по Gerald Naidoo 3 лет назад
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Due to late payment of your Taamba Advance you cannot access the service for another x days. 1 T&Cs
Due to late payment of your Taamba Advance you cannot access the service for another x days. Your total amount outstanding is N$xxx. 1 Balance info 2 Ts&Cs
You are not authorised for another Taamba Advance until your overdue balance of N$xxx has been paid. 1 Balance info 2 T&Cs
You currently not authorised for Taamba Advance. Please refer to the T&Cs. 1 T&Cs
1 routs to existing path above
Your total amount outstanding is N$xxx. Please recharge to take another Taamba Advance. 1 Balance info 2 T&Cs
1 & 2 route to existing path above
Your total outstanding amount is N$xxx You can still take another advance for N$xxx 1 Taamba Advance 2 Taamba Data Advance 3 Balance info 4T&Cs
1 & 3 route to existing path above
2. Balance Enquiry
Last X Taamba Advance: Date 2021-02-04, {ENTITY}, amount incl fee N$5.00, due in 10 days. Date 2021-02-05, {ENTITY}, amount incl fee N$10.00, due in 9 days. 1 Detailed Balance SMS
1 Detailed SMS
Your detailed balance SMS will be sent shortly.
Exit: Balance SMS
Authorised amount N$xxx 1 Taamba Advance 2 Taamba Data Advance 3 T&Cs
Main Menu
3. T&C's
A link to the full Terms and Conditions will be sent to you via SMS. 0 Main Menu
Exit: SMS Ts&Cs SMS
2. Emergency Data
Due to high volumes, your Taamba Data Advance request is currently being processed. If you do not receive a confirmation SMS within 15 minutes, please try again.
Authorised amount N$xxx Select Taamba Data Advance Amount: 1 xxxMB for N$xxx (24 hour validity) 2 xxxMB for N$xxx (24 hour validity) 3 xxxMB for N$xxx (24 hour validity) 4 xxxMB for N$xxx (24 hour validity) 0 Main Menu
Please confirm your Taamba Data Advance of N$xxx & accept T&Cs. Please note a Service Fee of N$xx applies & will be included in the total amount 1 Yes 0 Main Menu
Your request for Taamba Data Advance of N$xxx is being processed. You will receive a confirmation SMS shortly. Would you like to take another? 1 No 0 Yes
Thank you for interacting with Taamba data advance.
1. Emergency Airtime
Queued Transaction
Due to high volumes, your Taamba Advance request is currently being processed. If you do not receive a confirmation SMS within 15 minutes, please try again.
NO Loan Outstanding
Authorised amount N$xxx Select Taamba Advance Amount: 1 N$xxx 2 N$xxx 3 N$xxx 4 N$xxx 0 Main Menu
1-5. Selects Denom
Please confirm your Taamba Advance of N$xxx & accept T&Cs. Please note a Service Fee of N$xx applies & will be included in the total amount 1 Yes 0 Main Menu
1. Yes
Your request for Taamba Advance of N$xxx is being processed. You will receive a confirmation SMS shortly. Would you like to take another? 1 No 0 Yes
1 No
Thank you for interacting with Taamba advance.
Exit: SMS AdvanceConfirm-Airtime