Категории: Все - indigenous

по Dhiya Sathanantham 1 месяц назад


Mind Map Assignment

The Eastern Woodlands is a vast region that spans from the northeastern coast of the United States and the Maritimes in Canada to the Great Lakes, extending southwest to Illinois and east to North Carolina.

Mind Map Assignment

Eastern Woodland

Why is the event in the text so important?

The event in the text is important because

Where did the event take place

-It took place from the northeastern coast of US and the southern coast of Canada. -The Eastern Woodlands is a large region that stretches from the northeastern coast of the present-day United States and the Maritimes to the west of the Great Lakes. -It extends southwest to present-day Illinois and east to coastal North Carolina.

When did the events take place?

In England, the Pequot war (1636-7) and king Philip's war (1675-79) decimated the Indigenous population and effectively removed their ability to oppose European settlement.

What events took places?

-Intricate beadwork and quillwork are one of features of Eastern Woodland art. - --Eastern Woodlands people created wampums and to accept a wampum belt in formal council was to agree to adhere to the principle embodied in its woven design.

Who is the text talking about?

- Eastern Woodlands, one of the six cultural areas of Indigenous people in Canada. -The Eastern Woodlands include the Haudenosaunee, Mi’kmaq, Ojibwe, and Wendat (Huron) peoples.