Категории: Все - duration - tenses - habits - grammar

по Tito Alexander Portocarrero Torres 3 лет назад


Present perfect simple and present perfect continuous

The present perfect simple and present perfect continuous are two grammatical tenses used to describe actions and states that have relevance to the present moment. The present perfect continuous focuses on activities that began recently and are ongoing, often resulting in a current state or outcome.

Present perfect simple and present perfect continuous


New habits and repeated actions

Recent past actions with present results

Unfinished actions and states (duration)

Present perfect simple and present perfect continuous

The advantages and disadvantages are the pros and cons of a certain topic, that each person considers thoroughly before making a bigger decision.


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It can be a serious life-changing matter or even a decision on whether to buy a new car or not!

You can describe here why you need this decision or add any other considerations in this regard.

Present perfect continuous
We use the present perfect continuous to describe repeated activities which started recently
We use the present perfect continuous when doing an activity has a result now

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I have benn reading a lot

We use the present perfect continuous with action verbs

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You have been working hard

Present perfect simple
We use the present perfect simple when completing an action has a result now

I’ve lost my keys.

We use the present perfect simple with state verbs

Add your pro arguments here!

We have lived in this house for over twenty years.