по lamia ali 8 лет назад
SW Documentation
Effective software documentation plays a crucial role in enhancing usability, reliability, and reducing support costs. It encompasses various types, including online help, error messages, installation and setup instructions, and tutorials.
SW Documentation interviewing techniques Mapping interviews Interviewing techniques Interviewing styles Preparing for the interview Exploring and documenting experiences and knowledge wrinting for end users The technical writing process How to plan effective user documentation How technical documents are organized How technical writing differs from other writing Types of end-user documentation introduction to documentaion Available techniques For whom and by whom information is recorded When and how it should be conducted Why documentation is necessary Recording material Documenting the process fundamentals of note taking Techniques for capturing information Note-taking tools writing utensils notebook Organising field notes project documentation Documentation testing checklist Content and subject matter Terminology Audience Importance of documentation testing Lowers support cost Improves reliability Improves usability Classes of software documentation Installation and setup instructions Tutorials Packaging text and graphics Error messages Online help