Категории: Все - initiative - independent - responsibility - collaboration

по Samantha Watson 7 лет назад


Skills for Geography

Key skills essential for excelling in geography include effective collaboration, independent work, and self-regulation. Collaborative efforts involve taking on various roles, respecting diverse ideas, and resolving conflicts to achieve common goals.

Skills for Geography

Skills for Geography

Oral Communication

Students a chance to engage in brainstorming, reporting, and other oral activities to identify what they know about a new topic, discuss strategies for solving a problem, present and defend ideas or debate issues, and offer critiques or feedback on work or on opinions expressed by their peers
Learn to communicate information but also explore and come to understand ideas and concepts, identify and solve problems, organize their experience and knowledge, and express and clarify their thoughts, feelings, and opinions
Financial Literacy
Students have multiple opportunities to investigate and study financial literacy concepts related to the course expectations.
Enable students to become responsible, active citizens who are informed and critically thoughtful
Develop computational strategies, data management skills and, the ability to read graphs
extracting information from and constructing various types of graphs, including line, bar, and scatter graphs related to various topics
Develop media literacy skills and the ability to analyze and create media texts for a purpose or a specific audience
Develop their reading skills and strategies
Understand vocabulary and terminology that are unique to geography and need to acquire the skills necessary to interpret various kinds of graphic depictions
students need to use a variety of strategies to construct meaning, choosing strategies appropriate to the particular text form
Terminology specific to each subject and use language with care and precision in order to communicate effectively
Construct, extract information from, and analyse various types of maps and digital representations
Reading, interpreting, and analysing various texts

Critical Thinking

students constantly revisit and rethink their work, leading to a deepening of the inquiry process
Developing thinking skills by reflecting on one’s own thought processes. Metacognitive skills include the ability to monitor one’s own learning.
Critical Literacy
People make sense of a text, or determine what a text means, in a variety of ways. Students therefore need to be aware of points of view.
Critical literacy allows students to look beyond the literal meaning of a text to determine what is present and what is missing, in order to analyse and evaluate the text’s complete meaning and the author’s intent
Students may discuss their thinking, asking questions and exploring ideas Other students, may take time to observe a situation or consider a text carefully before commenting; they may prefer not to ask questions or express their thoughts orally while they are thinking
Students develop a deeper understanding of the issues they are examining
Skills such as questioning, predicting, hypothesizing, analysing, synthesizing, examining opinions, identifying values and issues, detecting bias, and distinguishing between alternatives


Solving problems enables students to explore, discover, create, experiment, and arrive at solutions
Rich, open-ended questions with multiple opportunities for students to ask and and answer
Communicating findings


Green - Geography specific skills

Yellow - Math/Science skills

Purple - Language/Literacy skills

Orange - All subject areas

Evaluating information, evidence, and/or data and drawing conclusions
interpreting and analysing information, evidence, and/or data
Gathering and Organizing Information evidence and/or data

Mind Map Legend

Orange - Skills developed across all subject areas
Purple - Skills also developed in English/Language/Literacy
Yellow - Skills also developed in Math/Science
Green - Geography specific skills

Learning Skills

Fulfil responsibilities and commitments within the learning environment. Complete and submit class work, homework, and assignments according to agreed-upon timelines. Take responsibility for and manage own behaviour.
Devise and follow a plan and process for completing work and tasks. Establish priorities and manage time to complete tasks and achieve goals. Identify, gather, evaluate, and use information, technology, and resources to complete tasks.
Set own individual goals and monitor progress towards achieving them. Seek clarification or assistance when needed. Assess and reflect critically on own strengths, needs, and interests. Identify learning opportunities, choices, and strategies to meet personal needs and achieve goals. Persevere and makes an effort when responding to challenges
Accept various roles and an equitable share of work in a group. Respond positively to the ideas, opinions, values, and traditions of others. Build healthy peer-to-peer relationships through personal and media-assisted interactions. Work with others to resolve conflicts and build consensus to achieve group goals. Share information, resources, and expertise, and promote critical thinking to solve problems and make decisions.
Look for and act on new ideas and opportunities for learning. Demonstrate the capacity for innovation and a willingness to take risks. Demonstrate curiosity and interest in learning. Approach new tasks with a positive attitude. Recognize and advocate appropriately for the rights of self and others.
Independent Work
Independently monitor, assess, and revise plans to complete tasks and meet goals. Use class time appropriately to complete tasks. Follow instructions with minimal supervision


Information and communications technology
multimedia resources, databases, websites, digital cameras, and an extensive array of specialized software. Computer programs to collect, organize, and sort the data they gather, and to write, edit, and present reports on their findings, connect to other schools, at home and abroad, and to bring the global community into the local classroom
Use geographic information systems (GIS) and global positioning systems (GPS)
Use graphing and mapping applications to communicate their findings
Using online atlases or interactive maps when gathering data or information

Spatial Skills

Mathematical Literacy
Understand the intent of different types of data and how variations in scale interval can influence their meaning
understand and be able to correctly use mapping and graphing conventions
Understanding that spatial data support various interpretations and can be used to communicate different messages
Being able to read, understand, and interpret graphic texts, globes, and maps
Develop and communicate a sense of place


Analyze and construct a variety of maps ex. Topographical, thematic, annotated, issue based


Construct and analyze a variety of graphs ex. climate graphs, line graphs, bar graphs
Used in field studies
Being able to read and understand a map or GPS device
Help students visualize and make meaning of spatial data