Категории: Все - rozwój

по Jarosław Pijanowski 3 лет назад


TV Smart obszary

Telewizory Smart oferują różnorodne treści, w tym kanały linearne i serwisy sVOD. Kluczowe elementy obejmują także design urządzeń takich jak piloty i opakowania STB. Produkt ten obejmuje różne modele, w tym MMP, OTT, oraz sieci własne i retail.

TV Smart obszary

TV Smart obszary

Type in the name of your web site and press Enter.

Wdrożenie SLA


Service Level Agreements define the reliability and capacity of service and are usually part of an agreement with a web site hosting company.

Are there specific terms that you will require? Think about:

Add an action that you need to take to establish SLA metrics for your site.


Include a back-end connection from the suggestions or add your own.

CMS databaseAuto-responder systemE-commerce paymentsStock control systemPermissions-based content
IT Grupa Vectra

What browsers will your site need to support?

It is difficult to support all browsers as technologies change. Many web sites declare older browser versions as unsupported.
Add included or excluded browsers and versions.

Rozwój CI

Regression testing

You should carry out a basic regression testing after making significant changes to your site or the back-end technology, in case some disruption has occurred.

Think about:

Analizy rozwoju rynku

Links tend to go stale over time and need periodic testing. Add a note about on you will detect broken links.

Options include:

Analizy vs konkurencja

You will need to test against your supported browsers, especially after updates. Add some notes about how this will be achieved.

Think about:

Wymagania klientów

When performing tests, or receiving feedback on the technical aspects of the site, how will you collect and track issues?

Think about:


Add some information about acceptance testing.

Rozwój techiczny platformy

System dystrybucji sygnału

If your site contains dynamic information such as a blog, a news feed, user forums or regular campaigns, how will these be updated and published?

Think about:

Back office

What will be your process for managing change on your website?

Think about:

Add an action needed to establish change control.


TV Smart OTT
TV Smart MMP
TV Smart retail
TV Smart sieć własna


Urządzenia peryferyjne

Add references to sites that you like or dislike, with reasons.

Opakowanie STB

What website site are you aiming at?

Add some notes about the style for your web site.


Add the site name, if chosen. If not, then a site name based on preferred keywords should help with search engine optimisation.


What keyword research has been done or needs to be done? What terms are your target audience searching for?

Selected keywords will be needed for page names, body text and alt text for images, which will help with search engine optimization.
Add some notes about keyword research for your site.



Will you use A/B testing?

A/B testing tests the effectiveness of marketing techniques rather than the functioning of the technology. You can use it for:

Add some notes about A/B testing for your site.

Kanały linearne

Właściciel produktu

Rozwój produktu i kontrola jakości
Nadzór nad rozwojem usługi

Add a stakeholder role. You can choose from the suggestions or add your own.