree angle, then the prism is called RIGHT.

-Otherwise, it is called OBLIQUE

*Another way to think of this question: Is the pyramid slanted/tilted or straight? If it is straight, it is RIGHT. If it is slanted, it is OBLIQUE.

3.) What polygon is the base?

Example: A nonconvex, right, pentigonal prism.


"A side part of something"

Example: The roots of a plant are lateral


Convex or Concave


Always Convex

Determining Their Names

Ask yourself two questions:

1.) Is is "right" or "oblique"?

-It is RIGHT if you drew a line segment from the apex to the center of the base and this created a 90 degree angle.

-Otherwise, it is OBLIQUE

*Another way to think of this question: Is the pyramid slanted/tilted or straight? If it is straight, it is RIGHT. If it is slanted, it is OBLIQUE

2.) What polygon is the base?

Example of name: The Egyption Pyramids would be "right, square pyramids."

4 or more faces (n + 1)= faces

("n" being the n-gon of the base)

Also note: There are always 4 or more triangles


The point at which every triangle arising from the base meets.


A polygon is an enclosed shape with three or more sides, all of which are straight.

A polygon can be concave or convex and the lines can cross one another.

It is important to note that a polygon can approach the shape of a circle (with increased sides), but it can never actually become a circle because a polygon cannot have any curved lines.

Real Life Examples:

An arrow

A stop sign


First aid symbol

A triangle

Names of Polygons

More info...


polygon with seven sides

polygon with six sides


polygon with five sides

Quadrilaterals (tetragon)

four-sided polygons


TEXTBOOK DEFINITION: A quadrilateral with two distinct pairs of congruent adjacent sides. A kite can be either convex or concave.

Mathematical Reasoning for Elementary School Teachers. N.p.: Addison-Wesley, 2011. Print.


TEXTBOOK DEFINITION: A quadrilateral in which each pair of opposite sides is parallel.

Mathematical Reasoning for Elementary School Teachers. N.p.: Addison-Wesley, 2011. Print.


TEXTBOOK DEFINITION: a quadrilateral with at least on pair of parrellel sides.

Note: Some dictionaries and text require a trapezoid to have exactly one pair of parallel sides

Mathematical Reasoning for Elementary School Teachers. N.p.: Addison-Wesley, 2011. Print.

Isosceles Trapezoid

TEXTBOOK DEFINITION: A trapezoid with a

Mathematical Reasoning for Elementary School Teachers. N.p.: Addison-Wesley, 2011. Print.


TEXTBOOK DEFINITION: a parallelogram

Mathematical Reasoning for Elementary School Teachers. N.p.: Addison-Wesley, 2011. Print.

Note: An Equiangular Rombus is a Square.


TEXTBOOK DEFINITION: A parallelogram with a right angle.

Mathematical Reasoning for Elementary School Teachers. N.p.: Addison-Wesley, 2011. Print.

A rectangle with all sides of equal length.

Triangles (trigon)

three-sided polygons

Types of Triangles


A triangle with no two sides of equal length (no equal angles)


A triangle with two egual sides and two of the same angles.


A triangle with all equal sides/angles.

A triangle with a right angle within it.

A triangle with and obtuse angle within it.

A triangle that has all acute angles within.

The sum of all of the angles within a triangle is 180 degrees.

Formula for the Sum of the Angles Within ANY Polygon

Take the number of sides the polygon has and minus two. Then multiply this number by 180 degrees.


Take the number of sides the polygon has and multiply it by 180, then subtract 360 from the total.

Lattice Polygon

"Formed by a rubber band stretched over the nails of a geoboard."

Long, Calvin T., and Duane W. DeTemple. Mathematical Reasoning for Elemertary Teachers. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 2000. Print.

Self-itersecting Polygon

Where the lines of a polygon intersect one another.

Equilateral Polygon

All sides are congruent (same).


"Equal in size or shape."

Real Life Examples:

Two of the same mugs

Identical twins

The squares on a calendar

Equiangluar Polygon

All angles are congruent (same)

Regular Polygon

A convex polygon, both equilateral and equiangular.

When a polygon has an odd number of sides.... If it is equilagular it has to be equilateral aswell, and vise versa. Why? Because it has no parallel sides.

Tiling and Tessellations

Semi-regular Tiling
Using more then one regular polygon to make 360 degrees at the vertex.
Same pattern at every vertex
Regular Tiling

Definitions/ ways to think about it:

1.) "Using only one polygon to make 360 degrees at the vertex."

2.) "Does to vertex of one polygon add up to 360 degrees?"/"Can the interior angle of the polygon be multiplied to equal 360 degrees?" If yes, then the tessellation is regular.

3.) "The angles that meet at the vertex (using only one polygon) add up to 360."

Only 3 Regular Tilings:




Help on Geometers Sketchpad


Chapter 11

reflection (glide-flip)
turn from a given point




"The space measured between two intersecting lines."

Real Life Examples:

Peice of wood cut at a 15 degree angle to make a stool for your kitchen

Corner of a room

The angle between the two intersecting cuts of one slice of pizza

The corner of a brownie

The corner of my book/paper

Describing Angles in Relation to Their Degree

An angle that is greater than 180 degrees, but less then 360. Often refered to in Layman's terms as the "outside" angle.


An angle that lies on a straight line. This angle can also be measured as 180 degrees.


An angle greater then 90 degrees, but less then 180.


An angle of 90 degrees, where two intersecting lines are perpendicular to one another.

Perpendicular Lines

"A line that meets or crosses another line at right angles (90 degrees)."

"Two lines that have opposite (negative reciprocal) slopes."

Real Life Examples:

A cross

The lower case letter " t "

The sign people make with their arms when they call for a "timeout"

Negative Reciprocal


An angle greater then zero degrees and less then 90 degrees.


An angle of zero degrees where two lines lay on top of one another.

Parallel Lines

"Two lines on a plane that never meet and they are always the same distance apart because they have the same slope."

Real life examples:

Monkey Bars

Street yellow lines (when road is straight)

Rail road tracks

The L's in the word parallel

Supplementary Angles

"Sum of two angels is 180 degrees."

Real Life Examples:

Freeway entrance

My leg standing on top of the floor

Two slices of pizza from a pizza cut into fours

The letter t

Trick for Memorization:

"S" for straight

Complementary Angles

"Sum of two angels is 90 degrees."

Real Life Examples:

Park bench (two 45 degree angles)

Sandwhich (sliced from one corner to any other end of the sandwhich)

Two peices of pizza (from a full pizza cut into eight slices)

Trick for Memorization:

"C" for corner

Vertical Angles
Corresponding Angles

Regular Polygon Angles
Exterior Angle
Central Angle


Interior Angle

(n-2)180/n OR 180-(360/n)