Категории: Все - safety - ventilation - humidity - comfort

по Grzegorz Wojciechowski 3 лет назад


what are desired outcomes of people when it comes to ventilation and air quality

Ensuring safety and comfort within a home involves maintaining proper air quality and ventilation. Key hazards include the presence of harmful gases like carbon monoxide and natural gas, which can pose significant risks to inhabitants.

what are desired outcomes of people when it comes to ventilation and air quality


Integration with external equipment

insights and recommendations which detect and advise action

sensors that measure air quality and air flow built in into air valve and provide information about current state

what are desired outcomes of people when it comes to ventilation and air quality


people suffer health issues, breathing issues
breath poor air quality when outside

air outside is poor quality

pollen flowers is in the air

it's a flowers pollen time

they live nearby source of pollution which makes air quality go down for some time

they live on polluted areas where air is poor quality for most of the year or heating season

breath poor quality air when inside

air inside is poor quality

pollen flowers got inside

poor quality air gets from outside to inside

people ventilate house when air outisde is poor quality

people don't know that air outside is poor quality

animals' fur is in the air

it's a time when animals' fur fall out

dust and dust mites are in the air

air purifier was not run for a while

mould is on the walls or equipment

air inside is too humid for a long time or very often

person breed pot plants

ventilation does not work correctly

air is not removed from a kitchen or bathroom

exhausted air does not flow through an air valve

air valve is not set correctly

person don't know it have to be regulated and how

it's been blocked on purpose

smells from other apartments get in

a person have today a feeling of air draft

the other day a person had an impression of air draft and decreased air flow ad forget to unlock

chimney is blocked

it's been not cleaned for a while

nobody called chimney-sweep

automatic chimney sweep call when chimney is detected to be blocked. Blocked chimney detection can be done with air flow measurements across multiple apartments in the block

people forget because it's rare activity

air is not supplied to a room

air is not supplied from one room to another

air does not flow between rooms

doors don't have vents

person don't know doors have to have vents

doors are too tight and don't allow the air to flow through

system could get calibration by closing/opening windows and doors and measure air flow in order to assess if windows and doors between rooms supply enough air

person don't know that doors are too tight

air is not supplied from outside to the house

air does not flow through a window

supply air window regulator does not allow the air to flow through

regulator is broken

person don't know regulator is broken

regulator is dirty

person don't know regulaors have to be cleaned

person don't know regulator is dirty

based on air quality system can suggest to clean regulator after period of time

supply air window regulator is set incorrectly

person did not know what is the correct setting of regulator

notify what is the correct setting

person did not know regulator have to be adjusted

recommend to adjust air valve

notify that air supply valve is set incorrectly

automatically adjustable air valves for supplied and exhausted air

windows are too tight and don't allow the air to flow through

house owner mounted too tight windows

owner did not know

home developer mounted too tight windows

recommend to mount air valves

recommend to clain compensation from developer or fix the issue

developer did not know

bad construction

gravity force ventilation does not work during summer time

people take bath/shower

people dry the loundry

recommend to buy clothes dryer

notify about frequent humidity increase


heating and ventilation costs are too high
spend extra time and money on renovation or equipment

need to do room renovation

need to renovate or buy new equipment

there's too much supplied air
ventilation drives heating costs up

outdate heating and cooling system

WANT TO BE SAFE AT HOME what expose them to a danger?

people are in danger while in a house
there's a fire in the house
natural gas is in the air
Carbon monoxide (CO) is in the air

WANT TO FEEL COMFORTABLE INSIDE HOUSE what make them feel uncomfortable?

people feel uncomfortable while in a house
users may have a sense of airdraft
it's too warm inside
it's too cold inside
air inside is unpleasent

air is too dry

analyze trends and recommend to run himidifier in specific times to achieve good humidity for specific activity like sleeping

recommend to start humidifier

notify that air is to dry

air is too humid

humid lifter broken or in mode to still increasing humidity

person took a hot bath


automatically turn on cooker hood and set the right level of power

discover that air composition changes CH₄+2O₂---->CO₂+2H₂O Oxygen goes down, CO2 and humidity goes up

automatically adjust air valves to increase air flow but only through kithen


many people in small room increase humidity while their breath

recommend to increase air flow

notify about ocasional humidity increase

air smells very bad

stench hovers in the air

smell comes from spoiled food

smell comes from toilet

automatically adjust air valves to increase air flow but only through toilet

smell comes from trash

smoke is in the air

person smoke cigarettes

smoke gets inside the house from outside

ventilate house when there is somek outisde

people don't know when to ventilate

users don't know about smoke

smoke comes out of fireplace

it's been opened to increase air flow and not closed

notify abou opened fireplace glasst

discover that air flow is dirupted

person forget to close window door

it;s been opened to add wood and closed

something is burning

notify with sound and to a mobile about burn

food while cooking

person is cooking

smells are in the air for a long time

air does not circulate

smell from other apartments get in

air flow in ventilation system has been disturbed

what disturb air flow?

air is stuffy

there's a lot of people in the room

automatically adjust air valves to increase air flow

recommend to increase air flow until the air is back again goof. Then recommend to close the window

thanks to movement sensor figure out that there's many people

poor air quality inside

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