Effective differentiation in education involves understanding and addressing students' readiness, interests, and learning profiles. Readiness refers to the students' current level of knowledge and skills and how teachers can push them slightly beyond their comfort zone while providing necessary support.
Accommodating students preferred ways of learning through DI= successful student learning
If a student has a spark of curiosity about a topic, learning is more likely for that student (p. 52).
A good readiness match pushes the student a little beyond his or her comfort zone and then provides support in bridging the gap between the known and unknown (p. 45).
Equalizing for DI= successful student performance
Cultivate and affirm student interest= successful DI and teaching
The goals of learning-profile differentiation are to help individual learners understand modes of learning that work best for them... (p. 60).
Tomlinson Chapter 8-10
Negotiated Criteria
Literature Circles
Group Investigation
Combination of DI
A greatest gift a teacher can give is permission to explore a topic, time to do it, and an interested ear (p. 58).