по Nicole Roasa 7 лет назад
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In this particular meeting, it was a peace building gathering between Christians and Buddhists to discuss how they can work together in solidarity in order to address social issues.
By the end of the gathering, they return back to their own communities to share their learning on the spirit of fraternity and how it can help their own communities strengthen their interfaith connections with one another.
Pope Francis New Interreligious Dialogue of Action: https://www.huffingtonpost.com/donald-w-mitchell/pope-fanciss-new-interrel_b_8913488.html ** Hyperlink attached - click symbol**
The World Council for Religious leaders brings together diverse religious leaders to support the work of the United Nations and other religious groups in a cooperative effort to address global challenges and ultimately promote peace and mutual understanding. This gathering encourages religious leaders to interact with individuals from different areas in society in order to identify ways to resolve conflict or political/ social issues among religious communities for the greater good of the community. Through this gathering. they can come together to call for action on peace, poverty, and the environment, and ultimately come to an understanding of each other's religious traditions,ways of life and spiritual values in the process.
The Christian concert gives the character’s the opportunity to experience a Christian filled community. Like Ayisha (Muslim girl), Martin (Josh's classmate) and Amy (reporter), they were all people who did not believe in God, through the Christian lens. However, through experiencing Christianity from others, like Josh and the band (Newsboys), it was able to change their views on God and Christianity. Ultimately, the Christian concert, is an example of how people from different cultures and possibly religions can experience,understand and learn more about the Christian faith in God.
Amy's encounter with the band "Newsboys": allows her to understand her own beliefs and the beginning of her faith in God; especially at a time where she is going through a rough time in her life, the band allowed her to see that she was not alone.
Through his choice in defending his faith, it allows dialogue of theological exchange to be present between his classmates in his philosophy class and Professor Radisson.
"So Your acceptance of this challenge may be the only meaningful exposure to God and Jesus they'll ever have" - Reverend Dave -> shows us how Josh initiates the dialogue between his classmates and Professor Radisson on his faith in God and Jesus. Moreover, it allows them to seek and deepen their understanding of their respective religious heritages, and to appreciate each other’s spiritual values.
In Josh’s philosophy class, his debate on proving God’s existence shows dialogue of theological exchange between him and his class because by defending his faith it leads to the class learning more about his faith and about God. Martin, for example, had no relations or beliefs in God due to his non-religious background. But through Josh’s arguments in the 'debate, it allowed him to have a better understanding of God, which leads him to change of heart and to follow Christianity.
Through Josh's sharing of his faith, it allows individuals like his classmate Martin, to question their own beliefs in God. For people who don't believe that God exists, like Professor Radisson, this exchange of dialogue also causes him to reflect on his own faith.
In our own school community, we participate in discussion in an effort to understand each other's religious traditions, ways of life and spiritual values. Being a catholic-oriented school, liturgies and masses throughout the school year allows us to practice our faith and share our practices with others from different religions. These events also give these individuals the opportunity to experience our religion as Christians and Catholics, resulting in a deeper understanding of our religion.
Volunteering at the Dr. Simone's trip has allowed me to take part in giving back to the community, whilst working with others from different religious backgrounds. Through this experience, I have learned that understanding another's way of life is important because it allows individuals, like myself to expand my perspective on other people. In this case, of the Dr. Simone's trip, by expanding my understanding of other people, it allowed me to work alongside others to give back to those in need. Ultimately, the foundation that Dr. Simone's provides for people in countries that need support, allows to come together to work in solidarity with one another, regardless of our differences.
Likewise, through dialogue of theological exchange, we must come together to learn from each other and to deepen our understandings/perspective on other religions. Through this experience, we may also develop our own religious beliefs and expand our outlook on other religions.
Based on the Church's document, Redemptoris Missio, we are called to recognize that each religion is good and has aspects that all can learn from, regardless of their religious heritage. Thus, inter-religious/interfaith dialogue plays an important role in expanding the perspective of the Church on other religions.