Категории: Все - oppression - gender - nature - identity

по marianela vega casu 3 лет назад



The narrative revolves around the character of Orlando, who transcends traditional gender roles and experiences life across different eras, from the Elizabethan period to the Victorian age.



Physical description

Social belonging


Orlando´s age


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Chapter 3

Close connection with NATURE
Lady of Modesty
Lady of Chastity
Lady of Purity
Different SEX - Same IDENTITY
Sleeping induced transformation
Type of death
Orlando in Constantinople

Take notes while you read the book. Write here your favorite quotes from the book.

Depressed - alone with his dogs


Chapter 4

Orlando and Archduke Harry
Fly Loo (game)

Orlando is not ashamed of taking the Archduke´s money or of cheating and deceiving him

The Oak Tree
She writes and hides the manuscript
"The other sex"
"Ignorant and poor we are compared with the other sex"...

Orlando finds the truth in being a woman

Orlando is not entirely one sex or the other
Orlando - Skirt / Dress
Power of clothing to construct gender

Artificial and constructed representation of gender

Plaguey things

18th Century

Chapter 5

Shel´s effeminate behaviour makes him appear womanly - Orlando´s masculine qualities makes her appear more manly
Neither Orlando nor Shel, have traditional notions about gender and sexuality
Orlando´s time on the ground in the park
Experience - similar to the one of her week-long sleeps
Evidence of the connection to nature - Orlando´s identity
The "Spirit of the Age" - Negative impact on Orlandos´s writing
Orlando´s negative view of Victorian literature
Inicially unable to write - Then dull and unispired
"The Oak Tree" - Orlando´s identity
Many changes but fundamentally same IDENTITY

Prose - drama

sprightly and satirical

Amorous and florid

In love with death

A gloomy boy

Time to make an end
300 years old -
The "Spirit of the Age" - Orlando´s identity
Victorian Era (19th Century)
Women oppression

Little opportunities for women

18 children

Marriage at the age of 15

Oppressivnes of the age´s values and moral

Chapter 2

17th Century - King Charles
Orlando as Ambassador in Constantinople
30 years old
Consummed with depression and pain
"Oak Tree"
Parallelism between immortability and writing

Words will be immortal

Symbolic for Orlando´s identity
25 yeras old
47 plays, histories, romances, poems (in French and in Italian)
Death and decay obsession
Crypt of the estate where 10 generations of ancestors lay
Morning 18th of June
Sleeping for a week

Puzzled by the events of the last 6 months

After the winter of the Great Frost
Exiled from Court

Chapter 1

Who is the author of the book? Type in his/her name.

Wrapped in grey cloak (to hide the star at his neck and the garter at his knee)
To hide nobility and blend with the lower classes
Court at Whitehall (Queen Elizabeth)
Trifle Clumsy
Love of solitude
Love of Nature
Physical Description
Sharply legs, handsome body, well set shouldes, red cheeks, short nose, dark hair, eyes like drenched violets
Elizabethan time ( England16th Century)
16 years old / 18 years old