по Stefano Nolfo 12 месяца назад
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Start your book report by typing in the Title and Author of the book you are presenting!
To understand the work, we must understand its origin. Type in the details of the book you are studying.
In this category, you can also include things like: the recommended audience for the book, biographic details about the author, or bibliographic details about the book.
Is the narrative voice reliable? Why or why not? Is a single person/character telling the story? How is this influencing your view of the story itself?
Egeo- Ermia- Lisandro- Elena- Titania- Oberon- Puck
Personaggi prioncipali
Antonio- Bassanio- Shylock- Porzia
An author who uses a descriptive writing style gives their readers a mental picture of a person, place, or thing.
The author may use metaphor or other literary strategies to express their feelings through their five senses.
Otello- Desdemona- Lago- Cassio
When an author writes in a narrative style, they are attempting to tell a story with people, conflict, and places, rather than simply conveying facts.
Identifying the genre of a literary work is essential to understanding it's scope, themes, and point of view.
Write down the genre of the book you are studying here.
Amleto- Ofelia- Claudio- Gertrude- Laerte- Re Hamlet (fantasma del padre di Amleto)
A motif is a concrete object that recurs frequently throughout a text (typically physical objects, although it might also be sounds, places, activities, circumstances, or words). This recurrence of motifs gives a text structure by connecting different parts of the narrative to or around a primary image. Motifs frequently relate to a theme, therefore they can act as a reminder of the significance of that theme.
It is important to understand the time in which a work of literature was written to understand the language and 'identity' of the book.
Type in the original year of publication of the book you are studying.
Macbeth- Lady Macbeth- Macduff- Re Duncan
The characters in a book are what drives the plot forward.
It is important to note the significance of a character and their action to the overall story.
Use the topics below to write more information about the characters in the book!
Literary Currents, also known as Literary Trends, determine the common characteristics of different works written in a certain period of time.
Among these characteristics, we count style, themes, aesthetics and ideologies.
What literary current does this work fit into?
Personaggi principali
Romeo Montecchi - Giulietta Capuleti- Mercuzio- Benvolio- Tybalt- Frate Lorenzo
A book can span galaxies or single rooms. It can traverse through the past, present, and future, or can take place in a single day.
Type in the time and place of the action above.