Категории: Все - navigation - terrorism - war - crime

по Phil Dollimore 5 лет назад


L3 Yr2 Public Services Objectives 2018/19

The document outlines a curriculum for Public Services students for the 2017/18 academic year. It includes various educational units, each with a different focus, credit value, and instructional details.

L3 Yr2 Public Services Objectives 2018/19

L3 Yr2 Public Services 2017/18


Unit 29 Security Procedures in the Public Services 10
Unit 24 Current Affairs and Media in Public Services 10
Unit 15 Planning and Management of Major Incidents 10

Robbie Savage

Robbie Savage Yr 1

Employment in the Uniformed Public Services

35 Land Navigation by Map and Compass

Practical Team Sports

Career Planning for the Public Services


You need 180 credits in total, 90 per year
Not yet started
Started but not yet finished
Should be complete, or has been set and needs completion.

Nathaniel Painting

Unit 18 Behaviour in Public Sector Employment 5 3
Unit 17 Police Powers in the Public Services 5 3

Relevant to the police service

Unit 21 Custodial Care Services 10
Unit 09 Outdoor and Adventurous Expeditions 10

Will not be optional if selected

Participation in expeditions required, whether you like it or not

Have some equipment available in college

Minimal costs involved, but may need you to buy some, gear

Does require full participation by all students

Practical and existing unit

Yr 2

Unit 14 Responding to Emergency Service Incidents 10
May not be as interesting as it may sound?
Little in-house expertise in this area
Unit 20 Communication and Technology in the Public Services 10
Allows you to investigate the technology in a public service of your choice
Small unit for 10 credits


Unit 22 Aspects of the Legal System and the Law Making Process 10

Very similar and related to Unit 12

Can be conducted as supported self-study

Unit 35 Land Navigation by Map and Compass 10 (2)
10 (Level 2)
Unit 08 Understand the Impact of War, Conflict and Terrorism on the Public Services 5
Unit 31 Exercise, Health and Lifestyle 10
Can be combined with Unit 05
Small unit
Unit 13 Command and Control in the Uniformed Public Services 10
Will include practical activities
Similar to Unit 02 Leadership and Teamwork
Will Williams
Unit 07 International Institutions and Human Rights 5


Unit 12 Crime and its Effects on Society 10

Task 12.2

Task 12.1

Mostly concerns police service

Should include a public crime survey, probably in Oxford

Includes visits to court proceedings in both maqjistrates and crown court

Unit 05 Physical Preparation, Health and Lifestyle for the Public Services 10






Yr 1

Unit 32 Instructing Physical Activity and Exercise 10
Unit 11 Skills for Water-based Outdoor and Adventurous Activities 10

Task 11.3

Task 11.2

Task 11.1

Unit 10 Skills for Land-based Outdoor and Adventurous Activities 10

Task 10.3

Task 10.2

Ardeche Workbook


Task 10.1

P1 and M1

Unit 06 Fitness Testing and Training for the Uniformed Public Services 10

Task 6.2

Plan, Monitor and Review a Fitness Training Programme and Results

Training programme, Training diary, Feedback on strengths and areas for improvement.


Evaluate strengths and areas for improvement following completion of the training programme, providing recommendations for future activities.


Explain in detail strengths and areas for improvement following completion of the training programme.


Report on a fitness training programme including the strengths and areas for improvement.


Undertake a personal fitness training programme, completing a fitness training diary.


Plan a six-week personal fitness training programme to incorporate the principles of training.

Task 6.1

Fitness Tests, Components of Fitness and Methods of Fitness Training

Information Booklet and Training Cards


Evaluate methods of fitness training for the different components of physical fitness.


Explain one method of fitness training for six different components of physical fitness.


Explain the strengths and areas for improvement of the fitness test.


Describe one method of fitness training for the main components of physical fitness.


Outline a fitness test for the main components of fitness and compare results based on a public service entrance test.


Describe the entrance fitness requirements and tests of three different public services.

Unit 04 Understanding Discipline in the Uniformed Public Services 10

Task 4.3

Conformity, Obedience and Authority

Task 4.2


Task 4.1

Need for and Role of Discipline in the Public Services

Unit 03 Citizenship, Diversity and the Public Services 15

Module B

Task 3.4

P9 Demonstrate how support is provided to citizens by statutory and non-statutory public services.

P8 Present information on how the media reports current affairs involving public services.

P7 Report on three examples of current affairs that affect public services and citizens.

Task 3.3

P6 Explain the duty of public services to provide equality of service to all citizens.

P5 Review the methods used by public services to ensure they have a diverse workforce

Module A

Task 3.2

P4 Describe the legal and human rights that protect citizens in the UK.

Task 3.1

P3 Assess the benefits of good citizens to public services and society in respecting equality.

P2 Discuss the key concepts associated with diversity.

P1 Explain the range of meanings attached to citizenship, diversity and the associated terminology.

Unit 02 Leadership and Teamwork in the Public Services 15

Task 2.4

P7 Explain how team building leads to team cohesion in the public services, with reference to relevant theorists.

Task 2.3

P6 Participate in team activities.

Exercise Ridgeway rebellion


Ardeche Raft Building

Bootcamp Assault Course

P5 Describe the different types of teams that operate within a selected public service.

Task 2.2

P4 Carry out a team task using the appropriate skills and qualities.

Exercise Ridegway Rebellion

P3 Brief and debrief a team for a given task.

Task 2.1

Part B

P2 Identify the role of the team leader in the public services.

Part A

P1 Describe the different leadership styles used in the public services.

Unit 01 Government, Policies and the Public Services 10

Task 1.4

Task 1.3

Task 1.1

Task 1.2