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по Mandi McIntosh 8 лет назад


Harry Potter Twitter Convos

The tweets recount various events and feelings from Harry Potter's experiences at Hogwarts. Harry expresses astonishment and fear upon discovering Voldemort on Professor Quirrel's head, and he discusses his reluctance to hand over the Philosopher'

Harry Potter Twitter Convos

Harry Potter @theonewholived

The House Cup results has gotten this news. We somehow finished in 4th, Hufflepuff finished in 3rd, Ravenclaw finished in 2nd, and Slytherin finished 1st (which was dumb). But what happened was that Dumbledore award a few extra points to our team, and then we finished in 1st. #housecup #gryffindorwins #wewon

Potions class was weird because we have Snape as our teacher. I felt like I wasn't paying attention in class. Ron and I was also late for class. #potionsclass #siriussnape #notpayingattention #lateforclass #staffofslytherin

Why is Ron making Hermione cry after charms class? Hermione is trying to help Ron say the spell right. #poorhermione #charmsclass #sayingthespellwrong

My first flying lesson felt not to bad. What happened is that Neville was somehow scared and his broom floated up by itself, he got hit and got sent to the hospital. Malfoy (my enemy) took the Remembrall and throw it away. I was trying to catching it and did some flying skills. #firstflyinglesson #malfoywhatanidiot #poorneville

Can't believe I saw Lord Voldemort on Professor Quirrel's Head. He's attempting to kill me, and bring himself back. I don't want to give him the Philosopher's Stone. Professor Quirrel is gone. #lordvoldemort #professorquirrel #deathlymoment #myparentsarethere #philosophersstone #quirrelsdeath

Uncle Vernon keeps taking away my letter and throw it out or burn it or cut it. I wish my parents are still alive. But during Sunday was the best and funny. #wontletmego #throwingawaymyletter #stupidcusions

Uncle Vernon. What an idiot. Why are you telling me that there's no such thing as magic. I love doing magic at Hogwarts and I'm gonna keep going to Hogwarts and do magic. #stupiduncleintheworld #heisanidiot #heisharsh #nomagic

The huge Wizard Chess board was so scary and challenging. Ron was the lead while sitting on the horse. Until then the horse got destroyed and Ron fell off. It was so terrifying. #wizardchess #poorron

I always felt rushed to always get the Golden Snitch every time I play Quidditch. Especially when myself and a Slytherin team member tries to get the Golden Snitch. We kept bumping each other and it bloody hell hurts. But at least I caught it. #goldensnitch #quidditch #itbloodyhurts #thoughtiwassick #luckyicaughtit

The Invisibility Cloak was so cool because when you wear it, your body has gone invisible. However, the time at the library and walking past Snape and Quirrel, it got so scary to see Snape figure out if he heard or saw something. #invisibilitycloak #scarymoment #studentoutofbed

Sirius Snape is one of those staffs belonging to Slytherin. He's too freaky with his big spells. #slytherinstaff #freakystaff

I don't like getting caught by the staff members at Hogwarts while walking through the school at night. Or else Professor McGonagall will take our points away. #detention #notourgoodnight #poorgryffindor #iamtryingtoexplainwhathappened

Malfoy is getting more devious these days #wizardproblems #myenemy #ihategreen #hesuptosomething

I hate living with my uncle, aunt and cousin so much #notmyhome #ihatemymugglelife #iwantmyrealfriends #myrealparentsaredead

The Sorting Hat wants me to be in Slytherin. I can't be teams with Malfoy. My friends are in Gryffindor. #sortinghatceremony #ihateslytherin #iwantgryffindor #iamnotteamswithmalfoy