по Olivia White 8 лет назад
Больше похоже на это
*Aboriginal women do not feel safe in their own communities, or even outside of their communities.
*New infrastructure within their communities will increase pollution in the area and destruction of natural resources.
*Hundreds and thousands of women are missing and murdered.
*Hundreds of families left unsure about the death and disappearance of their loved ones.
*Aboriginal women across the province and country scared for their safety.
*Societies' views on gender roles and dominance based on gender, has lead to the sex trafficking phenomenon in the country, which is vastly represented by the Aboriginal community.
*The government has continued to ignore the lack of resources that Aboriginals are provided, and do not contribute much economically to maintain their health and well-being.
*An example of this is how the government allows a certain amount of water to be given to the Aboriginals each week.
*The lack of contribution to the education within these poor Aboriginal communities, has lead these uneducated females to fall into bad situations.
*Lots of poverty within these relationships.
*Canadians and Aboriginals have had poor relationships ever since European settlers tried to assimilate and oppress the values of Aboriginals.
*Aboriginals have explained to the government about the situations that face their communities, environmental and economic ones.
*However, the government continues to ignore the problems that face this community, and it has now lead to the development of more serious issues within the society.
*The sex trafficking trade as well as the unsolved murders of indigenous women happens across the globe, and is a very large problem throughout many different aboriginal communities.
*The female gender is still not seen as an equal to the male gender, and so the majority of these crimes are committed by people who believe that women are property and somehow inferior to men.
*The sex trafficking trade within this country is a huge contributor to the many missing and murdered Aboriginal cases within the country. This trade however doesn't just affect Aboriginal women, it affects caucasian women as well.
*Uneducated women are getting caught in terrible situations just trying to earn some money for their families.
*With hundreds and thousands of Aboriginal women missing, Aboriginal communities fear for not only their lives but the women around them as well.
*The change in life choices must come from the Aboriginals themselves.
*Implementation of drug rehabilitation programs will reduce the amount of women who put themselves in vulnerable situations, as most of these victims are avid drug users.
*Creation of a safer environment for Aboriginals as well as an adjusted mindset of the equality of the sexes, could reduce the amount of missing and murdered women each year.
*Opportunities for better and higher education for these Aboriginal communities, create more openings to higher careers and brighter pathways that keep them out of vulnerable situations.
*There is no real recognition of systemic racism towards Aboriginals and females. Once this is recognized, these problems will start to disappear.
*The government believes that these Aboriginals have chosen these pathways for themselves.
*The government often says that these murders are due to the victim's character and previous behaviour, as well as the environment that they live in, not because of the danger of the sex trafficking trade, or the lack of education received by the Aboriginals.
*These women don't choose these pathways for themselves, sometimes good people are in the wrong place at the wrong time.
*The lack of education that the Aboriginals receive often lead to being placed in vulnerable situations.
*The lack of resources given to the Aboriginals force them to search elsewhere for income, often in occupations that are not the safest.
*European settlers gained control over the Aboriginal peoples in 1892 by not only imposing their way of life onto them, but also exposing them to diseases that their bodies were not immune to.
*Shared treaties of the land, like the Royal Proclamation allowed Europeans to expand their territory and create allies with the Aboriginals that lived around the coast.
*However, the Europeans pushed the Aboriginals further and further into isolation and took advantage of their lack of education to persuade them to sign treaties that were not always fairly justified.