по Dorian Rubellin 2 лет назад
Больше похоже на это
If you don't eat, you will be hungry
If you mix red and blue it will turn purple.
I should become leader because I have leadership skills.
I have helped many elderlies and children for items or equipment.
I have helped many people and returning and fixing there items so that means im a good person.
The reason why im a good person because have helped many people.
Mr I feel sleepy can I have some rest.
I don't feel good Mr can I go to the nurse.
I have been having a bad day Mr, because I didn't do my work and I lost points.
I always pay back my side of Bargen, so you don't have to worry
You should vote for me, because I have skill in leading.
I am very skill full at football, that's why I should be in the team.