Категории: Все - literacy - inclusion - strategies - technology

по Gayle Coldwell 9 лет назад



Emphasis is placed on involving family and translators to stress the importance of regular attendance and home reading programs. Encouraging the practice of L1 skills at home and recommending online dual digital book sites for books in Punjabi is advised.



Universal Design: -regular use of smart board to introduce and reinforce concepts through interactive games -ipads are also used regularly to support math and language areas -Guramrit participates readily during smart board activities

Planning/Support: -the classroom teacher works collaboratively with the ESL teacher to provide some support -working on alphabet, -has only worked with him a few times, not on site on a regular basis due to workload

Recommended Teaching Strategies Reading: -accelerated language study to fill in the gaps -ongoing assessment to guide programming and scaffolding -continue with alphabet practice, incorporating online games, and weekly learning of high frequency words -build word families (do vocabulary sorts) -visual dictionary (include words in Punjabi that he knows) with other ELL student -daily book bag program (pattern books) -partner with a native speaking reading buddy -teacher and parent volunteer to read with him -continue to practice finger tracking -listen to simple book tapes and books online -read with sister at home daily -set a learning goal, number of books per month -interactive reading sites (Raz kids kindergarten, ESL Learning Village -slower pace, simple text )

Rich tasks to support the student: -create a duolingo pattern book with other ELL student on structures (online structures, photos of their structures)

Main topic

Accommodations/modifications: -check in with teacher for understanding after instructions -scribe as needed -picture dictionaries for language and math -visuals, pre-teach new vocabulary -word wall -simplify vocabulary -extra time to complete assignments -encourage use of L1 -provide lots of repetition -provide writing aids (sentence starters, graphic organizers, word banks,models) -use assistive tecnology -explicit teaching and modelling of concepts -oral rehearsal prior to writing -chunk writing tasks -reduce amount of writing required -use of drawings and phrases to write simple ideas, using familiar vocabulary

Other considerations: -meet with family and translator, -stress importance of regular attendance and home reading program and learning concerns -encourage him to practice L1 skills at home -recommend online dual digital book site to family for books in Punjabi -encourage peers to be inclusive at recess -give Guramrit classroom jobs and pair him up regularly in small groups to promote oral literacy and make him feel more comfortable sharing -encourage him to join some school clubs -promote cultural diversity in the classroom(e.g, talk about special foods, celebrations)

Progress to date: -reading and writing at Step 1 -oral proficiency is Step 3 -recognizes some alphabet letters and most sounds -knows beginning but not middle sounds -does not yet finger track -avoids writing (easily distracted) -does not appear to pay close attention -has difficulty following classroom instructions

Family Dynamics: -parents speak Punjabi, limited English (translator required) -do not read books in Punjabi at home due to lack of resources -limited support with schooling -has a sister in grade five with strong English skills

Background information: -6 year old male -born in Ontario -first language is Punjabi -parents from India -missed fifty days of school in Kindergarten -rarely participates in whole class oral activities -shy and often chooses to play on his own at recess -enjoys math, technology and building structures out of blocks and Lego -there is another ELL student of the same background in the class -his peers are quite willing to interact with him in the classroom environment

Useful Websites: www.kidslearningville.com/language-esl-efl/ -http://en.childrenslibrary.org/ Thornhill Public School online duolanguage books


Special Ed Concerns: -give time to incorporate learning -take to school team at end of year if not making suitable gains in reading and writing for possible learning disorders (e.g., expressive language disorder)