Категории: Все - prefixes - examples - transformations - words

по angie azuaje 8 лет назад



Prefixes play a crucial role in the English language by modifying the meanings of root words. The prefix "Under" signifies something below or insufficient, similar to "Sub." Examples include "



Multi prefix multiplicity. It means multi. -ethnic / multi-ethnic = ethnic / multi-ethnic -player / multiplayer = player / multiplayer
Prefix Anti Means against. Usually appears in script -wrinkle / anti-wrinkle = wrinkle / anti-wrinkle -perspirant / antiperspirant = perspirant / antiperspirant
Prefix Pre Precedes nouns and means before, before a. -marital / premarital = matrimonial / premarital -historic / prehistoric = historical / prehistoric
Prefix Il Il is a negation type translates ile-: -legal / illegal = legal / illegal -legitimate / illegitimate = legitimate / illegitimate
Prefix A Of negation type for causing sense contrary to that indicated by the root of the word. It means in, anti, little. It applies to adjectives, nouns, and verbs: -equal / unequal = equal / uneven -happy / unHappy = happy / unhappy -faithful / unfaithful = faithful / unfaithful
Prefix Over Over means over, over, over, over: -time / overtime = time, time / overtime, over time -charge / overcharge = charge / overload
Prefix In It acts by positively increasing the noun that accompanies, means putting in the state of (in the sense indicated by the noun): -danger / endanger = danger / endanger -Large / enlarge = large / enlarge
Prefix Under Means sub, des, minus, low. It has the same meaning as the prefix Sub: -production / underproduction = production / subproduction -developed / underdeveloped = developed / underdeveloped
Prefix Re Means Again, Return or repetition of an action. Re is presented with verbs and can be joined by script: -direct / redirect = direct / redirected -come / return = come / return
Prefix Sub Means below, under. It has the same meaning as the prefix Under: -marine / submarine = marine / submarine -way / subway
Prefix Dis Denotes a negation that frequently accompanies nouns. It means des, in: -arm / disarms = armed / disarmed -infectant / disinfectants = infective / disinfectant

They are short words that are placed before a word, thus changing the meaning of that word.

The most used prefixes are: un, il, ir, dis, in, im, mis, etc ...
It is not so difficult to learn words with prefixes, as usually these prefixes are simply increased before the word, and as for the meaning most give the word a meaning opposite to what it had before, but there are also other cases There is no grammatical rule to place these prefixes before a word, but after practice they are very intuitive


Prefix Semi Translates semi and partially indicates. -circle / semicircle = circle / semicircle -final / semifinal = final / semifinal

prefijo Im Inegación que significa lo contrario a, sin, in : -possible/impossible = posible/imposible -material/immaterial = material/inmaterial

Prefix To For even -tifoid / paratyphoid = thyroid / parathyroid -medic / paramedic = doctor / paramedic

Prefix My Do something wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong. Usually accompanies without script to verbs: -represent / misrepresent = represent / falsify -print / misprint = print / commit errata

Prefix Bio Involves relationship with biology -chemistry / biochemistry = chemistry / biochemistry -wepons / biowepons = weapons / biological weapons -diversity / biodiversity = diversity / biodiversity

Prefix In Means negation and translates in, no, without, absent from. Widely used for adjectives and nouns ending in TY (DAD): -adequate / inadequate = adequate / inadequaten -direct / indirect = direct / indirect

Prefix Co Denotes company, coauthor of. Generally it is accompanied by a script: -starring / co-starring = protagonist / co-star, stars / co ... -producer / co-producer = producer / co-producer

Prefix Ex Refers to something old, previous. It is usually followed by a hyphen. -wife / ex wife = wife / ex-wife -boyfriend / ex-boyfriend = boyfriend / ex-boyfriend