Категории: Все - exploration - trade - enlightenment - nationalism

по John Ostapeic 5 месяца назад


The West & The World

The Age of Exploration was driven by European desires to find new trade routes to India and China, primarily for gold and spices, due to the dominance of the Ottoman Empire. This period inadvertently led to the '

The West & The World

The West & The World

Age of Exploration


3rd Other Europeans

Follow examples set by England & France

2nd England & France


Rise of Protectionism since Colonies can only Trade with European Colonial Power who possessed them

Competition for Colonies

Greater Wealth for Middle Class leads to Consumer Revolution in the 18th Century justified by Mandeville as an economist

1st Industrial Revolution in England to meet new demand created by rising Middle Class who want to compete for material wealth with Established Aristocracy

Greater Colonial Expansion in the 19th Century to include Australia, New Zealand and most of Asia and Africa with the use of modern technology

Imperialism would become a major cause of WWI in 1914

World War I would prove to be very costly in both political and economic terms for Europe

Britain and France owed US for money and materials to fight WWI

Germany would experience a rise in political extremism in the 1920s and 1930s due to impact of WWI on domestic economy

Great Depression in World would lead to Hitler coming to power in Germany who blamed foreigners and Jews for hardships

Hitler's aggressive foreign policy would lead to the start of WWII in Europe in 1939

WWII would end with liberation of Death Camps that led to the death of 11 million people run by Nazi Germany

Independence movements would start to arise in European Empires/Colonies leading to a decline in Western European influence in World

League of Nations led by Britain and France proved to be too weak to maintain World Peace in the 1930s

Germany would annex Austria and invade Czechoslovakia in 1938

United Nations would replace League of Nations to help maintain world peace in 1945

Decolonization would occur gradually after WWII either peacefully or through violent conflict until 1980s

Japan would invade Manchuria in 1931 and would start the 2nd Sino-Japanese War in 1937

2nd Industrial Revolution in England, US, Canada and other European nations in late 19th Century

Japan would modernize its economy and military in light of threat from Western Powers

Japan would defeat China in 1st Sino-Japanese War in 1895

Japan would become the 1st non-Western power to defeat a major European Power in Russo-Japanese War of 1905

China would resist modernization and maintain its traditions

1911 Revolution would put an end to Qing Dynasty in China

Chinese Communist Party founded in 1921

Chinese Civil War

Communist forces would defeat Nationalist in 1949 to create Peoples Republic of China

Canada becomes officially independent in 1867 after American Civil War

Canada would expand westward killing or displacing indigenous peoples while only welcoming immigrants of European origin

Chinese would be used as cheap labour to build Trans-Canada Railway until 1885

Head Tax would be imposed on Chinese who wanted to stay in Canada after 1885

Chinese Exclusion Act of 1923 would ban Chinese Immigration to Canada until 1947

US expands westward in North America killing or displacing indigenous peoples including a War against Mexico in 1848

Fall of New France (Quebec) to England in 1763

Royal Proclamation of 1763

Treaties established with First Nations as sovereign allies in British North America (Canada)

Natural Resources

Minerals, Food and Beverages

Extension of Slave Trade

Required for plantations in Southern US

1st Spain & Portugal

Beginning of Slave Trade

Required for plantations in Latin America

Conversion to Christianity

Leads to European ethnocentrism in 19th and 20th Centuries

Spread of Diseases

Kills large numbers of indigenous peoples in the Americas, Australia and New Zealand

Greater Wealth for Merchant Class in Northern Italian Cities (i.e. Medici Family in Florence)

Italian Renaissance in 16th Century (i.e. Da Vinci, Michelangelo, Machiavelli, etc.)

Scientific Revolution in 17th Century Europe also Challenges Church Authority (i.e. Galileo, Bacon, Kepler, Newton, etc.)

Scientific Discoveries lead to new Inventions

1st Industrial Revolution in 18th England as Steam Power leads to improvements for the manufacturing and widespread availability of more goods for rising Middle Class

2nd Industrial Revolution in the 19th Europe and North America as electrical and mechanical power allows for the creation of factories and mass production

Mass Consumerism would lead to a demand for more products and greater technological innovation

Age of Enlightenment in 18th Century Europe

Enlightenment Ideals in 18th Century would not extend to those living in the colonies, especially if they were non-European.

Enlightenment Ideals would be used to justify Abolition of Slavery in the 19th Century, including Britain by 1833 and the US after the American Civil War ending in 1865

Plessey vs Ferguson would justify segregation in US in 1896

Haitian Revolution in early 19th Century ends Slavery in Haiti

French Revolution in late 18th Century as Middle Class in France puts an end to Absolute Monarchy and Old Social Order

French Revolution of 1830

Revolutions of 1848

Caused by conditions arising in the 19th Century due to technological change, free trade and urbanization

Paris Commune of 1871 would become a model for Communist Revolutions in the 20th Century

Russian Revolution would lead to the end of Czarist rule in Russia and the creation of the USSR in 1917

The USSR would become an important ally leading to the defeat of Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan in 1945

USSR would become a Global Super Power after WWII and a rival to US influence in the World until 1991

1st Red Scare in US in 1919

Based on Secular Ideas such as democracy, liberalism, socialism, radicalism and nationalism

Nationalism would lead to the unification of Germany and Italy in the 1870s

Nationalism would become a major cause of WWI in 1914

Germany would start to rival Britain as a Global Power around 1900 eventually leading to WWI in 1914

US would become largest creditor nation and major world power on par with Britain and France after WWI

US would become leader of Western World and most powerful nation in 1945

Militarism would become a major cause of WWI in 1914

Reign of Terror

Thermidor Reaction

Rise of Napoleon

Napoleonic Wars

American Revolution in late 18th Century as US gains self rule after War of Independence

Creation of US Constitution & Bill of Rights

'All men are created equal'

War of 1812

Indigenous Peoples fight with British as sovereign allies against US

Thinkers include Locke, Voltaire, Montesquieu, Rousseau and Smith

New Inventions like Printing Press enable knowledge to become more widespread

Protestant Reformation in 16th Century Europe challenges Catholic Authority (i.e. Luther & Calvin)

Religious Wars in the 16th and 17th Centuries (i.e. 100 years War and 30 Years War)

Rise of Absolutism in France

Constitutional Reform in England

Enlightened Depotism in 18th Century

New inventions change warfare

European search for New Trade Routes due to Ottoman Empire that would last until 1919

Inadvertent 'Discovery of the Americas' (i.e Columbus)

Doctrine of Discovery begins

Americas are viewed by Europeans as being Terra Nullius - Nobody's Land

Trade with India & China for Gold and Spices