Defending North America


'Canada's Role in the Cuban Missile Crisis'

"Yes! we need to support the U.S."

1. This is very sensitive and important time because it is during the test of establishment of NORAD, so we need to fulfill our role.

2. If we do not help the United States, it would damage the relationship between Canada and the U.S.

3. The fact that the Soviet Union is building the nuclear missile launch site, it could influence Canada in a bad way, or lead Canada in a great danger with the missiles. Therefore, we need to support the U.S. and prevent the dangerous situation.

4. As a peace-keeper, Canada should get involved in between them to stop the conflict and keep the peace within the world.

"No, we just need to stay here"

1. This conflict is mainly about the relationship between the United States and the Soviet Union, which means that Canada should not be involved in. It would only cause another conflict.

2 It would be really dangerous and risky to be part of it, since Canada has to allow American Aircraft carrying all the bomb through Canada. The government is responsible to protect people.

3. Involving in the conflict is only an act of intervention in the internal affairs of Cuba, so Canada should step aside and watch the situation.

4. Canada has to keep its independence and show the world that Canada has a will of its own.

'The Scrapping of the Avro Arrow'

"Yes, I agree"

1. Inventing new and high technology air crafts would lead Canada to be a main target of the Soviet Union, which is really risky. Since it could be seen like Canada is preparing for another war with the Soviet Union and could offend them.

2. The cost of air craft keeps increasing, and the cost of the plane is $12.5 million dollars per a air craft. It is really huge damage to Canadian economy to produce the air crafts, because it costs six times more to produce than its American counterpart.


3. There is no foreign orders and the company, so it would not be sold to other countries as people expect.

Finkel and Conrad noted that the Arrow cost six times more to produce than its American counterpart and that no one, not even the Canadian Air Force, wanted to buy it. History of the Canadian Peoples (Toronto: Copp Clark Pitman, 1993)

4. The company that produces the Avro Arrow is very disorganized, which means it would not make people to trust them to buy their product.

Historian Michael Bliss wrote that the Avro had to go because costs had soared, there were no foreign orders and the company, A.V.Row Canada was a ramshackle, disorganized company. Right Honourable Men (Toronto: Harper Collins, 1994), 204

5. The quality of the air crafts is such an innovation that even the U.S. is jealous about the project. Therefore, it could offend the U.S. and make conflicts on the relationship between Canada and the U.S.

One popular view was that senior American officials conspired to kill the project because if they couldn't build a fighter of such quality, then neither should Canada. Financial Post, January 18, 1997

"We should keep it"

1. It could make a lot of jobs by creating the factories that produce materials for the air craft, so it would be helpful for increasing the unemployment rate in Canada.

2. Possessing the new technology air craft will make Canada as a leader that has more opportunities in many ways among other countries.

3. The Avro Arrow can carry an advanced missiles and shoot down the bombs easily to the Soviet Union.

4. If it would be marketed efficiently, Canada would make huge benefits and earn lots of profits, which would allow them to have the stronger economy.

'Canada's Acceptance of Nuclear Weapons in 1963'

"Yes, we should accept it"

1. Nuclear power will lead Canada to be more secure and North America in general. Since Canadian people are horrified with lots of wars and the feeling of hospitality, comforting them by reinforcing our weapons helps the country a lot.

2. It would demonstrate Canada's role for NORAD and NATO that Canada is supporting them, and it would not make any other conflict between them.

3. If Canada does not accept nuclear weapons, Canada would be behind in military technology in the world. This is the time that we can improve our technology with nuclear weapons, and have the equal or stronger than them.

4. Internationally, Canadian trade and invest from the United States would be injured, if we do not accept nuclear weapons and keeps this anti-America policy.

5. There are the Bomarc Missiles that were meant to carry nuclear warheads. Without reinforcing the nuclear weapons, they will all be useless without them, because those missiles are supposed to be located at various bases in Canada so it would act as our defense.

"No, do not accept them"

1. A lot of Canadians fear about wars and weapons and are horrified with the memories that they have been experiencing. It would result in contributing to global suicide.

2. Economically, it would affect Canada a lot. Canada does not have to spend enormous amount of money to buy or produce those dangerous weapons.

3. The more weapons we accept, the more possibility to be the main target of Soviet Union. Internationally, Canada should stand in the middle to maintain peace.

4. It would be ironic to accept nuclear weapon while Canada is already working on a disarmament of nuclear weapon.
