Категории: Все - agriculture - hydrosphere - freshwater

по Aitana Bonafont Garrido 4 лет назад


The Hydrosphere

The hydrosphere encompasses all the water on Earth, including both fresh and saltwater. Water perpetually transitions between solid, liquid, and gas forms through the water cycle, which includes processes like precipitation, evaporation, and condensation.

The Hydrosphere

The Hydrosphere

Distribution of water in our planet

Artic ocean
Antartic ocean
Indian ocean
Atlantic ocean
Pacific ocean

Fresh water

POSITIVE EFFECTS OF RESERVOIRS Water form rivers is sometimes stored in reservoirs. Many dams are used to produce energy in hydroelectric plants.
LEISURE AND WATER Places with snow, rivers and lakes attract tourism.
URBAN UNDEGROUND DEPOSITS Cities build facilities underground to collect rainwater and use it for cleaning and irrigation servicies.
DIGGING FOR WATER Groundwater in aquifers is an important freshwater reserve. Many communities depend of this water.
WATER AND AGRICULTURE Agriculture is the activity that uses most water. (Spain 80%)
Icebergs and glaciers are fresh water in solid state (frozen). It inclodes all the ice in the world and most of it is in the polar icecaps. The rest is in mountains.
Our atmosphere contains water in the form of water vapour. Most is in the troposphere.
Lakes and rivers
Rives are a moving stream of water. The flow of a river is the amount of water it carries.
Lakes are permanent bodies of water. The water in lakes comes from rain, rivers or groundwater.
Groundwater is water that collects or flows under the Earth's surface.

The water can be in 3 states


The hydrosphere is all the water in our planet

Salt water

How we use oceans and seas.
FOOD Aquaculture is the farming of ocean plants and animals.
DRINKING WATER Some regions have got places called desalination plants, wich extract the minerals and salt from seawater and turn it into drinking water.
WATERWAYS Oceans and seas are used as waterways to transport people and comercial goods.
TOURISM The sea and the coast have become a resource for tourism. They attract large numbers of visitors and create many jobs.
ENERGY SOURCE Oil and gas are found under the sea. Scientists are looking for ways to turn the force of tides and waves into energy.
Seawter is constantly moving because of the currents, tides and waves.
Wavesthe up and down movement of the surface of oseans and seas. They are caused by wind. They rise and fall in a circular movement. This domino effect gives the impression that waves move towards the beach.
Ocean currents are like big rivers moving within the ocean. This currents hasn't got the same salinity or temperature.
Tides are the rising and falling of sea levels. They are caused by the gravitional forces of the Moon.
It is in oceans and seas, and covers the 71% of the Earth's surface. Not all seawater has got the same salinity.

The water cycle

Water is always changing its form. It goes from solid to liquid to gas and back again. This is the water cycle.
Evaporation of sea water, plants, ground, rivers and lakes.

Water in nature

There are 2 types of water
Fresh water (2.79%)
Salt water (97.21%)