Категории: Все - empowerment - skills - mindset - mentor

по devcenter c 8 лет назад


Youth Empowerment System

Developing an effective youth empowerment system involves several key factors and potential challenges. Central to success is the notion of providing a supportive and safe environment, where sessions are designed to be short yet result-oriented.

Youth Empowerment System

Youth Empowerment System

5. Potential

Not Just Youth With Limited Resource

3. Key Success Factor & Limiter

Key Limiter Factor
Time & Location
Key Success Factor
Providing Safe Environment
Providing Good Books
Changing the Mindset
Session should be Interdependent No sequence required
Session should be Short and Result Oriented

1. What?

Mentor Provide Framework, safe spot & Supportive Feedback so participant can take decission independently
Empowering with Universal Skills, Case Study/Story and Result every meeting
Independent Youth empowered with Top Notch Skills to enable them to Grow their potential and contribute values to others
Universal Learning Skill
Skills that implementable and require short time to show significant progress
Skills are Independent, Inter Related but Independent
Provide Universal Skills usable in Personal and Work Life

Don't Have Supporting Environment

Don't Have Resources



Don't Have Access



Don't Know

Probable Future?

Low Oppurtunity in Life

Low Effort in Life

Low Quality of Life

Youth With Limited Resouces


Social Environment



4. Who?

Who & Where

2. How?

DISC, Strength Statement skills ?
Immediate Result
Shorter Timer?
How can we make them practical
Session Survey
Stretch & SMART Goals submission
Mindmap submission
Session (Skill & Project)
Team Culture


Self organizing team


Engineering Design Process

Create Test Card & Learning Card

Test & Learn Framework

Stretch & SMART Goals

Solve Life Problem

Create Strecth & SMART Goal

Locust of Control

Speed Reading in 1 Hour

Monthly Reading Target

2x faster in 1 hour

Mind Map

Growth Mindset

Changing Your Wake Habit Start from today

Experiment Mindset

Programmable Brain and Behaviour

Type of Skills
Action and Progress

Feeling of Accountable

To test and learn from plan

Plan and Action

Limited Supporting Environment

Digesting Information

To create planning

To absorb and retain understanding

Limited Resources

Gathering Information

Need source of information that not limited by location and time

Need Faster intake of information

Limited Access


No Problem is too big, Whatever happen have already happen before

To see limitation and failure as a stepping stone

To benchmark with the top people of the world

To open horizon of oppurtunity available

Limited Knowledge