Категории: Все - education - balance - devices - connection

по Nicholas Cozos 6 лет назад


Nicholas' impact of tech speech

The integration of technology into daily life offers numerous benefits, yet it also presents challenges that require careful consideration. While technology enhances convenience and efficiency, allowing for activities such as online banking, ordering food, and accessing information, it also has the potential to diminish critical thinking and personal interactions.

Nicholas' impact of tech speech

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Impact of technology


It’s time for us to take back the control of our lives and start balancing technology use!
I hope you all enjoyed my speech! Thank you for listening to it!
We need to be aware that there is more to life than to our devices; connecting with others is more valuable, especially with family and friends. We live in an age where most of us are comfortable with finding solutions online instead of using our own thoughts and judgment. If we were to take even just a little time away from our devices on a daily basis, our lives would be much richer!
Technology brings new qualities to the lives of human beings, but also has side effects. It can improve life both positively and negatively. Technology has its downsides, and also untold promise. Remember! Technology is not going away, but advancing by the second!

Finding a balance for the use of technology

Finding a healthy balance in the use of technology is a challenge for children and adults alike, but by being mindful and setting up limits, we can all work together and help each other reduce our screen time.
Excessive technology use, especially an hour or two before bedtime can disturb our natural sleep cycle. Studies show that the light emitted from screens reduces the production of Melatonin, a sleep hormone, and can delay sleep. So, we should keep aside all electronic devices, including cell phones, a few hours before bedtime. Some studies show that our bodies are exposed to electromagnetic radiation when Wi-Fi technology is being used. We need to avoid keeping laptops and IPads on our laps. Instead, we should use a bed table and keep our devices there. We need to remember to keep the Wi-Fi devices a safe distance away from our body.
Few lifestyle changes can help us avoid diseases and will help us stay fit and healthy. We should add more physical activity and outdoor time into our daily routines, and reduce the time spent in front of a screen. Physical activity is good for both our body and our mind. The good news is that technology could play a positive role in sport and physical activity! For example, players of Pokémon Go have walked enough kilometres to circle the Earth more than 200,000 times. What’s even more remarkable is how the game inspired physical activity for previously inactive individuals and fostered community engagement in public spaces.
We probably all need a digital detox! Spending time interacting face to face with our friends as opposed to messaging them. would help us see a real reaction to what is being talked about, instead of a managed response via a screen. Learning to read body language is a crucial skill! We should make time to spend with each of our family members, one-on-one. We should plan family fun nights which don't include electronic devices. Also, we can all be good role-models, by limiting ourselves when using electronics at home and in public.
Realistically, technology now surrounds us all. If you think you may already be addicted to electronic devices, it’s not too late to start making positive changes in your life.

Disadvantages of technology

Technology certainly makes life better, but it can also be an obstacle to daily routines. People are dependent on technology, producing technology pollutes the earth, and modern technology can be addictive. People have come to a point where they rely on technology sometimes more than on their own creativity.
While children seem entertained using devices such as tablets, television, cellphones, and computers, many studies show that these devices may have negative effects. According to studies, it was found that children who excessively uses electronics can be more impulsive, moody, and have difficulty maintaining focus, feeling bored or unhappy at school. Based on research, playing video games releases dopamine and produces effects that are similar to drug cravings, which can result in addiction. Studies showed that children who spent more time playing video games and watching television had a higher risk for obesity, sleeping problems, and stomach issues. Television watching is not a creative activity and can result in a lack of imagination. It has also been found that watching too much television and playing video games discourages children from reading and increases their desire for material goods.
Most of the computer technologies of today have a bad footprint on the environment, because they expire after some time, creating hazardous electronic waste or e-waste. Also the energy required to create these technologies and to transport them across the world, increases and contributes to the total pollution of the earth. Producing electricity using the non-reusable sources of energy, such as natural gas, water and nuclear energy, has a huge impact on the earth’s climate system. This is really concerning, because it means that future generations may not find the earth as green as it is today.
People are dependent on electricity and as a result there is an overuse of electricity. Electricity has led to the complexity of many tasks. Today people do not want to do laundry with hands, but want a machine to do that. Same goes for warming food in a microwave, exercising on a treadmill, or using a dishwasher to wash dishes. New technologies, such as the Smartphones, Laptops, Tablets have negative effects on the balance of life, because if you can’t afford these technologies, your life becomes very backward. Technology also gives too many options to choose from, which can sometimes make the life of a person difficult.
As much as technology has brought convenience to the lives of human beings on earth, it has also complicated it in many ways: people being dependent on electricity, pollution and also mental and health problems in children.

Advantages of Technology

Technology unlocks life that was unimaginable before, life that only existed in people’s dreams. As Einstein said, “Imagination alone is too powerful!”, technology is the reflection of people’s imagination on solving existing problems. These problems push human beings to transform them into technological innovations, which, as a result, improve life.
Students use technology such as computers and the Internet to complete schoolwork, projects, and to conduct research. Technology helps to speed up the learning process for students, because they can post or share their work much faster than if they were to hand-write it. They could easily work in groups and stay connected, in case they are away from school. Through Internet, students have access to an incredible amount of new opportunities. From learning how to code to learning how to better collaborate with classmates and with their teachers, computers and the Internet empowers students to be more creative and be more connected.
Technologies such as computers, laptops, tablets and smartphones make it easy for human beings of today to exchange information, make faster decisions, interact socially, get entertainment, process financial transactions efficiently, and buy online. This has made it much more efficient to travel because cheap air tickets can be purchased at a press of a button, and an Uber cab can come at your doorstep at any time. There is a cheap way of connecting with friends and family through social media, and now you don’t have to remember people’s birthday, because social media can always remind you.
Electricity alone has taken life on earth for human beings to another dimension. Imagine how bad your day can be and how your life gets stuck if there is no electricity just for a few hours! It’s been only one hundred years since electricity is being largely used, and look how improved life is as compared to five centuries ago! Without electricity, transportation would still be by foot or horse and cars or airplanes would not be in the picture. Electricity to this day is the most important invention, because it serves as the baseline for all inventions to come.
Without technology life would be very difficult and behind! Technology has brought many great things, such as the ability to have light during night by using what we call electricity, the ability to communicate with one another by using computers and smart devices, and the ability to create a more efficient learning environment for students.

Intro paragraph

Today I´m going to inform you about some of the advantages and disadvantages of the use of technology on us, human beings, and how to find a balance to its use.
Good morning honourable teachers, judges, and fellow classmates!
Technology is one of the most valuable tools that we can use every day. You can do virtually anything with your smartphone, tablet, or computer. From seeing what time a movie starts, ordering a pizza, and paying the bills, the possibilities for technology are endless. And not only endless! They are constantly turning better and easier to use to make the things we do everyday easier. It sounds pretty awesome, right? This thought might change when you put the youth and their education into the mix. Many people believe that the addition and usage of technology in our schools is lowering students ability to think for themselves. People who support the use of technology in the classroom argue that they no longer have to rely on the old methods of learning. It’s a touchy subject, that cannot be solved just by an analysis, but by learning about all of the advantages and disadvantages of having technology in the classroom and in our lives. This can certainly give you a well informed opinion.