Категории: Все - careers - development - responsibility - encouragement

по Hattie Embury 1 года назад


My Learner Profile: (Insert Picture) Hattie Embury

The text outlines personal goals and aspirations for careers and civics education. In terms of careers, the focus is on finding the right path, creating effective resumes and cover letters, and developing essential skills like problem-solving, time management, and communication.

My Learner Profile:              (Insert Picture) Hattie Embury

What are my goals for Careers? What are my goals for Civics?



My Learner Profile: (Insert Picture) Hattie Embury


Goals - 5 Short Term, 5 Long Term

Short Term

  1. Read more often to build more skill
  2. Practice Maths skills
  3. Find out what classes I want to take in high school
  4. Study to get good grades
  5. Go to school everyday

Long Term

  1. What am I going to take in Post- Secondary
  2. Visit school over seas
  3. Find a job I love
  4. Work with good and HAPPY coworkers.
  5. Going to a school that makes me happy and not my family
When making a resume, I want to have...
My top 6 job skills are:
Your desired career: (top 2 + 3 why for each)

The reason I chose it was because it worked well with my compatibility skills and as a creative person . Firstly was my knowledge which was language art that was not the best match for me due to me liking to express my option to others when having them. Secondly I was interested in being the futurist, which was a great match for this career. Lastly was the motivation of support, which was also a great match as I would be working with others to create ideas. It was chosen because of my creative thinking and teamwork with others as the match was 84%

I have become interested in stars and think it would be cool to study them. It was great for compatibility with interest and motivation, but for knowledge was not such a great compatibility. Being in the science program for this and maybe NASA would be a great experiment to have and work towards.

My career quiz career choices are: (top 2 + the reasonings for why those were chosen)

The reason those were chosen was because it worked well with my compatibility skills as a person. Firstly I have always been interested in the crime department of policing. It works really well with all of my compatibility as all were good matches. Therefore maybe looking into this career more and maybe go into it.

As an interest for compatibility it was a great match as for knowledge and motivation it was a slight match. Working in science with lasers and technology and teaching others. As it is needed for communication and problem-solving skills.

How I Will Advocate For Myself

What will you do to take charge of your own learning? (6 points)

How You Can Help Me

What are the most important things that you want all teachers to do for you so that you will feel loved, inspired, and successful? State what you need to help you learn.
Technology: (5 points)
During Tests: (5 points)
In Class:

How will these actions help me to pay attention and keep me interested? (2 + 3 reasons)

An example about this would be a science experiment. Firstly learning about how to do the experiment safely and what we will begin hanging out with. Then doing the hands on experience of the experiments to keep me engaged and paying attention to what I am doing. Then writing a report about the active, will then get me to remember what we did and how I did the experiment.

When learning about a book there is more than one way to do it to keep it interesting and keep my attention. That could be reading the book, watching a play/movie about it or writing about the book. All of these ways of learning would keep me engaged with the different learning and ideas from reading, writing and watching a play or movie.

What are some actions of others that help me learn? (2 + 3 reasons)

When in class, I am struggling with something, just someone asking me if I am okay and need help. When someone does this I really appreciate it because I feel if I ask someone for help I bother them from their own work, therefore feeling bad. There is also when some check in asking for an answer and I don't know. We both don't know the answer both working together on the question coming up with an answer.

When in class feeling valued, respected and included by classmates and teachers. This could be working on a group project and someone asks me to be in their group with them making me feel included by them. Being respected by the teacher taking me seriously to know I can make good decisions when it comes to working with people in groups or outside of the classroom. Valued by classmates and teachers about my options I make the discussion we are doing to people listening to my answer.

What are some actions that I can do to help me learn? (2 + 3 reasons)

When doing a task I like to do a check in with myself to make sure I am doing the right thing, staying on task and meeting my time slot. When in the classroom, I will be raising my hand into making sure I am asking a question right if unsure. When doing a unit and I don't understand I will ask after class to talk about if I was unable to be in class and see if I can understand how to do the unit.

When in class I make sure to bring my headphones to listen to music in class. I don't listen when in a lesson but I do task work. When listening to the music I am able to get into a mind space with no distraction of others trying to talk to me. Making sure to keep one bud out, therefore still being able to listen if anything is happening. In some cases listening to music helps me think and come up with new ideas for writing or drawing material in classes when I get stumped.

What are some tools to help me to pay attention and keep me interested? (2 + 3 reasons)

When doing hands-on activities in class it helps me remember the lesson. Science being one of my favourite classes because I remembered it because of the experiments we did therefore getting a great overall review. Doing these things makes me enjoy my day and remember what it was we did that day in class.

When teachers include games to help learn I don't see it as learning but just a game. This could be mind games like kahoot, as you have to get the right answer and you are kinda forced to remember and pay attention to what we did that unit. I remember the questions and when it comes to a test and some of the questions are on the test I will remember because of the kahoot with the different learning style.

What are some tools that I can use to help me learn? (2 + 3 reasons)

Canva has saved my life. It is to do projects that are fun and easy to do in a way you love doing the project. There are many templates to use and if there aren't you can create your own. This has helped me by easily doing the project in fast paste, but also having that aesthetic feeling I like to it. Canva projects i find are most pleasing to look at as there are many ways you can express what you are doing/need it for as you can download it on your phone and do it during class. This is a tool that helped me learn.

I am a person who struggles in maths so I am open to doing anything to get better in this class. Manipulators are something that help a lot as I am a hands on person that helps me learn. Fraction tiles helped me as much as when it came to doing fractions. They made me understand the concept of fractions as for now I don't need them and are able to do it in my head. Lastly number lines, negatives have always been an up and down for me. Using the number line I am able to make sure I am getting the correct answer and I am sure it is.

My Stretches (Things that I need help with or need more practice at, or I want to get better at this year.)

What do I need help with? (3 + 2 reasons for each)

I will always ask for an option on what to do when a friendship is falling out or something happened with someone who isn't a friend. Another thing would be when finding a new person I want to be friends with and how to pursue without being weird. This could be my Mom, Dad, sisters or other friends.

I will always need help in learning new sports and how to play. By the couch or other teams that are willing to put in the effort in showing me how I can succeed in this sport being a team player.

I can sometimes get really down , overthinking and this is something I do need help with. I like to stay in my room by myself , but my family makes me come out and do something with them. That could be watching a movie, talking or just working. This does help even when I don't want to.

What will I need support for? (3 + 2 reasons for each)

When after high school I will need help on what I would like to do and all the questions after that like, what school, money,house, car, etc. I would also like the support of what I will go into and into knowing that my family is with me for whatever I choose to do with my life.

I would like the support of what class to take for high school so I can get all of the credits for future school. Having this support from my school council for thoughts on what to do, as from my family. This would help me get on the right path and what I would and wouldn't like to do for a job.

The support from teachers is something I will always need. This could be helping me with a task, test or project, helping with answering my questions. Will to help me understand the unit/task in a way I understand when I ask for it and they put in the effort to help me. Secondly help me point in a direction for my future and tell me my strong suits and what would be a good fit for me to pursue in a career.

What affects me at school? (environment, bright lights, noise, hungry, injustices) (3 + 2 reasons for each)

When in class with friends, I can get off topic in my class and get distracted by them in class. They then affect me to not get my work done They are homework or we get talked so much that I miss the lesson.

Teachers can get into a mood sometimes that just puts everyone into a bad day. This could happen to anyone but I see it a lot in teachers. How their teacher affects how we work and act the rest of the day, if we are willing to put in the effort.

I do try and eat before going to school and it is something I have to do in the morning or if it affects the rest of my day. For one I will be hungry and some teachers will not let you eat in class well others can and I can get frustrated. Secondly if I do it will help me work in the morning when coming to school and I am able to get work done and not worry about what I am going to have for lunch.

What affects my learning that is out of my control? (3 + 2 reasons for each)

In a classroom I don’t like when I is really loud, but not silent either. It is out of my control because it was never in my control in the first place.

Every teacher teaches differently and some ways I can’t learn form it, therefore not understand how to do it. I can’t control it because it’s a teachers way and I can’t control that.

I sometimes do not agree with how my tests are grade and if it just dumb on how they do it. I could try and ask why and how I could bring it up my mark. It’s not my control weather they want to bring up my mark or not.

What are things that are hard, but I am getting better at? (3 + 2 reasons for each)

Math has always been hard for me but throughout the following years I’ve learned how to studies for these tests. Even though this stuff is still difficult for mean I know I am trying to improve and understand the concepts my hardest.

Never been good at English let alone learning any other one. Opening to learning this language as I intend to take it all throughout high school not only so I can get into a good school after hi school, but learn how to learn the language too.

A lot of people I know what they are going to be when they are older therefore having a plan for high school. It is hard for me cause I don’t know what I want to do and what path to take. After this course I have taken (career) I have become more clear of the path I would like to do and how to achieve it throughout high school.

My Strengths (Things that I feel good about, or that make me special, or that can help my community.)

They have always supported me and so do I therefore being very proud when they accomplish something. They have different interests as me and I will go and enjoy what they do as I am proud they are pursuing it.

Our friendship has progressed throughout the year therefore creating a healthier one, being very proud of ourselves. Creating these new friends has made me happy and a better person.

Throughout the year I have become a better person (never bad) to myself, family, friends and many more. Taking care of myself and being with my family, therefore I am proud of myself.

What gift/talent/skill do I possess? (3 + 2 reasons for each)

I started this sport last year and have improved very much. I have become very good, and know a lot of tricks that become very handy in games.

I have become very proud in how far I have become in my art work and how much my school class has helped me grow. I want to continue to gross in the art community in school and outside of it.

When it comes to solving a problem I am able to think quickly to resolve it. When at work and a problem comes I try to find a way of dealing with it myself, then I call the manager. When coming to my sibling there is always some arguing with each other. I like to make sure we both come up with a solution.

What am I proud of? (3 + 2 reasons for each)

In all of my classes this year I got above 80%, well also above class average. Studying hard for my classes and tests therefore, happy with my marks I did recessives.

I spent a lot of time preparing for tests that I had for my classes. Some ways I would do that is q-cards, they helped me a lot by writing down the answers/questions and I was able to memorise them. Secondly I would go over my work and fill out work that wasn't or print out more that I needed practice on.

I have become more of a leader in school. This was approaching new people and becoming friends and in teamwork activity I would take more of the lead if no one has.

What are some things that I can help others with or teach to others? (3 + 2 reasons for each)

In art class, I was able to help other students with their work and give them ideas when they need them, well also giving me the option of showing them what I mean. I really enjoyed it as I feel it is right up my ally.

When working with a team I like to include everyone. I believe when I do this I am teaching others in the group to include other people and not to ignore them.

I help others by making sure they put things back correctly and making sure they leave their space how they found it. Therefore when people need what they want they know exactly where to find it.

What are things I can do on my own? (3 + 2 reasons for each)

I am able to solve a problem when it occurs, coming up with a resolution for the conflict in a calm manner.

When it comes to school I am able to express my concerns with work to the teachers either through email or face to face. It is also important when you are doing group work in class, being able to take the initiative of speaking and actually doing the task that was assigned.

when it comes to being busy with many things I am able to multitask my task into making sure I get them done and on time if that is needed.

What are some things that I am really good at? (3 + 2 reasons for each)

I have a creative side as I like to express myself through art sometimes and get many compliments from my family, teacher and friends to pursue this in the future.

I love being organized as I know where everything is, at school, home, and sports. I have always been really organized in everything as I think of it as my mind, by that meaning it is like when I organized my room I always knew where that one object is. Clear space clear mind.

I have always been an active child growing up. Being in gymnastics for 10 years, I have a lot of strength where there is a need for other sports. I enjoy getting to learn new sports in school with classmates who know how to play also.

My Transferable Skills

Transferable Skills that will help my Learning Skills:
What Transferable Skills do I need to focus on? What is a strategy to improve them? (3 + 3 points)

Maths I am not very good at, so I need to practice more so it become of second nature to me in life, well also remembering it. I need to remember to read a little slower to take in the words that I need to, understanding what it is saying to me, but I am fairly good at reading though. Therefore I need a lot of practising in these suits (mostly maths), as they will be very helpful in my bright future.

I don't see my mistakes as I need someone to look over my work to see them or I don't get my full thought down so I need someone's help for it to become a full sentence. I need to become more careful going over my work, reading it out loud to hear my mistakes and how it sounds to others.

I don't always come to classrooms or anywhere always positive therefore needing to focus on it. The reason why might be because I don't always agree upon anything or every I do with others, therefore having a negative attitude.What I can do to improve this problem would be to looking into other perspective and how they enjoy the event or at least trying to look happy.

What Transferable Skills do I excel in? (3 + 3 points)

I like to have an organized work space with a plan for the day.

Having a creative mindset well working a problem out at work or home so I can solve a problem I have, like having a neat room. For example in art class I need to have the creating piece to do my work, therefore it is a new piece of art and not copyright.

I really enjoy working with other people, as I like how people think and get a solution.

My Self-Regulation

In what ways can I help move myself from survival to learning mode? (5 points)

Having a schedule helps me understand what I need to get done and how long I have to do it.

Having what needs to be done first that is most important to what isn't as important.

Getting the task down early means I have a fresh brain, sitting down and powering through it and I can get it done quick to have the rest of the day to myself.

Things that help me stay calm or calm down: (Part 4) (3 + 3 Points)

I see it as my safe space and I am able to express my feelings openly to others. I really enjoy listening to classics and these songs could be Lana Del Rey, Birdy and many more. My feelings are hard to explain so music is a way to explain them to myself and others.

It is time to gather myself together by myself and not get interrupted by others as I like watching the movies by myself. These movies make me happy and I could watch them again and again.

I made my room to the way I love it and to my aesthetic therefore I love being in there. I think of my room like my head when it is messing my thoughts are messy and stressed out. Cleaning it means I am also getting a clear mind space again to work with.

I get upset or frustrated when: (Part 4) (3 + 3 points)

What are my major stressors? How do I lighten the load? (Part 3) (3 stressors + 3 points)

I am always stressing about school and the work I have to do, as it lurks in the back of my head. To lighten the load I like to listen to music and power through it or set a schedule/check list of what I need to do and how long I have to do it.

I have always been an over thinker about things and I haven't really mastered how to handle it yet but something that helps is to ask what is happening throughout my day so I don't have to overthink that. I tend to also really think about my day at the end of it and how I could have said something or done it the other way in an endless ring of worries. But what I can do is know that I can do better the next day and just think about what i say before saying it.

I like to protect my siblings and parents as I feel it is my job. My siblings are fighting to stress me out, I try to calm down and solve with a solution that works for both siblings. Making sure they are safe, that I love them and be safe as I don't know if the last time I would see them. To lighten the load, I like to text them throughout the day and I know they are safe so I don't really think about it that much.

My Goals

What goals do I have for the future? (personal and academic) (2 for each)

1 . Find a job a love

As of right now I have no idea what I would like to be. In the future I hope I am doing a job I love and work hard to get in being able to provide for my family.

2 . Have a family

Hope I find a husband that believes in me and I in him. With this hope maybe a family of my own

3 . Travel

Being able to Travel to lots of different countries and experience their life on earth.

4 . Having a positive attitude when doing work

Having this positive attitude when starting and ending my work throughout the day at school or when doing homework. Therefore, feeling good when going to school and coming out of it.

What do I want to get better at this year at home or in life (personal goals)? (6 points - these can be divided in different ways)

1 .Making more friends

I have lots of friends that are more than one gender. I felt always growing up girls had to be with girls and boys have to be with boys or you like each other. Know this school year I would like to find more true friends of both gender.

2 . More time with family

I will need to find time to balance the work, school, sports and home life.

3 . Work on myself

Being able to know my limits and what is good for me to do and not to do, in school, home and work. Take time for myself and do self healing with no phone.

4 . Less phone

Not to be so dependent on this piece of junk as I act like it is my life support. Knowing what is too much time and getting out to excise or read a book.

5 . Workout

Over the past couple of years I have become not so in love with my body and so I think I need to watch what I eat and go workout more. Making myself workout plans and what I should and shouldn't eat.

What do I want to get better at this year at school? (6 points - these can be divided in different ways)
  1. Maths

I have always been embarrassed about not being smart in maths as I have always had really smart people in my class. I believe it is good for me though despite the fact I am not as good, but it pushes me to try hard in my studies, paying attention, learning, and practice harder to succeed.

2 . Having high grades

It has always been important to me to have high grades in classes and have that accomplishment feeling.


Who is your favourite Saint and why? (1 + 3 points)

Saint Elizabeth of the Trinity

1880-1906- French Writer

I have always loved Saint Elizabeth, as my parents taught me about her when I was little. She is the pardon of the illness, of sick people and the loss of parents. One of her bigger miracles was when she healed the Bishop of her hometown and became a saint in 1984. She is my favourite because I can relate to her when she was little. My parent told me when she was little she didn't really like going to church growing up and was always daydreaming but then she really pay attention and started to understand what the priests was saying and stated to love it. As foe me it is the same and I have grown to love my faith and who I share it with.

Choose a prayer that helps center you. (1 + 3 points)

The Pray to the Guardian Angle

Angle of God, my guardian dear, To whoms Gods love commits me here, Ever this day be at my side To light and guard, Rule and guide. Amen

Choose an inspirational quote from the Bible that resonates with you. (1 Quote + 3 points)

"For we know that when this tent we live in-our body here on Earth-is torn down, God will have a house in heaven for us to live in, a home he himself has made, which will last forever." 2 Corinthians 5:1

"The message you heard from the very beginning is this: we must love on another". 1 John 3:11

" Jesus said to him, " Do you believe because you see me? How happy are those who believe without seeing me". John 20:29

I really loved all of them as they show a lot in this world that we live in now.

Where are you in your faith journey? (3)

Catholic Graduate Expectations
Need (2 + 3 Points for each)

Bring my problems before God for help, evangelize of talking to others about our faith, and professional development skill.

To continue to learn my faith, educate myself and teach others the way of God.

Strength (2 + 3 Points for each)

Who solves problems and makes responsible decisions, to help others despite who they are.

Going to church every weekend with family to serve at the daily masses. Praying before every meal, well at night time we do rosary with family at night

All About Me

Who are your cheerleaders? (4):
  1. My grandparent ( Nana and Nanu). They both encourage me to try my best and to continue my work in the arts. my Nanu got me started in painting as my sisters and I would come over often to their place to paint and chill out. Showing up to all evens to cheer me on and drive me everywhere so I don't miss out.
  2. My parents have always been and will be my cheerleaders in my life journey. Helping me pursue my dreams big and small in life to get what I need to do. Putting me outside my comfort zone of anxiety.
  3. My siblings help me through a lot even if they don't know. My sister helps with boy problems(like all sisters do), my brother congratulates me on the good marks I get and think I am smart. They all cheer me on for the good grades and sports, as I do for them too.
  4. Other grandparents (Nana and Papa) there also show up to my events when they can showing the support of love of just sitting on the side lines at sports games and telling me how talented in my skills I am.

I am very lucky to have all of theses people in my life, as I love them all very deeply and the list of people could go on.

How do I Communicate (4):
  1. I like doing things for others without them asking me to do it, feeling accomplished that I did something but also like to see others happy.
  2. I like to be alone in the mornings(night a morning person what so ever). I like to wake up and just take a couple minutes to myself and not to get yelled at to do something or have to go to work( I need time for the brain to get moving).
  3. I enjoy spending time with people one on one. I feel as though it is a time that is a way to get to know you better and you do stuff together that we like/enjoy.
  4. Being alone at night. It is my time to wined down and do stuff like school work or just personal time to myself. Hopefully to have a good next morning.
What do I wish I could do more of? (4)
  1. Travelling. My family and I don't really travel as there are a lot of us and it's hard to find hotels and stuff, but we do travel. In the future I hope to travel more if it's for work or just fun I think I would enjoy it either way.
  2. Spend time with family. I work a lot and so does my family but we do make the time to have supper together and stuff like that but I would be great to do stuff together more often.If that to be going on a walk, watching TV, or going berry picking.
  3. I really do like to read but it is very difficult to find a book to get into. Therefore, I am trying to make a goal to read some more books this year.
  4. Having more time for sports. I work a lot and just are busy so doing more sports would not only be fun but keep me active in day to day life.
What do I want to learn more about? (4)
  1. I would love to learn about space and stars. I have always loved looking at the stars and how far they are. So I would like to learn more about them.
  2. Different artists around the world? I love looking at different textures in art, and how other peoples minds work so, I would like to know more about them.
  3. Sign language? I think it would be really cool to know sign language as I think everyone should to communicate with others.
  4. Is it a good pathway in life? Just getting a plan on what to do in my life so I don't have to worry about it.
What are my interests? (4) (things I like or are passionate about)
  1. Music. I love listening the the classic music such as Lana Del Rey, Tom Walker, Birdy and many more. They have a way of writing music that my body and mind understand so well. I love music for the life of me as it brings joy and sadness into my life, feeling passionate about it.
  2. Reading is something I enjoy doing. I have to really like the book to get into it and to like it a lot like Harry Potter. It was the first series I enjoyed and read all of them in two months (a lot for me), it's what got me into books. The different stories I really liked in the books therefore I love reading.
  3. I really like to be active as I always get the exercise I need. I really like trying new sports and seeing if I like them, like Frisbee.
  4. Cooking is a mindset to me. I love the measuring, mixing and decorating parts ( as that is all of it). Baking cakes is one of my favourites as I can add different flavours and colours to the cake. My Mom and grandfather teaches me how to cook and they are the best at it ( learning from the best). They have a place in my heart for them therefore, I having a passion for it too!
Where do I feel belonging? (4) (community, nation, place)
  1. Growing up being Catholic, I feel belonged to God. I know I can turn to him with any problems and to give thanks.
  2. My room is my safe space as I like being by myself. If that is reading a book, listening to music, on my phone. It is my safe space to turn to, feeling belonged as it is mine space.
  3. The church, I feel belonged to as I have people who believe with me in God. Giving thanks as a community every week, and through the week. (ex. praying before every meal with family)
  4. The sport Ultimate Frisbee has many people in it who enjoy playing the sport. I enjoyed learning from them on how to play and still am. As I belong to the team as a person and not just a body to play, being kind and welcoming people I hope to continue the sport.
What makes me special (5):
  1. I have an identical twin sister named Isla. I am the oldest by 27 minutes and we are close sisters.
  2. Artistic in a way of creativity different art pieces at home and in the classroom or at school. Mostly enjoy doing pen art, black paper with white or coloured chalk.
  3. I can cook lots of things like pasta, nachos, cakes, cookies, etc. I made my own recipe for cookies and they are very good, my family and I enjoy them when we can as it is one of our favourite treats.
  4. I am Maltese's. My grandfather on my mothers side is from a little Island in the Mediterranean sea off the coast of Italy called Malta. I have my citizenship for Malta therefore, I am able to go to school there if I would like. It would be convenient as I have family there and could stay/visit them.
  5. Great problem solving and leadership skills. Being an older sibling you kinda have to be a leader and I am great at being responsible and solving problems when they occur. Coming up with a solution fast if I ask for help or doing it myself I find a way to fix the problem.
What are your preferred pronouns? (2)

Hattie Embury

female (she/her) pronouns
