Категории: Все - planets - moons - sun

по Shai Billet 4 лет назад


solar system

The solar system is a complex and fascinating collection of celestial bodies, including asteroids, comets, planets, and the sun. Asteroids, primarily found in the belt between Mars and Jupiter, are rocky objects with over a million identified, the first being Ceres, discovered by Giuseppe Pazz.

solar system

solar system

other interesting information

black holes
tfc jtyhjyd6t5r


scientist think that there are over one million asteroids in the belt
are similar to comets
between mars and Jupiter
the first asteroid ever discovered was called Ceres
was descoverd by Giuseppe Pazz
made out of rocks

outer planets

is 487 553 957 km from sun
Jupiter strips and swirls are cold windy clouds of ammonia and water
largest planet in our solar system
is a gas planet
NASA Juno orbiter is currently exploring the space gas giant
has 53 conformed moons
one year is 29 earth days
one day is 10.7 hours
rings are made out of ice and rocks
second largest planet
has thousands of rings
has 17 moons
rotates opposite of most planets
rotates on its side
the temperature is -357 degrees Fahrenheit
one day is 17 hours
is a ice giant
has 13 moons
one day is 16 hours
has 6 rings but are very hard to see
one year is 165 earth years or 60 190 earth days
one season is lasts 40 years
has the same 4 seasons like earth does


a comet is made out of 4 components
a iron tail
a coma
a dust tail
there are over 3,000 known comets today
orbits around sun
are made out of ice dirt balls
the brightest comet can be seen with the naked eye on earth
are in the outer solar system
takes less them 200 years to orbit around the sun
shaped like asteroids

Main topic


one day is 27 earth days
the moon makes earth more livable
from 1960 to 1980 NASA sent nine missions to the moon
only six of the nine missions landed on the moon
distance from earth is 239 000 miles
the max temperature is 253 and the min temperature is -387
from earth the moon apers to change shape. the moon auchly doesn't change shape the Moon orbits Earth. ... As it moves around Earth, more and more of the lit side comes into view on the sun. Then it begins to disappear again. It takes 29.5 days for the Moon to orbit Earth.


the heat of the suns core is about 27 million degrees Fahrenheit
Made out of gass
the other 0.5% is made up of small amounts of many other elements such as neon, iron, silicon, magnesium and sulfur.
Carbon, nitrogen and oxygen make up 1.5%
about 70% hydrogen
about 28% helium
when the Sun dies it will glow red and grow so big and swallow all the other planets and then shrink into a white dwarf planet
the sun is 4.5 billion years old
the temperature of the sun is 10,000 degrees Fahrenheit
the sun is a yellow dwarf star
without the suns energy and heat there would be no life on earth
the sun doesn't have rings
Is a star

inner Planets

Takes 59 earth days for on full rotation
Is a Terrestrial planet
Takes 88 earth days for one year
slightly bigger then earths moon
is the only planet known with life
our planet
has 4 seasons





the planet is a desert
the most explore planet in our solar system
the planet is very cold dusty
sometimes has pink sun sets
one year is 687 earth days
one day is 24.6 hours
has a thin atmosphere
is a terrestrial planet
below Venus thick clouds scientist have seen lots of lava,deformed mountains and volcanoes
has a very thick atmosphere
spins oppiset of most planets
Hottest planet
spins really slowly
has hot enough temperature to melt lead