A/B test

4 steps to A/B test
(1) Preparation
(1.1) Qualitative Research
- Collect ideas and hunches
- Eg methods: user interviews, usability tests, surveys
- Work with smaller sample size but aim for deep understanding
- Recommendation: running 5 usability tests will give you hunches & suspicions with 10-30 elements on it prioritized by importance (this is not statistically sig, but good enough to start)
(1.2) Data Analysis
- Validate your hunches with actual data
- Advantages:
- More data points to work with
- Unbiased user behaviour
(1.3) Brainstorming
- Get everyone in the team involved
- Great brainstorming sessions will results in ~5 candidate solutions
(1.4) 5 seconds testing
- Filter out bad candidate solutions through qualitative research again
- What is 5 seconds test:
- Show a landing page/ advert to potential user for 5 seconds
- After 5 seconds, ask them what they think the page sell
- If the candidate solution pass the 5 seconds test, it is a good sign we could proceed to A/B tets it.
5 seconds test demo
(1.5) Set up success metrics
- 2 rules on how to choose success metrics:
- (a) The success metric should be set before the experiment
- (b) You should choose only 1 success metric (to avoid observer bias - ie cherry picking the metric that aligns with what we want to believe)
- How to choose success metric?
- (a) You have enough datapoints for it
- (b) It is not a lagging metrics
- (c) It should be an important key metric for your business

Eg1 scenario: Running the naming of a course using A/B test
- The success metrics that would fulfil all 3 conditions: Subscription
- But we will never get enough data points for the metrics to be statistically sig.
- So here, we should use Click Through as success metric instead. This is okay if we are confident both of these have the same spread.
Eg2 scenario: Netflix
- Netflix want to test its landing page and one of its key metrics is 'trial-to-paid' conversion. But this is a lagging metric
- Instead of using this, Netflix can use an early predictor.
Example of a lagging metric is 'trial-to-paid' conversion. Imagine you have a product and want to give out 30days free trial period, the number of trial customers who convert to paid customers is a lagging metric. This is because we need to wait for the trial period to end to get our first conversion data.
A workaround to lagging metric is to use early predictor. This is a "conversion metric" that we can use to predict our lagging key metric early on.
(1.6) Set up hypothesis
- Hypothesis consist of 2 parts: I'll do X so I expect Y to happen
- A more comprehensive (& supported) hypothesis covers 5 key questions:-
(1) The concepts
(2) The research result
- What qualitative & quantitative research supports your concept (include results from your initial research to support this)
- What problem/ opportunity you discovered?
- What qualitative & quantitative datapoints validate it?
(3) What will you change?
- Describe on which part of your online business & want exact changes you will make
(4) What results you expect to see?
- Describe your success metric
- How much % at least you expect the success metric to move? (Minimum Detectable Effect - MDE)
(5) How big of a sample size do you need? &
How long will your test run?
- These should be decided during preparation stage.
- Rule of thumb: Between 2-5 weeks (no more than 5 weeks).
- Use online sample size & duration calculator.
(2) Implementation
Typical mistakes
- Always use a random generator.
A/B versions should run parallel
- Running them not in parallel risk having external factors ruins the result (unknowingly).
- Eg if your version A runs in October, and your version B runs in November, seasonality might mess up your result.
Your users should not know
they are part of an experiment
- Telling users (intentionally or not) will risk biasing their behaviour.
You should make sure your
new version works
- Unresponsive version B will definitely skew the result.
Avoid flickering
- Not a good user experience to see flickering website.
- User might know they are part of an A/B test if they see flickering.
- Make sure to put the tracking snippet on the very top of the website to avoid flickering.
(3) Running Experiments
- 3rd party vendors: Optimizely, Google Analytics etc
Typical mistakes
You stop the test at the slightest chance when you see the new version wins
- To mitigate:
- Set a stopping rule (you could set it using test duration you calculated in Prep stage) before you start your A/B test
- You could add another condition for the stopping rule: Stop experiment IF test duration matched AND your confidence level has increased to above 95% (or whatever the statistical sig. you set during Prep stage) for the last 3 consecutive days
Changing anything in an ongoing A/B test
- You must always wait for the test to get statistically sig. result before making any conclusion.
- Remember:
- Main goal for an A/B test is to learn
- A losing version B is not a failure - it is a useful information.
Changing the audience distribution in an ongoing A/B test
- Will mess up your result
Checking the interim results on daily basis
- Ideally you should only check it for a few times while its running:
- Right after you start your experiment to see all is ok
- Once in every 3-4 days to make sure nothing's broken
- After you've stopped your experiment
(4) Evaluation
Typical mistakes
Never lie to yourself while evaluating results
- Always stick with the things you've defined before you start the experiment (be it success metric, statistical sig. etc)
What to do when your A/B test underperforms?

Scenario 2
(5) Post Experiments
- Write a short one-page summary containing:
1. Your initial thoughts
2. Your research results
3. Hard facts (eg conversion % change, statistical sig. at the end of the experiment)
4. Additional thought (eg conclusion, summary)
- Share with coworkers & build knowledge base
- Follow up in a few months time so you can see the long-term effects
A/B test is only good for measuring short term effects
A/B testing is not the only research tool you can use
A/B test misconception
You can only change one thing at a time
- Changing more than one thing is risky because you'll only see the total effect of all the changes
- But it is still an acceptable risk for small businesses
- Big businesses should only change one thing at a time
- Big business: should test individual elements
- Small business: should test concepts

Should I use multivariate testing
- Only recommended for big businesses
- To run multiple versions, you need bigger sample size
- Best advice is to do test a single variation at a time - this is much simpler and you can easily interpret the result

Can I run A/B/C/D/n test?
- The difference between A/B/C.. test with multivariate test is -- you don't necessarily combine multiple elements
- The same answer to multivariate test applies here
Can I use other than 50/50 users split?
- Yes, but only to favor your original version eg 70 for your original version, 30 for your new version
- Why do this? -- to make sure that the new version is indeed better than the original version, we could test the new version only on smaller percentage of visitors
- This might not be feasible if you don't have big enough audience
- Eg implementation:
(1) test with 98/2 for original to new version ratio (98% for original, 2% for new version)
(2) if new version wins, test again using 50/50 ratio
(3) if new version wins again, release new version 100%
Important concepts
Correlation != Causation
- analyzing historical data shows correlations
- running experiments shows causation
A/B test with prices: risky
A/B test is not conversion rate optimization,
it's research
Main takeaways from A/B test:
- Whether your new design/ new copy/ new x is better than your original ones
- Not the quick wins but what you can learn from the experiments
Key questions before starting A/B test
(1) Do I have large enough audience to run this experiment?
(2) Is A/B test the best solution to my given business problem?
(3) Can I take a risk of not A/B testing this?
(4) What will I learn from this A/B test?
When should you NOT run A/B test
When you have a small audience
- You don't have to run A/B test on
parts of your website that has small
visitor counts
When you already know what the
result of the test will be
When you have nothing to lose
- In such cases, you should just implement the change without running A/B test
When you have a website with a huge
proportions of returning visitors
- This could be a risk if the returning visitors are already used to (and like) the old design
When should you run A/B test
When you run something extremely different from industry best practices
When you want to change something that is already successful
For lower priced products (that people impulse buy), you should do A/B test with images
- Impulse purchase is an emotional decisions and images influence emotions
For higher priced products (that requires the users to make rational decisions), you should A/B test the sales copy
- Should help the users to make rational decision by providing more comprehensive product description
When optimizing first user experience
When you start something new
A/A test
- Similar to A/B test except both versions are fully the same
- Why is this useful?
- Because you'll see one of the versions beat the other one -- despite the fact that they are both the same
- We should take note of the statistical significance - it should be low, even if the difference in metrics is high
- Here we know for a fact that the result is totally random