Категории: Все

по Tomas Kores 1 года назад


literatura hispanoamericana contemporanea

literatura, realismo, indigenismo, postmoderna, diversidad, boom La literatura hispanoamericana contemporánea es rica y diversa, con una gama de estilos que van desde el realismo mágico hasta la literatura postmoderna.

literatura hispanoamericana contemporanea

literatura hispanoamericana contemporanea

Autos = Self
Bios = Life

An autobiography is the author's retelling of their life. This is written in first person and the author is the main character.


Add your vision for your future! You can choose to add your short term goal or long term goal!

Monera, Victoria. “Literatura Hispanoamericana. Características, Etapas y Autores.” DIVINAS PALABRAS. Victoria Monera, 15 Jan. 2024, www.victoriamonera.com/literatura-hispanoamericana-caracteristicas-etapas-y-autores/.
“La Literatura Hispanoamericana Más Allá de Sus Fronteras.” Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes, Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes, www.cervantesvirtual.com/obra-visor/la-literatura-hispanoamericana-mas-alla-de-sus-fronteras/html/1b4c5527-4dc4-4f78-9ff2-548c0d6750b9_12.html. Accessed 1 Feb. 2024.

literatura contemporanea

Add both your personal and professional accomplishments.

isabel allende
diversidad de estilos

literatura postmoderna

desconstruccion de estilos

Add the things you like and make you a happy person!

literatura indigenista

If there is something that you definitely don't like, add it here!

rigoberta menchu
culturas indigenas

realismo y naturalismo

Add the places you have worked. Additionally, you can mention what you learned from each of them.

naturaleza brutal

el post-boom (1970-now)

What and who made you who you are today?

los detectives salvajes
roberto bolaño

el boom (1960-70)

Add information about your family. Usually, the mother's maiden name is written.
Additionally, you can add their age.

la cuidad y los perros
Mario vargas Llosa
Julio Cortazar
cien años de soledad
Gabriel Garcia marquez

realismo magico (1940-70)

Add your personal information.

Pedro paramo
Juan Rulfo
El aleph
jorge luis borges